Do you partake when you have a cold?


Well-Known Member
Don't vape bleach if that is what you are thinking. It just turns your tongue white and tastes nasty, not to mention melt the inside of your lungs. 😜

Seriously though. From what I have read, it can lower your immune response (even edibles), so it probably won't help you get better. If you are sick with something that is fucking up your lungs, I would also avoid it.

But it sounds like your situation is probably light enough that it may not be that risky.


Lesser-Known Lurker
I've learned not to vape when I have a cold, flu or similar. I definitely feel like it lowers my immune system and makes things worse. Now if I have stomach issues or several other types of sickness, vaping can be a godsend.


Little-Known Member
I've never been very much deterred by a cold myself. I might vape a little bit less in a day by natural inclination, but mainly I just augment my vapor path if needed to cool more and less aggravate a sore throat.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Surprisingly enough I find that vaping helps clearing my respiratory tract.
If I'm really bad I prefer to inhale a few drops of selected essentials oils over a hot water bowl with a towel over my head. But if it's not too bad, vaping weed will do the trick.


Active Member
It depends on how I feel and what my body is telling me. If I'm feeling really bad, I don't think so. I can't make a general statement, it depends on the situation. We used to have a water pipe only for sick people, to minimize the risk of infection.


Well-Known Member
I usually vape when I'm sick, because if I have to be altered, at least it's in a way I'm used to and enjoy. And depending on how bad I am, it is enough not to need taking other drugs (ibuprofen), just to be kinda functional (aka not "too much zombified").
But when it's respiratory, like a bronchitis, I switch to edibles cause otherwise, even with lower temp, I just end up coughing too much. I suppose that on lungs inflammation, drowning it with vegetal dust or even tiny condensation droplets is not the best option 🤷‍♂️
Usually, I "listen" to my body, if I don't feel like vaping, I just don't and take that unscheduled t-break but otherwise I just indulge myself.
I have no idea if it really has any influence on immune system, but at least it prevents me from getting too active when my body needs rest (couchlocking can be usefull sometimes), while when im on ibuprofen, I tend to be more active just because I'm bored to death instead of just getting rest...


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for sharing.
Me finally almost feel 100 % today.
Day 1 i ended up doing nothing except antihistamines. knocked me out
Day 2 took an edible
Day 3 on - this will be a very unpopular answer.
I smoked! For some reason smoking seemed to break up the phlegm & mucous i had. The harshness of the smoke seemed to make that happen. Maybe did hit the vape a few times.
Not being gross but that's how it worked for me.


Big and Bouncy
Thank you everyone for sharing.
Me finally almost feel 100 % today.
Day 1 i ended up doing nothing except antihistamines. knocked me out
Day 2 took an edible
Day 3 on - this will be a very unpopular answer.
I smoked! For some reason smoking seemed to break up the phlegm & mucous i had. The harshness of the smoke seemed to make that happen. Maybe did hit the vape a few times.
Not being gross but that's how it worked for me.
Hey, whatever floats your boat! I'll only combust rarely these days, like perhaps in a social situation where I'm without a vape.

Vaping does clear my sinuses when I have a simple cold but I don't vape with something like the flu, where I usually just feel terrible and want to sleep it off.


Well-Known Member
I caught some nasty bug over the holidays… that ended up with the worst bronchitis I have ever had. Let’s just say I am currently on a long tolerance break. Perhaps I should make edibles…


Well-Known Member
I caught some nasty bug over the holidays… that ended up with the worst bronchitis I have ever had. Let’s just say I am currently on a long tolerance break. Perhaps I should make edibles…
Actually, I did take some microdose edibles when I started to feel better. So I did partake, but not from a DHV.
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