niether that article or that thread are convincing enough for me, the article has almost no actual scientific data, the only thing that it really says is thats both cannabis and mangos have a common terpene... the effects of that terpine were not studied and no quantifiable scientific data was given
and "getting higher" can be a placebo effect just right there, there is no quantifiable scale of highness. what was really getting me in the grasscity thread was where the guy said "i know there will be placebo, so it wont effect me" is so blatantly wrong
i did not just post this to critisize however, in fact i have a viable and scientific way that we could test this, invite 2 or more friend over, preferrably one who you already partake with, and know their limits and how they act when they get high, if possible just get a person you know loves mangos for one of them. next you give them some mango, try to do it nonchalantly so they dont suspect theres anything behind the offer. next just hang out a liitle, then have a nice session, whatever is a normal amount. one of the friends should not have eaten mango, they will be the control, and the other friend who ate the mango wont be told about the experiment till afterwards