Vtac(tfully put) - So clearly there are a lot of differing opinions. That's kind of the danger of opening these dialogues
IMO, differing opinions are not really dangerous unless they are attached to expectations

With that said, I will try to safely contribute some of my own.
1) Maybe add a section called "ask the vaporists" if people often derail forums with ?'s (which to choose, etc.)
*quick note: I am a noob to this forum, but definitely would not refer to myself as a noob overall and would most likely feel somewhat offended if I were to be treated as such due to my recent FC membership date (I
do still like the line of thinking discussed above).
2) Maybe add descriptions for sections (ex. this section is a place for serious discussions...) possibly with boundaries (please only post here if you have something 'valuable' and related to the original post that has not already been stated...). Others could be 'this section is a place you can ask experienced vaporists questions you may have...', 'this section is the place to chat about everything vapor--relax pack a fresh bowl and...', etc.
3) This last one is probably not possible (or easy), but I would love if the initiator of a thread had the ability to mod their own thread (bump unrelated posts to new threads in appropriate sections, etc.) This would allow popular threads (for whatever reason--entertaining, informative, etc.) to grow in an organized way, yet would provide all with an opportunity to post their

(whatever it is). The most recent contributions in each section could still show at the top to keep popular threads accessible. You (Vtac) would only have to monitor when threads were started in the wrong section or if the behavior of a member were becoming destructive to the site (I am sure that those types of responsibilities will continue to grow as vaporizing becomes more and more popular the site continues to grow--chicken or the egg...don't be modest, Vtac, you're helping all of us spread the gospel

A final thought to all:
How many times have you looked for something you knew was somewhere on FC, but couldn't find it (this could get better or worse

). Whatever
we decide to do as a community (with Vtac's approval, of course), it is always in our power individually (and collectively) to monitor our own behavior and inform others about the benefits of following the norms of the forum as they evolve.
Much love to all of those who try to help enable smokers live healthier lives by spreading the vapor