Do stories like this hurt or help the cause for mmj?

Human Bean

Vapor Genie
good parent imo. i dont think it hurts the cause for mmj at all. it definately helps, shows that it CAN cure ailments. not trying to hijack this thread at all but quick question. if it were to be legalised would they screw it up so that it doesnt help as much? or become negative for you like pre rolled cigarettes?
Human Bean,
How the hell could it NOT help the argument?

Anyone who doesn't just blush and swear "Reagan's ghost!," anyone who actually watched the report or read the article, would clearly be moved.


Naruto Fan
i think it helps, but i dont think it changes people's minds about legalization, just gets added to their Pop-Sci collection of medical knowledge.

i don't think anyone thinks ill of the Dad, but prolly judges him as "420 friendly," or just reaching.

I know reporters just report, they say it's important for others to make sense of what happened, but wouldn't it have been cool if they'd also reported on other similar cases, like the guy on youtube whose skin cancer on his nose got healed by smearing it with hash oil...? do something besides making it look like a single person/single miracle.


read this awhile back. goddamn media is controlled. this news should be required reading for every cancer patient.


Well-Known Member
yall think that going against doctors and taking a 2 year old off of the medicine is good?

granted it worked in this instance, but what if it hadnt?


On a Permanent Vakation
caseball2051 said:
yall think that going against doctors and taking a 2 year old off of the medicine is good?

granted it worked in this instance, but what if it hadnt?

I agree, but, they were at the end of the road. Thy would've had to continue to kill the kid with the meeds he was a parent, there may come a time when you need to go out on a limb...and it's just a leap of faith.


exactly. have any of you ever gone against what the doctor said, when your body just didn't agree with the treatment it was getting? yeah, the doctors ain't god even though a lot of them act like they are. a lot less faith in our doctors and the medical fraternity would do this world a lot of good. esp when dealing with cancer and chemo stuff, bastards would recommend things they themselves would never try.


Helps, and the fact that his state allowed his child to be recommend by a doctor to legally obtain the hash oil is so great.

Dr. Lester Grinspoon became a marijuana activist and user himself after he saw how much it helped his child enjoy the last few years of his life. He is a harvard professor and before he was pro pot he believed it was horrible for you.

Caffeine kills and kids can shove as much of that crap down their throats as they want, a little bit of THC certainly isn't any worse than Caffeine, which can actually kill, and does to thousands a year.


The Professor
As a parent I applaud that father. So many of the "safe" drugs we take turn out to actually be harmful or even deadly. It's silly that the doctors were ok with the drugs that were not working but not willing to even try MMJ. As more stories like these get out and get into the mass consciousness people will eventually see how silly our anti MMJ laws are.


i wish the 'truth' process would move a bit faster. too many heavy penalties in many countries (including death for mine) for selling a plant. fucked.


Serial vapist
i definitly would have done the same if i was in his shoes... it would be hard to imagine someone ignorant enough to accuse this guy of doing something wrong with this... but there are a lot of ignorant sheep out there.

it just makes me sick to think that there may be.. no, there ARE, ppl out there in a similar situation but without the option of (legally) taking advantage of this safe and clearly effective medicine.. the part that disgusts me the most is how its all because of money and greed of drug manufacturers and the politicians the pay that so many ppl suffer needlessly. thats true, ugly evil there.
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