DMT Vaporization


Well-Known Member
I used an enail, quartz banger, carb cap and a small rig. Worked great. I forget but I think the temp was set at 500 or 600'f This was all set up for me for my trip. We both did several trips thought the evening. He said the enail was the best method he has found so far. Just make sure keep that glass and nail for DMT only.


Cannabis Crusader
Would using the ascent oil jars work possibly? I never use that thing and need a reason to justify its existence.

So, two years later I finally put this to the test, fuck the Ascent. Going to get a Eagle Bill-type "rose" from my LHS


Cannabis Crusader
My LHS actually had some healthstone type dealies. I'm gonna grab one and see if I can rig up a cheap VG cause this "rose" thing is thin AF and will probably break sometime in the near future.

So I'm ordering a 14mm J-hook, thinking I can throw a 7th floor vapor disc in there to hold the spice, then add a 14 to 18 expander on top to put the healthstone in and be ready for lift off. My one concern is that the flavor disc will impede the expander from setting all the way in the J-hook, but j-hook comes with a clip so it might be alright....time will tell.


Hello all, I have recently come across some DMT and I am considering vaporizing it using my Airizer Air. I don't really use the plastic tip stem for cannabis so I was going to use that. I can't seem to find a ton of information on this subject and what I do find seems somewhat conflicting. Does anyone have experience vaporizing dmt in the Air or even the Solo? Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated


Homage to the Deepsea Dwellers
I never used it but from what I've heard is that once you've taken a hit of it another hit won't get you much higher. The reason of this is that you receptors shut themselves down after the first contact. So, and mind you this is just my theory, you should het as much in as you can that first hit.

Now if you can find the vaporization point of dmt and your arizer air is able to reach those Temps I think it should be perfectly capable of getting you there.


This is interesting... I have only ever hit DMT out a water pipe, however, a friend of my gave it a try and send that only the 1st 2 or 3 pulls gave her a light buzz thereafter all she got was the flavor, so I haven't ever tried it as I prefer to go places when I hit my DMT.

Please keep us updated as I have been hoping there would be away - perhaps a one hit wonder through a lotus vaporizer or a vapeman?

Good Luck :) :D:tup:


Vapriot, Traveler & Vaporizer/ing lover!
what...what is this...ACK i dont even want this here... Dmsters disgracing my bud like that would be a shame...vaporizer are made so you can enjoy your weed...not taste that cat piss in your mouth...and watching a room full of kids trip that shit from a tweek pipe... :disgust: dont get me started. that was the gross of the gnar for me to watch :puke: and then all these kids started intensely tripping face...dude so lame! shit looked more hard than LSD or musrooms(even the short lived salvia) so if you really want to go all out trip DMT

fuck DMT...not telling you not to do it, but does it get any more nasty than meth :/ straight man made chemicals rushing into your head

and to answer your question...SMOKE IT OUT OF A FUCKING TWEEK PIPE(dont ruin a good investment)

just my :2c: of course


DMT is not a man made chemical. It's naturally occurring in nature in many plants and even our bodies. Just like cannabinoids and the like. :tup:


hotboxing the cockpit
Has anyone tried a log vape? I'm thinking maybe with hemp fiber and a clean glass DD stem this may be feasible. I think I'm getting some changa and will try this for sure as I'm not much one for the crack pipe method.


Well-Known Member
Deciding between two options at the moment -

1) Volcano Digit with a smaller bag. Easy valve chamber with or without liquid pad, with infused herb. I hear infused herb works better than crystal and I imagine it probably would.

2) Infused herb or crystal in a dynavap. Just got one so am thinking about if need a screen or something and/or dynacoil.

I have an Arizer Extreme Q I could also use at a higher temperature with ddave mod whip or bag, but figured the Volcano would be the better option. Was planning on 220-222c.

Still have to infuse the herb, was thinking of either using water tech or coffee mug warmer and using 1:1 or 1:1.5 parts of mullein.

I used an enail, quartz banger, carb cap and a small rig. Worked great. I forget but I think the temp was set at 500 or 600'f This was all set up for me for my trip. We both did several trips thought the evening. He said the enail was the best method he has found so far. Just make sure keep that glass and nail for DMT only.

I was thinking dabbing would be another amazing way to go, what about just heating up the banger with a torch? I've never used an enail. What sort of prices do they range from? I only have a dab rig as a bubbler to vape through, never had access to concentrate/rosin/shatter thc in australia yet.

Have 3-4 year old spice, sat in the drawer in a mylar baggie stuff, only 200mg. So I want to make sure I use it as efficiently as possible. Transferred to fridge the other day since I figured about time after so many years lol. Wasn't planning on it taking so long to use but went down a dmt vape rabbit hole trying to figure out the best method.


Apprentice Daydreamer
Volcano Digit with a smaller bag
You might also need a smaller bowl, Volcano's is huge, you couldn't even spread the powder thinly across the whole cross-serction surface, getting a lot of airgoing through the parts of the bowl with no dmt, diluting the vapor a lot. I think an inverted E-Nano might be a much better choice, with it's tiny bowl you could just add some ABV, and sprinkle the DMT on top and the vapor could get very thick and inhaleable in entirety in a single hit. I doubt Volcano could do that.
Infused herb or crystal in a dynavap.
Dynavap would be too hot at the moment of the click and burn the DMT, it would be very hard to guesstimate the right moent before the click to stop heating to make the temp ideal for DMT. You should use a vape with a control knob.
I have an Arizer Extreme Q I could also use at a higher temperature... ...Was planning on 220-222c
You need a lower temperature, not higher! The temperature you vape weed at is already too high for DMT and would burn it with a terrible painful taste of burning plastic. You shouldn't use any more than 175c for DMT. Probably 160c-170c could be good a produce thick and smooth sweet vapor. But EQ is an upright vape, like Volcano, and those can be only used for concentrates like DMT if you have a concentrate pad or if you use them inverted upside down with a concentrate pad or ABV or other inactive herb padding.

Still have to infuse the herb, was thinking of either using water tech
WAter tech? DMT freebase is not water soluble. But it's easily meltable, one easy way to infuse could be to sprinkle some on the herb on an aluminium foil, and place it on top of the vape so it warms up, and the dmt melts into the herb. But if you use and upside-down convection vape, you can just load the herb in the bowl, and sprinkle the DMT on top, it would them melt into the herb when you start inhaling.


Well-Known Member
I was going to use a 710 coil, banger and controller to try DMT except I never got round to acquiring it and very high chance of respiratory allergy too.

Then, I sold my controller. And just took a gigantic amount of LSD since instead.


Well-Known Member
You might also need a smaller bowl, Volcano's is huge, you couldn't even spread the powder thinly across the whole cross-serction surface, getting a lot of airgoing through the parts of the bowl with no dmt, diluting the vapor a lot. I think an inverted E-Nano might be a much better choice, with it's tiny bowl you could just add some ABV, and sprinkle the DMT on top and the vapor could get very thick and inhaleable in entirety in a single hit. I doubt Volcano could do that.

Dynavap would be too hot at the moment of the click and burn the DMT, it would be very hard to guesstimate the right moent before the click to stop heating to make the temp ideal for DMT. You should use a vape with a control knob.

You need a lower temperature, not higher! The temperature you vape weed at is already too high for DMT and would burn it with a terrible painful taste of burning plastic. You shouldn't use any more than 175c for DMT. Probably 160c-170c could be good a produce thick and smooth sweet vapor. But EQ is an upright vape, like Volcano, and those can be only used for concentrates like DMT if you have a concentrate pad or if you use them inverted upside down with a concentrate pad or ABV or other inactive herb padding.

WAter tech? DMT freebase is not water soluble. But it's easily meltable, one easy way to infuse could be to sprinkle some on the herb on an aluminium foil, and place it on top of the vape so it warms up, and the dmt melts into the herb. But if you use and upside-down convection vape, you can just load the herb in the bowl, and sprinkle the DMT on top, it would them melt into the herb when you start inhaling.

Volcano Digit - I could use the easy valve chamber reducing chamber, with a small liquid pad - that would solve the size issue right?

I was thinking maybe using my Arizer Extreme Q with 14mm or 18mm bowl (ddave adapters) or cyclone bowl, and adding a liquid pad.. so I could use whip instead of bag. Whip > bag for less wastage? I'm thinking bag is the easier method while under the upcoming influence? Not sure what you mean by inverted position.. plan was to use a concentrate/liquid pad in either the easy valve chamber for volcano (possibly with reducing chamber to reduce size, although this reduces quality of vapour for cannabis I find anyway, more surface area to heat up as well as retain heat with the metal reducer) or a small dosing capsule liquid pad, which I find fits into the arizer cyclone bowl (or my ddave adapters).

I was thinking the dynavap probably wasn't the best - possibly with the low temp captive cap? I believe dynavap heats to something like 190c ish default, so maybe it would be low enough with the low temp cap, but I think Arizer or Volcano with digital temp setting is safer as you say.

Also some people tell me just put the dmt on the liquid pad.. others suggest infused herb is better. Any idea which is less wasteful/more potent?

When I saw water tech, it's something I read about.. people put a shot glass, covered in something to stop water getting in, then put herb and sprinkle dmt over the herb in the shot glass. Then put that in hot/simmering water, at around 55-70c so that it melts in. But I heard that you can get a 55c powered coffee mug warmer (not USB powered/5w they don't work supposedly?) and that is the 'perfect' infuser.. any guides to using the foil like you suggest? Trying to make the whole process as idiot-proof as possible xD here is the warm water tech -


Well-Known Member
From what I've read about DMT, the freebase has a melting point of ~45C (Celsius) and a boiling point of ~80C, while the salt has a melting point of 166C... and that most people use freebase.

If that's the case, I'd highly recommend people go with a vaporizer that's capable of much lower temps than 160C-170C (320F-340F). For example, the VapeXhale EVO heater temps go down below 100 C (~200F)... and the VapeXnail glass nail would work perfect in combination with an all glass airpath ✨.

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
From what I've read about DMT, the freebase has a melting point of ~45C (Celsius) and a boiling point of ~80C, while the salt has a melting point of 166C... and that most people use freebase.

If that's the case, I'd highly recommend people go with a vaporizer that's capable of much lower temps than 160C-170C (320F-340F). For example, the VapeXhale EVO heater temps go down below 100 C (~200F)... and the VapeXnail glass nail would work perfect in combination with an all glass airpath ✨.

:peace: :leaf:
I heard that in reality though, actual vapourisation is above the boiling point, so 160c shouldn't be too high. Also since the temp sensors aren't in the chamber in either Volcano or Extreme Q, in reality temps are probably 10c lower in the actual bowl or chamber. Haven't got a precise enough laser thermometer to test it but I've heard there is a fair bit of drop off. Not so much with the Arizer with ddave mod I presume though. Lots of reports around 150-170:

Not sure about the salt vs freebase thing

"The boiling point of DMT freebase seems to be around 160C and with a vaporizer you might want to set the temperature around 180C for a solid and constant vaporization."
Here it says boiling point is 160c:,N-Dimethyltryptamine

Read a bit about it but just wanted to get some opinions on what vape would be best to use, Arizer stock with whip or bag, Arizer ddave with whip or bag, or Volcano

A report on using the Arizer with a bag, without ddave mod/stock cyclone bowl:
After a lot of trial and error, this seems to be the best procedure to get the thickest vapor:
1. preheat at 230C with fan=3 with bag disconnected for a few minutes (no DMT yet)
2. put enhanced leaf in the bowl
3. Turn heat down to 210-215C, run at fan=1 until you see thick vapor, then turn up to fan=2. You can get vapor at 180C, but to efficiently vaporize all of the DMT in one bag I found that a higher temperature is needed.
4. When bag is full (or you see no more vapor being produced), turn off the fan, disconnect the bag.
5. you should be able to empty the bag in 3-5 big lungfuls, hold each for 5-10 seconds.
6. breakthrough!

It definitely seems necessary to use a higher temperature than you would think - the bowl is 1cm away from the heating element so the reported temperature is probably higher than the convected air's temperature. Going over 215C produced a harsher vapor that was closer to smoking enhanced leaf in a bong.

Volcano advice:
It took me a while to get this right with a Volcano too.

Its basically a rate problem, heating only the "right" amount of spice at the right temp produces a fairly dilute vapor that you can't inhale quickly enough to breakthrough.

First, if it's just you travelling, halve your bag, tie it off in the middle with a cable-tie or wire etc

Second, use about twice the amount of spice you would normally consider sensible. It's OK, it won't all vape...

Set temp about 190-200C

Fit chamber, run fan til the you see the new pope is chosen, clip on bag.

When it's full, you'll have a small bag you can do in two quick, strong hits max.

The key thing is, everything needs to be in you in two quick hits. The first time I got this right, the second time I huffed the bag, it turned into a string of ping-pong balls



Well-Known Member
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New Member
I will get Mighty on Monday so I am wondering how to vape DMT? Will I need to use this liquid thing on Mighty? I will put DMT into Mighty and then set the temperature around 170-180 and then inhale...

Thanks to DMT I am investing so much money for a vaporizer. I really want to vape DMT!
i just got a replacement crafty plus from S&B. was using the liquid pad for resins which they no longer endorse and burnt it out. i did put absolutely way to much spice in one time going for a frustraded breakthrough and it was actually "gurgling" a bit on the first few draws. Crafty, mighty, venty all for dry herb. just got a nectar hex which is made for dry and resin and couldn't be happier. straight clean pulls not through a bunch of angles, great info screen 3 6 and 9 minute session timers and conduction and convextion and has a method to maintain constant temperature. heats up like a beast in 10s of seconds and my go to now from the crafty plus to a focus V Nectar to a XMax V3 Pro and a
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