Space Case
I'm sorry it won't let me edit anymore Please add to my previous post - Sorry!
Is this the right cart for PureGold?
Is it 2.4 ohm I need for all carts and attys (omicron, ce4, and skillets)?
Looking at commercial packages it seems like a VV 650 mah might be enough for me. Or do you recommend skipping the vv? I never worry about getting too little heat on my present pen. I see fasttech with several that fit my description but they are super cheap. These are OK to go with, right?
Is this the right cart for PureGold?
Is it 2.4 ohm I need for all carts and attys (omicron, ce4, and skillets)?
Looking at commercial packages it seems like a VV 650 mah might be enough for me. Or do you recommend skipping the vv? I never worry about getting too little heat on my present pen. I see fasttech with several that fit my description but they are super cheap. These are OK to go with, right?