
Baked & Fried
i'm gonna try and make one of these for fun today.. hopefully it will be done by tonight.. it might not though.
i saw a hand full of videos about this but only one how to that i watched...
here is a 2 part DIY video



If i get it to work out good enough ill try to get some pics or hopefully even a video of it before it melts hah.


What I like to do is put an assload of ice in the blender and crush it until its basically a powder.. Then I just pack it into the bong.. You'll get the freshest hits ever
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Baked & Fried
so i made the bong chamber.. yesterday.. it seems fine but the mouth hole turned out kinda funky.. i just have to put a down stem through it.. and then its on to vaping.. i might make another part for the mouthpiece to fix it up.. but waiting for water to freeze is a drag hah.. so maybe i'll just make better one later on down the line.. and fix some problems..
I'll try to post pics or a clip of it at the end of the day.. unless something goes wrong haha.. it was a cool small project..

here is a link.. i forget where it comes from, but its some pictures of different ice pieces made by some one.


Technical Skeptical
I suspect vaping out of it will be quite unpleasant, do report.


Baked & Fried
ok i made it and it worked.. for a little while ha.. some pics got taken but not on my camera so i gotta track some down.. it's nothing special though ha.. but while it worked it was cool.. i got some huge hits that i couldn't even feel until i saw what i exhaled... sorry about the lack of proof ha.. i'll get those pics up some time soon.
the most unpleasant part about it was it was fucking cold ha.. other than that vaping worked fine.. all in all it was a fun little experiment that could have gone a little better.. i'll probably make another better one some time
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Baked & Fried
ya working w/ it too much, sucked ha.. it actually worked fine though.. it's just that i made a 2nd part and attached it later for the bong neck.. and it had a lot of air leaks in it because i did it really half assed.. other than that it was fine.. ya and really cold ha.


Baked & Fried
it ain't pretty but here is a pic of the ice bong i made the other day.. the sloppy top section was added on a few hours before it was used... i was impatient so i made it w/ crushed ice, and molded it around a bottle, then wet it down and froze it... that addition gave a lot of problems and eventually leaked from countless places eventually.. at the end i ran out of normal ice and had to use some coffee ice cubes that were around haha.. you cant tell from this angle but there are a bunch of fan leaf ninja stars all frozen in it too haha.. i had it hooked up to an EQ.. and i was getting nice smooth huge hits while it lasted.

at the end the down stem ended up getting a leak too... if i make another one i'll have to put something between it and the ice.. it seems so obvious now haha.. i had it sealed good though, frozen in there..
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