Woah that looks to be the answer. I hope that is legit because I plan to try this.VapeHead.com said:Spotted this thread the other day, some guys over at TY are using cannabis acetate in their e-cigs:
Bluntcrush said:I am just curious if anyone has used THC tincture suspended in food grade glycerin as a mixing agent for their E-liquids. I just ordered a kit today so that I could experiment. Does anyone have any experience with the use of these?
VWFringe said:just having a hard time believing it could work.
lesvape said:What are some of the differences between PEG-400, vs the more common PG, and VG? Does it offer any advantages over the other two for the material we are using?
Is there anywhere else, that may carry PEG-400, because I get the feeling that is a bit pricey for the how much you are getting.
I think you need to boil the liquid with the materal in there for 4 hours or so for the TH to be fully absorbed by the VG. Trust me I had a shot glass worth of VG, mixed TH, a little amount of oil. and vodka. I took the shot after boiling it for a few hours and that really worked for me. Now I had a bit of this liquid left that I add a few drops tincture I bought to it, and did a light filtering to. Not sure if it really worked when I dropped in in the e-cig but it there is a good change it could have worked(not sure if it was that or what I drank hours before).BuddahMonk said:I've tried mixing keif with VG and letting it sit for 2 weeks. Turned into some nice amber VG. Put a few drops under the tongue and it tasted like chronic candy. Didn't get a buzz. Tried filling a blank cartomizer and let it sit for half a day an then vaped for about 20 min. Didn't feel a thing.
Just my experience.
Great work man! Same exact process I plan on using. My hypothesis as to why yours didn't work is because you (if I understand your post correctly) shared the equivalent of a 1g joint amongst 2 people over the span of an hour. If one was to do that with a regular herbal joint I don't think either person would feel anything either. Joints are meant to be smoked in 5-10 minutes. It's the same concept as chugging a beer as apposed to sipping one for an hour. I plan to try around .4g (~4 drops) of BHO and the rest (~4-6 drops) nicotine propylene glycol tincture. That way the equivalent to a 1g joint can be smoked in 10-15 minutes. I should have everything I need (including an ounce of herb to make my own BHO) within the next month. Will post any results or ideas I have. Good luck to everyone.
How much alcohol? enough to cover the weed?add the alcohol to the jar with the bud
Yeah...I'm sure lots of people are working on this. There are already some tank refill kits out-- organa labs, the maker of co2 oil and the o pen, both. The deal is pg/VG don't really work in the tank . Pg/peg does. But maybe not for the dissolving solids thing. I take thick liquid co2 oil and thin it with a pg/peg mix that I bought specifically to mix with oil & fill the o pen kiss carts with. I put this in a tank it works great. Go low and slow and it tastes great first to last puff. The evod glass and evod2 glass tanks with the updated coils and contained wicks work best. Keeping upside down or horizontal and going easy prevents leaks.I thought you folks here might be interested in what I heard today from someone at the Vape-Pen company.
This is not official yet but I hear that they are working on a Do It Yourself kit to sell so that people can make their own juice for the Vape-Pen. Don't ask me any questions about it, as I know nothing more about it than what I am saying here; let's just call this a "rumor" with strong possibility of being true.
If and when I get any solid info I will post it here, or in the Vape-Pen thread or both.
If you watch the Vape-Pen web site you will probably get the info quicker than I will get it. And since this is not official I really don't know WHEN this new product will come IF It comes, but I have faith in my source.
If I hear otherwise - that it's not coming out - I will also post that and apologize for getting anyone's hopes up. Sounds cool. I've also heard from the same source a rumor that they are working on a dry herb vape that will look like a fat pen or cigar size unit. I am more excited about that, but I think it's a little more in the future.
Oh, and this IS fact: the Vape Pen will be at the International Hemp Festival (or whatever its called) at the Cow Palace in Daly City near San Francisco on April 17 and 18.
Wouldn't you recommend using ethanol for this rather than isopropyl? I understand its hard to get in some places...there is also kleen extract, they say 100% grain alcohol, 200 proof, there's a whole discussion here on that...do you recommend iso because its available everywhere? BTW there is a qwet vs qiso discussion here that details both processes very wellMaking the pg/vg tincture is not that hard and there are many ways around it, however extracting directly with pg/vg is no go from my experience, it doesn't work well and then the resulting liquid is way too diluted! Its much better to extract with alcohol, add pg/vg and evaporate the alcohol!
here is the best way to this with isopropyl and pg/vg (IMO):
1. place the bud in a jar or container and put in the feeizer
2. place the alcohol (isopropyl 99.99%) in the freezer as well
3. allow time for the bud to freeze and the alcohol to cool down the add the alcohol to the jar with the bud
4. shake the jar for a good minute then return to the freezer and leave for 2-3 min
5. shake the jar good again and filter (simplest way is to use coffee filter)
6. add pg, vg or both (i like to use 50% mix), keep in mind that I usually add around 1.5ml of pg/vg per gram of bud (keeping it strong we wont potent liquid that gets the job done with 4-5 puffs)
7. heat the container to ~60 C to evaporate the alcohol, bets way is the put your container in a bigger one which has water in it, this way you don't apply the the heat from your stove directly to your container and the temperature can be controlled more easy. You can also just boil water in the cattle and pour it in the big container, this however will require you to change the water periodically and will also take more time.
8. once evaporated you can add e-luquid flavour of choice (you can even buy a mary jane flavour to keep the taste as it should be)
9. Ready to go!
my advice use dripper type of atty, just drop two three drops when you want to smoke and store your liquid in the bottle, it's a bit more 'heavy' than normal e-liquid so it doesn't work as great in tanks/clearomizers/cartomizers
if you want, you can also decarb your bud before extraction, however I think it's pointless and can't detect a difference (it will anyway decarb on the fly while you vape, because decarb happens at around 120C and pg/vg starts to evaporate at 160C)
In my personal experience this is the best and fastest way to do this and results in very clean and potent liquid that gets the job done well with 4-5 puffs