Divine Tribe atty's


Well-Known Member
I've had the DT Donut for about 2 weeks now. Overall very happy with the taste and reliablity. So far no leaks from the air holes and no oil outside the unit whatsoever. If you have easy access to EO or just don't care about loading a lot, The DT Donut is for you. If not, go with a LAYG.

Essential oils tend to build up on the upper walls and filter. You can see it's clean under the donut and vapor production is compromised:

If your like me, the solution is simple. Load some more (about .3g in this pic):
Holy dripping oil Batman!

Nube Scrutator

Cloud Searcher...
Matt, thanks for updating us on the V2 Donut. Too bad they still have the 4 small screen holes in the new version. It would be nice if that piece was optional (threaded instead of press fit). Keep us posted on your V2 testing.

My dream Vx Donut:

Huge clouds on a regular ego battery
Slimmer diameter
Unrestricted draw
Modular, easy to clean
Holds .3-.5g or more
No leaks, even on hot days, on its side or in a pocket
Long life

I know, its only a dream Donut!

Regarding the current Donut, sounds like a good idea to load EO with high viscosity. I've been using it with shatter, always standing upright in the Persei Bubbler (post #226). At first there is a tiny clog but after 1 second or so it breaks free and decent clouds are produced. Again, the taste is great.
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Hey DT!!!!
I'm looking to get one of your atomizers before i probably buy your Robox kit.
Stainless Micro Skillet 510 Thread Split Atomizer
But the coil one.
Is that coil efficient? Or what's the most efficient 510 threaded atty you have???
Are those ceramic rods like the KISS???


We are trying our hardest to become Medical Grade
Hey DT!!!!
I'm looking to get one of your atomizers before i probably buy your Robox kit.
Stainless Micro Skillet 510 Thread Split Atomizer
But the coil one.
Is that coil efficient? Or what's the most efficient 510 threaded atty you have???
Are those ceramic rods like the KISS???
the best micro skillet coils i have are the 2.1ohm dual smooth rods, they seem to give the best flavor , you will need a twist battery and need to fire them at 4.2v not sure about the KISS
the single coils are ok but wax gets stuck around the sides ,,
here is a lab i will be testing the V2 with most likely


Well-Known Member
What are the performance differences between the X6 battery and the Robox battery with the donut atomizer?


We are trying our hardest to become Medical Grade


Just got those two little atty's for 15 in the mail! Awesome 2 day shipping, so happy it came today.
These smooth ceramic coils are pretty cool!
Only downside is the length of the casing. But, smooth n tasty hits so far.
Thanks DT.
Forsure will be a returning custy


New Member
Just got those two little atty's for 15 in the mail! Awesome 2 day shipping, so happy it came today.
These smooth ceramic coils are pretty cool!
Only downside is the length of the casing. But, smooth n tasty hits so far.
Thanks DT.
Forsure will be a returning custy

What voltage are you vaping at? I got to try my coil out finally, but with shatter, which isn't too ideal for the ceramic coil builds. Nonetheless my friends and I got some decent hits off it at only ~3.4v.

One of the ceramic rods (cause the dabs weren't too big, and sorta just sat on one coil) is black, is that just from it soaking up oil or....?


What voltage are you vaping at? I got to try my coil out finally, but with shatter, which isn't too ideal for the ceramic coil builds. Nonetheless my friends and I got some decent hits off it at only ~3.4v.

One of the ceramic rods (cause the dabs weren't too big, and sorta just sat on one coil) is black, is that just from it soaking up oil or....?

got a standard ego so i assume 3.7v
I find that shatter still works amazing with these little atomizers. I got soooo high and so quick. This thing gives out dab clouds... totally puts the gentlemen's brand atomizers to utter shame.

If the ceramic wick is black i assume its the reclaim oil.
@divinetribe So I received my Robox Mod and i'm at a little bit of a loss at what resistance and watts are. Right now im on .8 resistance and 5.7V

Can someone chime in please? I use a rig mainly so please excuse my ignorance.

ALSO, What is in the space underneath the ceramic disk? I notice a little room, is it just more ceramic for oil to fall under and get heated up? Is it coils that heat up the ceramic disk like the Source vapes?


Took one dab out of it, taste was very nice in comparison to LAYG poo poo, but the unit itself is incredibly warm after this one 'dab', thus leading me to believe I need to fix my resistance and voltage. Thanks everybody :)
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  • What would you recommend settings wise to vaporize oil closest to a dab in the robox? Is this not achievable without combustion? Is 4.2v/ 9w for 'sipping' so to speak? I know I ask so much but I can't experiment too much in my dorm. Guess I should be studying for finals anyways, haha. Christmas can't come soon enough
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Well-Known Member
So I just got my DT ceramic donut atty in, and it is pretty cool I have to say.

Initial thoughts:
-great clean taste
-easy to use
-looks good/high quality materials
-great price

Could use work:
-Make it smaller, there is a mystery space beneath the heater and where the mouthpiece attaches that is being wasted

Overall, I think it's a great little attachment and I'm happy with it especially for the price.


Well-Known Member
let me know what your settings were on your VV, even if you had it too hot, I don't hooking up new people and customers so they have a enjoyable investment.
matt@ineedhemp.com just mention this post on FC so i know what were talking about

Hey man, my atomizers came today and I wanted to say thank you so much! Definitely plan to buy again.

got a standard ego so i assume 3.7v
I find that shatter still works amazing with these little atomizers. I got soooo high and so quick. This thing gives out dab clouds... totally puts the gentlemen's brand atomizers to utter shame.

If the ceramic wick is black i assume its the reclaim oil.

What are your thoughts on these, still? I am trying to find the right amount to load these things with. I have the Source 10cig ones but they are exactly the same. I put in like .2 earlier and it didn't work at all, couldn't get any vapor and all the wax went to the side.

Are these basically load as you go, just more discreet? I am STILL looking for a solution where I can load up a days worth of stuff and be set. Or is it the consistency? Which consistency works best?

I bought the 150mah push battery and that battery + these atomizers = super stealthy.

So many questions :D.


New Member
Are these basically load as you go, just more discreet? I am STILL looking for a solution where I can load up a days worth of stuff and be set. Or is it the consistency? Which consistency works best?

if you're using something thin, it's most likely gonna go fast. My friend uses a budder-like consistency wax with his vape pen (Atmos Jewel, keep telling he needs to invest in buying his own parts, cheaper too) but two little dab sized balls lasts him pretty much all day. Dude goes through like 5 blunts a day usually, so it's not like he doesn't smoke a lot either.


Well-Known Member
@divinetribe and divinetribe's atty users :

I'm searching for a penvape. I use almost only fullmelt, bubblehash, ice-o-lator,...or what ever you are calling it (and a bit of drysieve) on the concentrate area. Sometime my bubble isn't totally "full melt" so they leave some residue (but it's not hard pressed hash at all, I can dab it !).
I've been reading and following but I'm still lost. Those rebuild-able atty's seems the best since they should also clean more easily.

But which to choose ? Which battery I may find out by myself, but don't be afraid to advise me... I've seen the pancake, dual rod, all ceramic, etc etc...
I'm thinking that pancake with screen might be good ? Since I dab with a screen on a nail...

Any feedback is welcome !
Thanks in advance


We are trying our hardest to become Medical Grade
@divinetribe and divinetribe's atty users :

I'm searching for a penvape. I use almost only fullmelt, bubblehash, ice-o-lator,...or what ever you are calling it (and a bit of drysieve) on the concentrate area. Sometime my bubble isn't totally "full melt" so they leave some residue (but it's not hard pressed hash at all, I can dab it !).
I've been reading and following but I'm still lost. Those rebuild-able atty's seems the best since they should also clean more easily.

But which to choose ? Which battery I may find out by myself, but don't be afraid to advise me... I've seen the pancake, dual rod, all ceramic, etc etc...
I'm thinking that pancake with screen might be good ? Since I dab with a screen on a nail...

Any feedback is welcome !
Thanks in advance
The Pancakes will work best but i will now just be selling the donuts and some other coils for people to play with and try to clean. I will have these dual 1.5ohm donut RBAs at the end of next week ,, you will need the ROBOX or similar mod that does sub ohm. It comes out to .6ohm I will also be making a triple donut rba and many others this month along with youtube videos of my friend's and i taking some of the biggest, cleanest dabs out of any vaporizer pen anyone has seen. Next week we will also show you in video how to rebuild your ceramic rod glass globe coil and turn it into a 1.ohm kanthal wire monster with a deep bowl to hold large dabs. I took a hit off one this week that my friend modified and built and i was shocked.


Well-Known Member
1) The Pancakes will work best but i will now just be selling the donuts and some other coils for people to play with and try to clean.
2) donut RBA
I'm a noob in penvape world. I looked at your table with voltage and I'm confused with your answer.

1) does it mean there are no pancakes atty's available ?
2) Is it advised for bubble hash ? Must be a robox, but I'm not sure I "need" that atty ?

So if I understand correctly, there are no option available for my case (bubble-hash-only user) ?
To me it seems the pancake atty only needed the micro and stainless skillet, right ?

I'm an occasional user, won't be using my pen everyday so thank you to point me in the right direction. There is so much option ...

Does anybody has experience with bubblehash and pancake atty's ? Is it better with the screen ? (I would guess so)


Well-Known Member
Just ordered the donut. I remember reading in this thread that the Persei with 3.7v works well. When I get the donut, what drawing technique do you use?
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