Well-Known Member
What mod are you using?
So if I just have an incredibly cheap non adjustable ecig battery can I slap one of these atomizers on it and be good to go or would I need a different battery?
hey y'all still waiting on word for the all ceramic version 2whats up with the v2 donut atty. has alibaba released it yet?
The ROBOX is 22mm wide (standard 18xxx mod thickness), and the length of an 18650 plus about 2 inches added by the regulator and bottom battery cap.Hi, any feedback here about the Robox mod sold by DT?
I'm thinking about one since my X6 VVbattery is dead I have nothing to drive my donut atty (and it's my favourite on the go concntrate device, stealthier than persei+sr74).
How big is the Robox? if I use it with 1 x 18350 is it shorter? what is the max voltage? do you think it's able to drive the TV evo SV loose leaf cartridge?
I thought to use my donut with my persei but in fact there is 2 good reasons to don't do it, first it needs an adaptater to fit the persei...not really sexy..., and if it worked really nice with the Core it doesn't worked enough hot at 3.7v (1 x 18650 3.7v) I need a sub-ohm mod to drive it...any help is welcome!
Was about to get an x6 and the donut but I guess I will hold off on the donut. Ill just get myself a regular atomizer.
Has anyone used these before? Can I drop in more than a little wax and use it effectively throughout the day?
i have a comarabel batter to the dr. dabber for $10 . invest in a ROBOX for $40 it will be a great start to sub ohm mods.Will my Dr Dabber battery work on the donut? I really like the idea of the donut as ive always really hated the way the standard atomizers are made. The coil and wick system with the big air hole underneath has never seemed like the most logical way to vape wax. I always though it would be much better to have a gr2 ti plate at the bottom with airholes on the sides near the top or something similar. or maybe a dual rod system where the rods are very close together and you could load a dab between the 2 rods and it would vape fast enough not to drip between the very small gap (if any gap)
any recommendations on atomizers you may have that could possibly fit my dr dabber battery?
i have a comarabel batter to the dr. dabber for $10 . invest in a ROBOX for $40 it will be a great start to sub ohm mods.
hey sorry about your x6 let me know if you ever get something from me again and i will get you a discount.Hi guys, my X6 battery is dead some weeks ago and I can't use my Donut atty anymore (except with the persei+Core but the donut was my on the go device...)
So I made a test this morning, I screwed it in my TV evo body (SV, 30W at 6V), I only tested a few hits but it works, I used the pulse method and get big clouds very quickly but before to use this setup more I would like to get your advices, do you think I'm killing my donut?
I think it can support 6v but I'm afraid 30W is too much, though I like how look the donut with my TV body(I take off the plastic sleeve), it's shorter than with my X6, there is only a little gap...
hey sorry about your x6 let me know if you ever get something from me again and i will get you a discount.
for the donut 4.2v and 9 w is the sweet spot. can i see a pic of your setup? email it to me and i will post it here if you dont feel like doing the whole upload thing on FC
11watts at 5v will blow up the donut!!! GO easy please
oh nice can i get a video thats what i was looking to hear!!Sorry, another back to back post!
But I found the better combo for the Donut, actually I run it with my Persei at 3.7v, heating time is really quicker than with my previous X6 battery and clouds are larges, taste is nice too!
Honnestly performances are comparables to the Hercules sr-74, just a little bit under my sr-74 running at 7.4v!