SIC Quest. Actual heat up time in the video, I’m testing this one out
Looks great @divinetribe and I'd be all over that but I have a m22 incoming, looks very impressive. Can't tell if the SiC crucible is balanced on the ceramic rods or held down in some way? Could you do some close up pics of it, along with performvace it looks photogenic enough.
It will be so cool to have both Sic crucibles going in my rotation.
Such a step up from the Sai in all ways.
Tennisguru1 1 point an hour ago
The wonderful thing about the V4 Ti cup is no matter what it (at least for me 3yrs experience with devices Sai, QQ, V3,M15, M22 ect) that she always hits good. On Ni , Tcr, ewattage yuk lol BUT..... on this particular gem of an atty on REPLAY it is a PURE GEM. 21/2 -3 second & save - low temp 20 sec dab. Appox 31/2 -4 more clouds still great taste EVERYTIME. Not like the Sai with it's ill designed crack your donuts buy 5 please lol. Can't Replay that at all with any consistency. Butt Matt's higher quality donuts and great tolerances on his V4 allows for this awesome mode to work smoothly & perfectly. Anyone else experience this on Replay as I do? Let me make this clear please... My problems with the Sai is with CZ and not HVT an Excellent company and Vic is great. It is with the crap that CZ continues to put out to keep you buying parts that up your cost & frustrations. I will no longer support a company with screw you policies to their customers. Why don't they do the right thing after 3 yrs no fixes just but our poor design flaws. I will support Matt & Brent as look at the example they set! They fix with versions 1, 2 ect as their expense till it's right. Then with the goal of putting out a perfected device they keep on improving the designs rather than just screw us for consumables. Same with ALL reputable companies. Like AVS, DT, S&B all quickly address my concerns and FIX them in a timely manner. It's not fair that Vic at HVT has to keep replacing my defective part's & donuts at his expense while the parent company just ignores the reality of how easy to address these things if they CARED. Vote with your purchases, DEMAND MORE!
Nice! Completely agree. I'd love to try replay, What wattage are you using?
just dusted off my old mod (sigeili 150w) and ordered a v4 and a ti crucible.
@tennisguru1 thank you for sharing your trials. pardon my noobishness but what is replay?
I took the path many showed on FC, Evic type cheap mod, AF
firmware ect.. Then I got a Mirage DNAc & Replay.
Turned erratic Temp Control into steady no fuss repeatable
hits with replay setting
okay did some reading. definitely a lot to catch up on in the last few years! seems like i need a new mod to enjoy replay.
how can i best enjoy the v4 with the old sigelei 150w? at least until i can upgrade to a modern mod
okay so far i’m loving the v4. switched over to the ti cup for faster heating and so i wouldn’t break it. great flavor and clouds. also i seem to be getting a lot of mileage for the amount of material compared to my enail (d-nail sic halo) or a quartz banger.
i want to add an open top attachment with a directional carb cap. can i use a sai poseidon v2? i didn’t see it listed on the reddit wiki’s suggested glassware.
Bottomless banger
510MOD for on the go! Check out @510MOD on Instagram for videos of this little dab monst
Repost found
I have plenty in stock man. They fit right onto the DTV4 and I have gaskets to make them fit the QQv4. $40 for each bottomless banger but I offer dicsounts for buying more. Like 2 for $65. Shipping not included but I usually ship 2 day priority if within the US. Let me know what you want and I can get send you a paypal request for the funds through paypal family and friends. I could ship out later today still if you want.
20mm might be a little loose. My bottomless bangers are 19mm ID. A larger gasket will probably make it fit without sliding off too easily.thank you TG those look nice and solid from your demo videos on IG. i'll definitely purchase one when i want a bottomless banger to attach to a pipe.
its a very nice set up you have with the sic cup insert.
i am currently looking for something more portable tho. the hvt poseidon v2 or the avs m22 bubblers are the design style im interested in. just want to make sure they'll fit before i purchase.
from what i can tell they are both based on 22mm attys so have an ID of ~20mm and therefore should fit the V4 no problem.
I was considering one of these DHgate bubblers to pair with my bottomless bangers... just found a poseidon style bubbler on amazon and the seller tells me the ID of the bottomless fitting is 18.8mm.
one day free shipping and half the price of the poseidon...i might roll the dice...
dang. doesn’t fit. it’s just a hair too narrow to fit over the base. maybe i can find a silicone adapter or something?
the glass is surprisingly thick. other than a few bubbles at the quartz to boro joint it’s higher quality than i was expecting. can’t put much water in it or pull very hard without it turning into a straw.
one of those measurements must be off. i don’t have a caliper to check myself. oh well! still enjoying the atty without a bubbler
The Ti cup is just that, a ti cup, for you to exchange with the quartz.
It's not a whole new unit, unless you want to buy another one.
The new one will come with the new o-rings, and probably a pack of 4 new ones.
Be sure to mention in the order comments that you want 4 spare o-rings.
I just got the cup itself and replaced the quartz with it.
If you wanted to easily switch back and forth, then yeah, get another unit I guess !
I personally wouldn't wait for the ti cups to come in before ordering my o-rings. If they're on the way out, you will get a bit of a hassle once they fail.
If it were me, I'd order 4 of 'em for $3 and get them in 2-3 days, instead of waiting a month for the ti cups to come in.
All the best !
I just burnt out my 1st heater, in 2 months of very heavy use. Not bad ! Especially when you can get 4 heaters for $15 !
@DJ Colonel Corn
Read your review of the V4 Quartz Crucible by Divine Tribe. Where you say: “So, we set our mod to nickel mode (ni-200), set it to 33 watts and 500 F (An alternative is to use TCR 315 with 35 watts and 500 F).”
I took the time to read this entire thread. A bit confused, as there are so many suggestions on TC settings. I understand a lot of users post the use their mods built in setting of Nickel 200, and then change their TCR setting to a different, custom setting (like TCR=315). I’m using my Mirage DNA75C mod. At least on the theme I’m using, TCR is NOT directly adjustable on the mod itself, without going into Escribe software. For convenience and testing I’m trying to avoid that extra step right now as I have a few different coil TCR presets already on my mod.
When I read someone’s posted settings for “Nickel 200”, and they don’t mention any custom TCR settings, I must assume they are using their mods built in setting for Nickel 200 which is a KNOWN value of TCR=600. So when you say “an alternative is to use TCR 315”, is that just a suggestion to try using a lower TCR for different results, as TCR of 315 versus 600 is fairly significant. I have a stock Titanium setting of TCR=366, which I can easily switch to directly on the mod, which is close to the “alternative” of TCR 315, that you wrote. Was just hoping you could clear that up for me and then some of the other posted recommendations would make more sense to me. Thanks!
2020 is here wow, word is the fda is coming down on the vape community this may, we will see. they have been saying that for the last few years but now with the momentum of the vape gate this last year they might get somewhere, i guess they want 25k to 1mil to clear your atomizer for retail sales.
I took the time to read this entire thread. A bit confused, as there are so many suggestions on TC settings. I understand a lot of users post the use their mods built in setting of Nickel 200, and then change their TCR setting to a different, custom setting (like TCR=315). I’m using my Mirage DNA75C mod. At least on the theme I’m using, TCR is NOT directly adjustable on the mod itself, without going into Escribe software. For convenience and testing I’m trying to avoid that extra step right now as I have a few different coil TCR presets already on my mod.
Try this as I have had good to decent results on the V4 with all those suggested, But...
if you are fortunate enought to have that LVM the set it on replay, hold for about 4 - 5 seconds
after a nice melt & do a replay save. Totally blows away all the other settings, no charring, uses all
product most efficiently, steady thick milky hits for everyday use. Blows away Sai crap donuts
Ti setup. Try it & get back to is, tell me what you think? Resistance is at 0.465 for over a month
I did try “Replay”. I bought both the latest Quartz Queen, and the Crucible Cup V4. I had decent results on the CCV4, with Replay, but I then tried the QQ as I like using the mirror to SEE what’s going on inside. I tried many different settings on the QQ, but even with pulsing, I think I ended up mostly boiling the shatter. So even though I believe the CCV4, has a lot of nice upgrades over the QQ, it’s a shame the all glass mouth piece does not fit on the CCV4, and I was told there will not be one.
I’ll continue to play with Replay, but I don’t like that I don’t really know what’s its doing, and thus can’t make any of my own adjustments. If you loose the “saved Replay”, you have to reset again, and that may not match what you liked the last time, which isn’t a big deal when eJuice vaping. Ideally, when in TCR mode, using presets like Nickel (TCR=600), or Titanium (TCR=366), you have one baseline, and can then experiment with watts and temperature. I’ve not completely given up on Replay mode, and will try it again saving it with the timing as you suggest, which after reading this entire thread as well as some Reddit posts, is most likely what I originally did.
I still want to get my Manual settings working better, especially on the QQ, which has not gone too well so far. Thanks for the quick response.