Random, scattered, responses to old posts....
Just ordered first gen 2 DCs and an 18mm adapter.
What is the minimal or smallest battery specs I can use this with?
Any tips and tricks for these please let me know. Read a few pages back but mainly I see discussion about the QQ... just looking for more info specific to the DCs.
Any decent TC mod with an 18650 for the dry herb atty. But it has to be a fairly fresh (not all worn-out) 20 amp CDR cell (like a VTC5 or HG2) to be safe, since the DC pushes the amps & heat harder on the mod & battery with the long button presses. 2 or more 18650s, or a 20700/21700 cell is better.
All the info for setting up & using this atty is all over this thread repeated multiple times, please go look that up. To give you a quick set up, I've been using TCR 400, 40w, 380-420F, PI 900, 20 on joyetech & eleaf mods to make this atty work well through glass, but this may not be the settings for your mod or your preference, so read up and experiment!
after the first firing of the QQ for a hit (which was great!), when I went to hit it again, it came back with an 'Atomizer Low' message (when the resistance of a coil is lower than 0.05 ohms in TC mode, the screen will display 'Atomizer Low'). Still figuring that one out, I'm sure it's something stupid on my end. Want to get this dialed in before I install artic fox, so if something is wonky I catch it first and not complicate things.
@divinetribe, hey Matt, have you seen this Atomizer Low message with the QQ?
Responding late to my friend here...but if you're seeing this
"atomizer low" or
"check atomizer" type error message with your QQ....or if you see the coil resistance has risen a significant amount when cool (or is jumpy / not stable, with "live" resistance monitor) you may want to remove the QQ from your mod and then
tighten, or better yet,
loosen, then re-tighten the gold 510 flat-head screw on the bottom.
I don't know exactly how, maybe from thermal expansion / contraction, a 510 connector on your mod that isn't
"springy enough", or from vapor condensation building up @ the top of the screw, but this key point in the QQ's current flow seems to be the spot that gets
a little wonky most of the time, if anything, especially for a new one right out-of-the-box.
Sometimes I can vape dozens of loads on the QQ, without needing to adjust anything, even with "burning it clean" in watts mode to burn off a little crust. (Although burning-clean tends to induce a need for screw-tightening more often, but not always)
Other times, I may only get 3 or 4 loads in before I feel the need to re-tighten the gold screw.
perceived "need" to re-tighten might only be cause...my coil that's locked in @ 0.246 Ω...is reading 0.255 Ω or 0.26 Ω at rest.

It still works fine at that tiny difference, no problem, but I re-tighten the gold screw and that puts me back down to 0.243!

I'm just picky with my numbers like that

The other obvious spot to check is the 2 main screws for the wire leads for the ceramic rods. But once you got those 2 clamped down nice and solid, I find they tend to stay put. (And I also like to stuff 3-4 little wire clippings in with the wire leads of the ceramic rods to "cushion" the clamping load of the screw more evenly too)
I had shared this with looney a while ago, but I figured others might have this issue as well
My sister is picking me up some closeouts on CBD in syringes, hope I got enough
Picked up some Raw Garden Cherry Slurm, and a couple of shatters.
Will have something to fill my Vape Donkey tank/atomizer with and some sampling to do with the QQ
I imagine there will be more blowing out... gonna be a dent in the checkbook by the end of the month.
Way to go...I stocked up on some amazing deals before 7/1, and now it's like grocery store shelves in venezuela - at least for concentrates

(uh oh) but at least I'm stocked up for now!
Raw gardens are an amazing value for sure...and pretty dam nice too! (I hope to see more stocked locally again soon) Some are so nice, terpy & "saucy" that you can even try to suck up those "loose terps" with a syringe and fill it into some of your tanks for a super flavor-kick

(like I do with mixing it with distillate)
Only some of the raw gardens sauces I see are that saucy though, some are more homogenous in texture like baby food or "live resin" which is still fine for what it is. I think only about 100-200mg of loose terpy oil can even be scavenged from any raw gardens gram of sauce.

For me, I think the "holy grail" for tanks is still mixing straight distillate with HTFSE pour-off like the type Matt regularly shows off in his IG
(my own mixing there)
Also gonna check out ways of installing AF on these mods, install Windows on my Mac if I must

Hopefully I can borrow a win laptop and just knock 'em out.
Folks got PID settings for the QQ?
You know that AF is my favorite russian export

, and I love using
PID control too, but from what I've tested with my QQ so far,
I don't think using PI / PID control offers any significant performance boost.
I tried using 900, 30; and it did a good job of keeping the ceramic coils from temperature spiking, or hardly ever going over "protection" but that was mostly a moot point, because they continue to heat the quartz cup at a delayed rate; keeping even a very steady temp @ the coils can still result in slowly creeping temps at the cup.

So even though I can hold the button down for a good 10-20 seconds under certain conditions and not burn / overheat my load,
I still feel the need to manually control the mod by releasing the button and riding the heat for brief periods during a puff. If I see vapor billowing too thick at any moment, that's my cue to let off the button for at least a second or two, then re-press. At least that's how I like to do it, trying to emphasize flavor & smoothness over the biggest cloud...but I still get pretty big clouds too
I saw on the divine tribe website a passtrough attachment... I will not use my QQ out of my home.... so my question is: Is this sort of attachment might offer TC feature (I think not for the DT one but maybe another around)?
edit: want to add I'm trying to refrain myself to buy more things using batteries cause environemental issues...
PPN, I'm always responding to your old posts really late, and now it's about one of the oldest items!
I know that pass-thru you're talking about, DT has had that on his store for years. Must just be some old stock that hasn't sold. It would have been a good option... in 2014? But now we like TC mods, and that thing can only do fixed / variable voltage at 3 settings, not suitable for our current needs.
I've read that batteries can be bad for the environment also. How bad is it really? I have so many 18650s but I haven't discarded any of them yet, only "retired" them to lighter, flashlight duty.

If we re-use them and re-cycle them at the end of their life, is that still so bad for the earth?

It would be nice to have a "pass-through" or non-battery-powered TC mod to fire up our 510 attys, but no such thing exists that I've seen?
ive been using the orbit bubbler from this seller,
it works great with a directional carb cap and #35 orings instead of the ones that come on the QQ. hopefully that helps
@cbrewer, for that being your very 1st post, not bad at all.

That seller on ebay, has so many cool varieties, many of which look like they would be very fun to use on the QQ....
(GAS) I already have a few conventional rigs I like to use with my QQ, but some of those are quite tempting...and affordable too.
The only drawback I see on those 510 e-nail style rigs is that they sit all on top of your atomizer, all heavy and possibly un-balanced, requiring attention & a steady hand from the user, and the whole setup must not be kept all assembled as 1 piece (mod + glass) when not being used, stored.
My setup with a glass elbow adapter & silicon tube isn't as cool & elegant, but at least I can set it down easily & secure in between puffs