Volute of Vapor
That's a good idea cause we can "like" your post 2 times!sorry for the double post not sure what happened
Still not tried the new QQ but it looks better than the V1, too busy to have some time to make rosin for now!
That's a good idea cause we can "like" your post 2 times!sorry for the double post not sure what happened
Does that mean the rods up until this point we’re the old ones? They’ve all been reading at like .35-.4 and I was wondering why lol. I’ll have to order some of the new ones.also have quartz cups, mouthpieces ,and rods in stock sorry for the double post not sure what happened
it's been driving me nuts... had a bronchial bug that was seemingly everywhere in so cal, didn't medicate for 2 weeks. tried medicating here and there with my v3, but still ended up coughing up a lung. will eventually get my QQv2 mounted and ready![]()
I am looking forward to trying a QQv2!QUEST UPDATE:
got a bunch shipped out today and will be getting the last of the upgrades shipped to everyone by tomorrow. I want to let you guys know I have a small number of complete 2nd batch quests kits in stock if anyone would like 1 or 2 email matt@ineedhemp.com they are $42 ea( if you are a first batch buyer they are $32) i will make a paypal invoice.
I've got one word for you......eatables! We MMJ types sort this out eventually I think. While not as immediately gratifying it does the job avoiding reparation issues. I have a couple dozen infused cookies and some butter frozen 'in case'. Needless to say, I re commend it.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. QQ will be waiting for you.
yeah, edibles are my go to. sadly, in CA, you can no longer buy anything stronger than 100mg, and my dose range is 200-300mg, to do that I increase sugar intake easily by a factor of 4.
Bummer. Time to investigate infused butter/coconut oil? Bakes real nice they say........
Before we get into the fix, I also want to callout that I have replaced the ceramic heaters with 24 gauge grade 1 titanium coils. After rebuilding the v1 several times, the nickel wires broke off. I soldered it back on but was concerned about the health aspect (I had similar concerns with the paperclips). Bonus - the Ti wire’s orange glow made the QQv1 very fun to use for me personally.
QQ came in yesterday so got to try out the v2. Resistance is so much more stable, without tweaking anything at all 0.24 straight out of the box & stayed that way for 2 smallish loads. Still fine tuning my settings as things weren't getting quite hot enough with tcr=242 at 420F & 47w. This is the same coefficient I use for the small and medium ceramic donuts, I think I might need to bump it up a touch. The same settings at 470F gave more visible vapor, but some tweaking still needed. This is using stock firmware on an eLeaf invoke 220w. Been meaning to put AF on that mod but hadn't gotten around to it. The eLeaf firmware may well be fine for this atty, but I'll probably switch anyway because I like the profile feature and it's nice to have all my DT dedicated mods set up the same way so the attys are more or less modular.
I wouldn't crank it higher than 420-430 F (allowing for some heat loss), or you'll increase the levels of benzene, etc.
Getting close to the end of this bronchial-respiratory thing... looking forward to giving the new QQ a shot![]()
For sure we want to avoid nasty fractions, but I think it's really important to remember that the displayed temperature is not an accurate indication of load temperature. The sensing is done by resistance changes in the heater due to heating. Not the load (which would be lower due to the above mentioned heat loss).
More important, the indication of the metal temperature is not accurate (do you really think Ni glows at 3210F? I don't either......). We can't use the right TCR value since that would call for a setting higher than 600F (the limit of the mods). So we lie and tell the mod it's a Ni element when it's really something with a much lower TCR. That is it changes less per degree C than Ni so it has to heat to a much higher temperature to get enough change (in percentage) to reach limit. We change the scale.
We know that 310F is not hot enough to make vapor, yet those setting work to make vapor. We also know that metal at 310F doesn't glow, yet we see glow. This is not a good time to 'trust your instruments' since we fibbed on the TCR value to use to get it to go hotter than the mod maker ever intended us to go.
An example of this is my current experiments with Ti coils. Using the normal Ti setting on my mod I get nowhere, even asking for 600F. Just not hot enough. But, using a custom TCR number of 550 I get normal type vapor calling for 389F (indicated). If I wanted it to display say 300F instead, I'd just enter a larger TCR number so I'd get the same real temperature in the element. 70 to 390 is a 320 degree rise, if I wanted to do that at an indicated 300F (230 rise) I'd need a TCR that was (320/230) times bigger. Something like 760 for an m value that 'works' at 300F.
Remember, TCR is a number with '% change per degree C' roots. It's really in PPM (Parts Per Million) in the textbooks (10,000 counts to the percent), but to save display space mod m values are in 'tens of PPM' (ten to the minus 5). So my 550 (5500 PPM) value means .55% per degree C. From 20 to 200C is 180 degrees. Times .55% per degree C (the 'degrees C part cancels) we get 99% rise? Which squares with the observation that the resistance changes from .13 to .26 Ohms as it heats. The mod multiplies the temperature rise (in C) and the TCR value and heats until it sees the resistance go up that amount.
Finally pressed some rosin to test my QQ last version, set it at 470°F in Ni mode and using a 45w power (fully charged VTC4), I choose this settings based on the last @OF post. From a cold start it seems to take a while to heat but I noticed the load was already producing good vapor in the 250-300°F range after 8-9s so I took a hit pressing the button some seconds more... I got a very big cloud but it was a bit too harsh and I coughed a lot, while already hot the unit was heating faster but doesn't seems to hit the target (protection) even if i got good vapor, I lowered the temp to 430°F , don't know if this is the reason, or cause the terpène rush was already done, but the subsequents hits(3) was smoother although the Evic doesn't seems to hit the protection mode again so it's like if i was using it in power mode isn't it?
Hi Matt,settings have been hard to figure on the qq for many, i think i should make a chart for customers preferred settings and maybe do a safe range for each mod, voopoo drag, DNA, eleaf, people using artic fox software, smok, and whatever other mods are out there,
right now on the pico i am having perfect sessions at tcr 300 using 50w to get to 500°f pulsing the button after the initial ten seconds according to feel. i like to see it boiling before i take my hit.
Hi Matt,
When will the new QQ's be out for sale? (was unable to purchase version 1)
the quests are bACK IN full stock