I seem to recall Iowa wouldn't let me pump my own gas... but, that was several years ago.
Did you know some people get a severe reaction from Capsaicin cream for arthritis. I was at the doctors office the other day and he suggested I try some topical cream for my arthritis. One of the brands he suggested was Capsaicin.
I told him that I had tried it and had gotten terrible results. I had rubbed it on the tops of my feet. It burned my skin. I kept my feet in ice water with ice cubes for like 6 hours. He laughed. I told him not to suggest that to anyone that I was serious.
So I'm passing this tidbit of info to whomever reads this - Capsaicin might be the worst product I ever used. It quite could possibly burn your skin. I was reading the reviews many many people with the same exact problem. I wonder why they keep making it? It must help some people, I don't know how?
I've used Thera-Gesic on an old shoulder injury when it flares up every once in awhile. Works great. Pain gone within a few minutes of application. Ya may want to check it out.
I think it's called Thera-Geezer, actually.
jk, jk
And that each such reiteration of the memory is called a 'repisode' in experimental psychology.Did you know that when you remember a past event, you’re actually remembering the last time you remembered it?
Source >>>http://www.themarysue.com/memory-distortion-in-brain/
And that each such reiteration of the memory is called a 'repisode' in experimental psychology.
Probably n00bs like the ones who work for geeksquad. I mean the only possible way for it to brick a computer would be to mess with the bios and I dont see how that would be possible.Did you know that Win10 Eval copy can turn your PC into a brick?
I actually had to go into the Microsoft Store, and they couldn't even fix it. So, they had to give me a brand new SP3.
Guess who's not beta testing Windows 10 anymore.....
The queen can not be arrested
coal seam fires are such a freaky thing... burning for as long as there is fuel avaliable.... one noted to have been burning for 6000 yearsI was watching this on the History channel.
Photo credit: Lyndi & Jason via Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA
You may have already heard the story of Centralia, PA, a coal mining town that had some 1,000 inhabitants at its peak. Now, that population is down to 9. It's become a ghost town for one of the most bizarre reasons imaginable--a fire started in 1962 to burn trash in a dump inadvertently spread to a coal seam underground and has simply never stopped burning. The most recent report, published Dec. 1st in the Bismarck Tribune, confirms that the fire continues to this day--it's lasted an incredible 47 years so far.
Photo credit: jesiehart via Flickr/CC BY
The Coal Fire of Centralia
The fire, which was started by five members of the volunteer fire company when they were hired by the town council to clean up the landfill, was not properly extinguished and spread to become one of the longest burning coal fires. According to Thinking Blog, which provides a short history of the fire, the landfill was located in an abandoned strip mine pit and as the firemen had in the past, they set the dump on fire, let it burn for a time, and then extinguished the fire, or so they thought.