Well-Known Member

Sup guys. Thought you might like to check out what I'm up too. Here's a prototype I put together to run some numbers and test stuff. I used my stem from my lotus to hold the herb and build the test heater around. I'm using an arduino to run the heater through a MOSFET with two thermocouples and the heater control showing up on the LCD. The heater is a 40w one from a 3d printer and I'm using a PC laptop power supply for testing because it's easier than batteries.
The design for the device I've been working on for a while. It will run off 18650's and be convection. Once I get the heater finalized and prototyped I'll be ready to *really* think about production. I actually have a somewhat final design for a Alumina heater but I have to get it custom made and I want to prototype it first.