Diabetes, Cannabis, and Cooking


I'm interested to see if there are any people who want to share edible ideas for people who have diabetes and can not eat, or should not eat sweets on a daily basis. Actally no one should, but that's another story for another thread. Please feel free to post any food recipes, ideas and stories of your personal experience with Diabetes, Cannabis and Cooking.

I'll start with one of my favorite recipes for consuming ABV (Already Been Vaped) in food.

My personal dose is 1.5g-2g of ABV per meal. I usually eat 1 - 2 meals a day; Breakfast every day and lunch or dinner also 3-4 days per week.

Every one likes to season foods differrently so I'll share what I use, but I encourage you to find what works best for you.

eggs, ABV - Because dosage amounts vary, I like to use 3 eggs to 2 grams of ABV. To reduce fat, you can use only 1 or 2 egg yolks.

Salt, pepper to taste.
I also like to ad a dash of onion powder, garlic powder, & dried basil

-or- a little mexican seasoning, a splash of salsa and a pinch of shredded cheese.

To prepare: Melt 1 Tbsp of butter on Med-Low, in medium sauce pan. After butter is melted sprinkle 1/2 of your ABV in the pan, lightly mix together and spread out evenly. Once the butter/ABV mixture is nice and hot (lightly browned butter ok) crack your eggs into the pan, Don't stir yet. Add seasonings and the rest of your ABV, reduce heat to low. Ok, now you can stirr. I like to have a little solid egg white in my scramble. Stir frquently with wooden spoon or wire whisk until eggs reach desired consistency.

I've noticed that it takes longer to feel the medical benefit when I cook them in eggs; usually about 2 hours / give or take 30 min.

So how do you eat ABV???


Apprentice vaporist
I never eat avb strait unless its in capsules as I find the texture too gritty. I usually just make into canna oil with coconut oil and put into tea.


Baked & Fried
i almost always eat it straight, following a fatty meal.. eating it w/o extracting/straining the AVB out, makes it kick in slower and last longer IME.. IMO its much more physically sedating eating it straight.


I felt a pretty strong high after eating 2g's of ABV. The only problem is that it didn't hit for nearly 10 hrs. This time I just tossed all 2g's in the back of my throat and chugged a bunch of water. Not recommended for those with a weak gag reflex.:puke:. I got it down though without any trouble; it was a little unpleasent, but not too bad. Next time I'll do it in two shots, maybe. ANYWHOOO, I didn't ,vape, smoke, eat or use any herb after eating the ABV cause I was out of herb, and money. Still am. :cry:. I was actually pissed that there was no effect after a couple of hrs. But 10 hrs. later... Hello!! I didn't re-grind the ABV, and I have a high tolerance anyway, but that was just weird. It was bed time though so I fell asleep after about an hour buzz.

RECIPE --> I stumbled across this recipe that looks good for diabetics. Just add cannabis! http://is.gd/LYQjgV - njoy
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(We'll call him B)

Well-Known Member
I recently started taking a "Less is More" approach to ABV goods. Coconut Oil has an extremely high saturated fat content so it easily bonds with any remaining THC in ABV's. Making alcohol extraction hash oil out of ABV and then decarboxylate it to make small but powerful wafers.
(We'll call him B),
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