Describe the Difference vape vs combust.


Well-Known Member
I'm new, but after the first week of the vapors, I know of course they are better. But how do you know/like/feel like it is better ?

Everyones perceptions and interpretations are different. for me the feeling is more...
productive..or less cloudy and more body. similar to when it is eaten. more efficient, cleaner, tastier, healthier yet , harder but not harsher.
this almost sounds one sided. it has a learning curve almost. more sophisticated consumption. greener.

about the old combustion way. Slower feeling, motivation beater, sluggish. however sometimes you kinda want that. burning feeling, fast as a lighter click, instant, no warm up time.

its all good stuff. people have preferences, some prefer charcoal to propane for grills.
but the vapors are by far the best, wish i could have afforded them sooner.


Vapor concierge
My friends and I notice more than anything that it takes much longer for the sleepies to set in. No matter what strain I have, it doesn't put me to sleep. I even used my Genie once to wake myself up while travelling home on the highway. I was nearly passing out until I hit the Genie...then wide awake for the drive.


Out to lunch
Smoke provides compounds like carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, benzene, toluene (glue sniffing anyone?), and naphthalene (primary ingredient of mothballs). They're all poisons and the effects you get from them in low doses (sleepiness, dizziness) are usually associated with the 'cannabis high'. The much cleaner high from vapor gives you a more pure THC effect. You retain more energy and ability to function and communicate. The people who feel they're missing something with vapor are really missing the toxins from combustion. The low doses you get may not be cumulative over time like mercury poisoning, etc., but those are some nasty chemicals and I prefer to avoid them entirely. Thank God for vaporizers! :)

BTW this thread would probably be a better fit in 'General Vaporization Discussion'.


owner Vaporiser World NOW live Australia
Definitely a more "buzzy " sort of high vaporizing . I never used to get the sleepies smoking . My mind stays more alive (some people around here would disagree) :| now that I vape all the time though .

No cough , no bad smell on you , or in your house . Big health benefits all-round IMO . Right on max Thank God for vaporizers .:)

Also much stealthier e.g. purple days experience with highway patrol in other thread .


lurking kiwi
The biggest diff for me between vap and combust is how it makes my throat feel. Because I am suppose to be looking after my voice coz of my (singing) band committments vapping alloows me to haqve a full vocal range and still get ripped on demand.

I also love the taste and the way a vapor hit is a real HIT!!! without the groggyness of C02 and Tar.

And the lack of burnt herb smell makes it the true winner we all know vapping is.



Well-Known Member
Prometheus vs. Tesla

Yeah, it must have been a caveman. Ugh, make Grog high. Ugh, make Grog cough.


apprentice shaman
Ancient vs modern, Informed vs Ignorance, sharing vs greed(or me me), health&wealth vs sickness &misery, I could prolly go on:lol:

Acolyte of Zinglon

i have a question to piggyback
(i havent had the pleasure of experiencing a vape before)
like after a while of smoking, i tend to get a bit palsy, and hace trouble coordinating my motor function, i kinda like this cause i get absolutely smashed and bust up on the ground laughing
i want to know if these kinds of body effects are preserved (like if i vap an indica i want to KNOW it was an indica) in a vap or if theyre mostly from the carcinogen response
Acolyte of Zinglon,


apprentice shaman
The right vape used the right way can outstrip smoking's pleasure by a long way, And if you enjoy nice flavour's in your mouth, you'll may never look back to ur past primitive ideas

Acolyte of Zinglon

hehe i guess its just something ill have to experience

its fine either way, im going to be using it for fun and medicine, and im a singer (classical and folk) so ive gotta take care of my voice

smoking is starting to seem a disdainful activity for me altogether, so im sure i wont regret getting a vape either way
Acolyte of Zinglon,


apprentice shaman
A month ago i had no idea i was goin to dump a couple of 27 year habit's, although i was feeling smoking's negative effects, coughing like a mongrel dog on evry bong i had(can't remember when i didn't cough hard), small infections in my fingernails, shit breathing,never satisfied with what i'd smoked, ready for more straight away(pot or ciggies,same shit with alcohol to a lesser degree)and allway's needing one more cone b4 leaving the house reluctently,not wanting to be away from home and the bong for to long,That was my miserable depressed life, Not any more now,I feel Free,Calm and confident,Happy,Spontaneous with a clear sober mind. And i'm in the zone on my bike getting much more out of everything and above all comfortable and content.

PTSD was a fucking nightmare, depression, anxiety a rotten existence and totally unecessary so iv'e come to learn, and no i don't have any respect for the medical profession what so ever,Greed driven lying whores,A psychiatrist told me i could have it 6 month's or 60 years she "couldn't say", a psychologist said write post it notes to yourself (you r loved) Fucken morons trained to not give a shit(detachment folks there professionals):disgust:

Acolyte of Zinglon

i have the same hatred for doctors... i was given ritalin at 6 then my parents put me on antidepressants when i was 8...

that shit screwed me up... it severely stifled my emotional development, which made me antisocial, and the subject of all sorts of bullys in elemenraty and middle school

i just recently quit them after discovering marijuana and how well it works for me as a medicine... getting off the antidepressants was hellike withdrawals for a full month, and then for 2 months after that i had absolutely no libido... i now hate my parents for putting a little kid on addictive medications and i hate the doctors for fucking giving the medications to me... im perfectly fine without them

i discovered mj just after my 17th bday, and had it sporadically theat year... but when i had it... fuck, focusing in school was a cinch, i was the most pleasant person as could be, and my social anxiety just melted away. and since it worked so well for me, (and ive just recently turned 18 :D) im going to go get a med card, cause in california you can get it for any condition that it helps with... it definately helps with mine

i have to get a job and a car first tho... cause i have to go 50 miles to the doctor and the nearest dispensaries since i live in republican territory, so ill get my car (im strangely attracted to the geo metro) then ill get my card and order a silver surfer
Acolyte of Zinglon,

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Wow Acolyte dude that is a bad scene. Much peace on you and I'm stoked you've found a medicine that works in Cannabis. It is good medicine, no doubt. Although I've never had the antidepressants, or much doctor prescribed medicine at all (the parents eventually tried lots of shit on me...but they didn't get to me young enough, I had already rebelled. Eight is insane though's basically mental and physical slavery. I really do feel for you, and I hope sincerely that Cannabis helps you find the peace we all deserve). I have suffered from an intense social anxiety however, and I do know where you're coming from there...MJ simply helps me interact in the world. Without it I am still myself, and I can be happy and productive etc...but after a while it all begins to bind in on me, and in certain spaces I loose control of any feelings of safety, comfort, etc. MJ helps me to smile, shrug it off, and look people in the eye again. It helps with all of my psychological/emotional disorders (or challenges, pick your attitude) and it creates some of its own. For me, it's no question that it's worth it. Everything has its price, yet only some rides are worth the cost. Cannabis has much virtue. For me, it is THE medicine of the everyday world. Psychedelics are, and probably always will be, my spiritual sacrament, but I don't know what I'd do without Cannabis.

I bet you'll love the Surfer too...I haven't tried one, but I'm dyyyyyying to! Haven't heard a bad review yet! I waaaaaaant one. What a good little consumer I've become ;).

Good luck with Cannabis man, one thing I've found over time is that it can bring serenity and peace, especially when used respectfully. That is a saving grace to someone with social anxiety unlike any money can buy. To think that you can now derive your medicine by alchemically extracting the "magical" chemicals and aromatics from a beautiful flower, instead of from popping a pill! Oh how delicious! I wish you luck, Meester Zinglon.
partially veiled,

Acolyte of Zinglon

ya, i have firsthand experience with the cycle of physical drug addiction without any of the stigma of being a junkie...

i actually find this experience to be enlightening, it has taught me to respect the drugs that work. i bever really got into smoking circles, i find that most people dont have the same amount of respect for the herb as i do, because it heklped me finally break the cycle

through my time of rebellion, i tried numerous times to quit it, and i thought that the withdrawals were the "depression symptoms" that everyone kept telling me i had, to the point where i just accepted it
it turns out that those symptoms of depression were only the withdrawals from trying to quit,

i havent had herb for several months now, and i wont get anymore until i get my card. my parents found my weed just after 4/20, and i promised them i wouldnt smoke till i had a card, so that they couldnt be held responsible... i prefer not to make a liar out of myself
as soon as i have a car, i have freedom to do what i want... ill be able to get my card, and then my parents wont give me shit about using the sacred herb

ugh i hate trying to find a job
Acolyte of Zinglon,


apprentice shaman
I know about Drugs(not everything) i've been on perscribed morphine 120 mg per day 3 years for arthritis/spine (thc receptor's there too) valium, prozac etc. serapax, the latter nearly got me shot dead by police coming to the house to check out shouting and screaming while home alone cleaning the house , I had a mop in my hands @ the back door, and one of em had the hand on his weapon ready to go, but i was quite by then and talked my way out of it, It was a scary moment that could have gone bad for me, Doctor's drug's are involved in those kind's of death's don't kid yourself into thinking only illicit drugs are dangerous, in my view Antidepressant's are suspect particularly Benzo's, Just because there Legal & cheaper than cooking Hash dos'nt make them a good idea:)


lurking kiwi
I feel like a bit of a lightweight. Mull sorta found me the same time I found it and it was more a mutual friendship and hand and hand journey through life than any medicinal use. I get very stoked to hear those that use MJ as medicine and that it works way better than prescription drugs.


apprentice shaman
Basically the same here V_C for nearly 27 years i never really appoached it from a medical point of view despite what iv'e said about my experience, Even though i'm a bit of a deep thinker i mostly took Mary Jane for granted while enjoying her everyday of my adult life since 17( most proud of that fact).one of my goals or wishes is that upon the moment of my death whenever that may be, i would like to have Vapor or a solid dose of Hash/ THC IN my Lungs/Bloodstream/Brain and perhaps something like LSD:)


apprentice shaman
i'd like advice or info from a cannaexpert, about vaping, b4 vape a 2 hour drive would take my bloodpressure to about 160 +or - over about 85, just around the corner my BP is 130/80 to 140/85, 6 week's of vaping later no smoking @ all,and fuck all booze, now the 2 hour drive put BP 170 over 105, what is going on here, and should i be worried, I feel calmer than i ever have, i had a 60 mg morphine in me when i read high on both occassions, and yesterday i did feel a little noddy but not to any great extent(confounding factor's:)


apprentice shaman
Noticed something today, exsmoker's will know of the blackish shit you cough up after quiting cigarettes, it's happened every time 4 me(4-6 not really sure) it look's :disgusting: but feels strangely good, iv'e heard b4 smoking supresses your lung's ability to self clean(vagina's do it too:p ) This action may occur whether cannabis is smoked or vaped but i'm glad my body is starting to behave the way it should, and i'm really not 100% Sure depression is cured yet but i do feel a very different version of myself lately as ive described in other posts. I kind of discribe my two big trip's with MJ in the past 6 weeks as a kind of reboot(PC talk) or electro shock therapy, performed with a herb and vaporiser(+extract) instead of the conventional Electricity and restraint's.

If you "Suffer" from depression take a :leaf: out of my book, don't be sidetracked with BS and cheap deal's, it's not just money yah wasting it's time too, and in my book that's more precious, only having one brief life and all:)


vapor junkie
Staff member
Not sure on the blood pressure thing. Many factors could contribute to that, maybe see a doctor if you're concerned. Most of the stuff I'm seeing has THC increasing heart rate and reducing blood pressure / intraocular pressure.

Yeah man I remember coughing up that shit when I quit smoking cigs. Felt awesome to be getting it out. Some literature pegs THC as an expectorant, so vaping might give you that without the tar.



apprentice shaman
yeah i may not get an answer here on that one, thought it was worth a try but, i'm not that concerned, having PTSD iv'e got to expect shit like this
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