That is why I stated, "in this case". What I meant was your inhales are shorter due to the actives boiling off faster then normally. Slower is better overall because the hot air has more time to stay in contact with the herb which allows more actives to be released into the hot air, and less air that has no actives, filling your lungs on each inhale.
There are two forms of decarboxylation, one with just heat, and one with enzymes. The enzyme version involves vitamin b6. This is why you don't necessarily need to heat herb just to get an effect when ingesting it. Eating it with the right foods will get the same effect. The things we don't know yet, means just that, there are things we don't know yet about what is happening with plants, when they are heated.
I helped create this method, and it wasn't to dry the herb, it was to get a better effect from the herb when smoking or vaping. The process isn't slowed down due to the enzymes doing their thing. If you go too high, you degrade the enzymes, and now you have to rely on heat to do it's thing but with that comes other problems.
Of course actives boil a little at lower temperatures, but who wants to wait a while when you can get them immediately. That is a major reason why we are vaping instead of eating.
Chlorophyll is a pigment that gives off that weed smell, that most people know weed for when it is heated. If you burn a green leaf, it gives off the same smell. Lack of chlorophyll is why hash doesn't smell like bud, when it is heated, and it is full of terpenoids.
MANY people who try this method love it, so I feel there is no need to keep explaining myself anymore. Even on this forum people are loving it, yet you are making it seem like I'm speculating. I'm just explaining to you what is happening, and why you are doing it.