After spending a few weeks with the De Verdamper, I must confess that this vape is a monster hitter!!
The standard bowl is big enough to hold the Stanley Cup in...LOL!!
Still manages to do micro loads very nicely. Controlled by inhale speed and covering the top part.
Almost every vape I own has been modified to use an EQ basket if at all possible!
The De Verdamper was no different and I was up for a challenge!
The original bowl does fit an EQ bowl but it was not very stable and I need to dump the EQ bowl out every time and clean it... Too much work!
Since my OG bowl is female, I have it attached to an 18Mto18M adapter.
The EQ bowl fits my adapter perfectly!
First try was with the DV resting on the bulge of the adapter. The load was pretty far up the joint...
About 3 seconds into the perfect hit and the cavemen appear and start some small fires in my bowl!
Bastards!!! Quick clean and re-think required...
Add some silicone tubing to the one end and it locks the EQ basket in! Genius!
Add another small ring of silicone to aid in fine tuning depth of load and it is done!
Now there is one downside...Hot spot...Mine is on the right side edge of bowl...
Grab some tube lube and refresh the bowl and do the bowl spin while holding the VD.
Perfection! Thick delicious clouds off 0,05g!!
This vape is my strongest hitting vape set up like this.
This was all done through my RooR Vapor WT.
I tried the OG setup last weekend and was blasted!! So much air to get it going and then the vapor just pours... Had me coughing up my second spleen!
Very happy with finally owning one of these!
I need to send you a PM...Tomorrow!
For now I have some keywords for you:
Sour Livers
3 Bears OG
Grape Walker Kush
Northern Cheese haze
Bomb Berry Auto