So glad I stumbled upon, searched for, this specific thread! I couldn't find a more detailed explanation of what the hell a ddave mod was.
I'm new to the vape world as well as the FC community. I have read this thread for the past two days and created an account to be able to communicate with you all.
I ordered the eq, first desktop vape I'll own, two days ago and the full mod kit this morning! I cannot wait until next week. Thanksgiving weekend is going to be that much better due to all of the vaping me and my wife will finally be able to do! So sick of combustion...
Only question I have so far considering I've never used or even seen an eq or the mod kit in person, will I be able to attach my eq and my bong together with all of the components? I know the last few posts have been about connecting to water tools. I only own a tall green monster of a bong, not a little bubbler. I will definitely be looking at some at the head shop soon.
@JelGreen Welcome to FC and the EQ Family
Your kit is shipping out today! I'm sure you and your wife will love the EQ and the options the kit will provide. Make sure to preheat your EQ and the adapter you'll be using during your sessions. Since you're coming from combusting, I suggest the 18mm short adapter. Preheat it on the EQ for at least 10 minutes before your session. I include a set of instructions with advice on how to tailor your sessions initially. If you have questions, feel free to ask either in thread or PM... Happy to help!
Oh, and if you start out with the Smooth Session option listed in the instructions, load the adapter only about 1/2 full to start out. While it can process a full adapter, vaping is way more efficient than combusting and you may end up "over medicating"!
In regards to your question about interfacing the kit pieces with your EQ, if your bong has an 18mm ground glass slide, you can use the arizer elbow on the opposite end of the whip from the wand and it will interface perfectly!
So your whip setup will be.... Wand to Whip Tube to Arizer Elbow to Bong.
Enjoy and Vape On!