You should consider other non-portable alternatives as well before making your final decision as well as big portables so you can have some mobility without sacrificing much on the quality of the overall experience.
The Arizer Solo comes to mind as well as the log type vaporizers, specificaly the Heat Island (HI), Underdog (UD) and Wychwood (WW) which are my preferences, there is also the Ceramic RockZap (CRZ), the EpicVape (EV) and Old City Diffusers (OCD).
There is also the Cloud, considered by many to be the ultimate vaporizer but at a much higher price-tag.
If you already considered other alternatives and narrowed it to the MFLB and the DBV, i suggest you get the DBV. The two main downsides for me are, it is not easily concealable and, due to a big bowl, it is difficult to conserve your material.
The MFLB is an excelent vaporizer as well, and with the Power Adapter becomes even more enjoyable but it lacks IMO the heavy hitter capacity that gets you higher much faster in the DBV.
This heavy hitter capacity is a blessing (gets you higher faster) and a curse (at the expense of more mj used). The DBV has the added advantage of a more effective vaporizing process since it vaporizes mainly by convection, which allows for the flavour to last longer and the herb is vaped more evenly in less difficulty than the MFLB.
As for smoking, the health issues alone make me not even consider it as an alternative anymore. If you stick to vaporizing long enough, you will see it outweighs smoking in every way.