DaVinci IQ2 & IQ3


Well-Known Member
Sorry but i dont like the taste of conduction. Would never buy another conduction vape, i am not even that keen on the vapcap anymore.
I think the vapcap is a little overhyped personally. I prefer a good convection vape with the same hit every time. I think vapcap is good, and "cheap" (recurring cost of butane to me is not worth it. Dealing with lighters. It didn't work well with every glass piece like my other vapes. I would only bring it so that I have a backup.)

I think vapes that are conduction based can be smaller usually? Correct me if I'm wrong on that. So it looks like conduction still has a place.
I prefer convection as well, and it's a major sticking point. I'd rather pay for a premium product that satisfies all my wants than just get a vape.
This is interesting though palmability is nice. I don't think I need something as small as the miqro. So I'm interested but I just really prefer convection for odor especially. I really value the odor convection produces. I don't like things to stay smelly.


And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
Finally got around to playing with the new unit. I have some initial impressions some people might be interested in (NOT a full review as I haven't had enough time yet).

Initial Impressions
First, I'll start with probably the least important part: The packaging. It *IS* the first thing one interacts with, but the only reason why I comment is because I really like it. The double doors are really cool. And the accessory drawer is much nicer than having to lift out a foam insert to get at them. Nice. Just shows and attention to detail I think is reflected on a lot of changes I saw.


[NOTE: Yeah, I didn't clean the units for the photos. NO need to point that out. By anyone. :p Plus, the Olive unit with the older finish looks shinier in these photos, whereas the newer finish has brighter highlights in real life.]

The unit itself is only slightly larger than the original IQ. But it immediately feels a lot more substantial. The fit and finish seems to be even nicer. I might equate it to the original having the fit and finish of a German sports car. The IQ2 seems to have the fit and finish of an Armored Mercedes... without the added weight or the bullet-proof glass (and the diplomat and/or drug-lord in the back). :rofl::rofl::rofl: I think the overall tolerances are much better. Even the lids clicking into place (magnet-closures) sound more solid in how they resonate. The hinges themselves [Next photo for the protrusions on the original IQ.] have also been redesigned. Much cleaner in operation and look/feel.

Even seating the mouthpiece is nicer in the new one. I use the "water adapter" as a "mouth adapter", and the original IQ was always a bit fidgety getting it seated. NO issue on the IQ2.

The stir-stick sticks out a bit more, but a) I think the internal lip is slightly higher, and b) more importantly, the stick itself is taller. Which is nice to get a little more leverage in cleaning out the bowl, but on the negative side, I now have what... 4 different sizes of Davinci stir-sticks? Great. #firstworldproblems I will note that there seems to be some silicone (or rubber) resistance in re-inserting it, which is a nice touch. I've not lost one yet in any unit, but it feels more securely snug in there. Small touch, but nice.

The side buttons have more of a raised edge and easier to find in the dark or by feel only. (They also have symbols on them, but who looks at those after the first time? A nice refinement though...)


[Due to low angle this makes the Amethyst IQ2 look taller (left to right) than it actually is in relation to the Olive IQ. I just noticed that now, and I think that's just an exaggeration of both placement and angle... in real life not quite as big.]

The biggest difference in the exterior would be visible on the bottom. The newer unit has the intake dial on it.

The dial does give all appearances of being a black plastic dial... until you touch it. Wow it's a nice piece. Very nicely machined. It's a shame the finish makes it look as if it were plastic. It might have been better in a more metallic finish, but that's just a stylistic concern, and doesn't really impact usability. I'll note a few complaints, though: The "volume dots" indication how open it is really aren't that different from one another. In fact, it is hard to tell them apart from the other markings, especially if you are using it in a room without the best lighting. And, the position marker is too easy to miss. In fact, I didn't notice that marker until these photos. But these things aren't major issues, as once you get familiar with it, you'll just be operating it by memory without looking.


[Again, the Olive seems brighter in this light/angle. I guess it's more "camera-friendly."]

I haven't had much of a chance other than initial tests to test the functionality out. I'll have to equate it to almost like taking a finger slightly off the carb on a bong (it doesn't clear the chamber like fully removing the finger, but more to let in a bit more room air into the mix). As my approach is more "prolonged-sipping" on the unit, it didn't have much benefit to me. The previous gen was fine for me and this one seems to be best closed for *MY* style.

But those that hit harder (or pack differently) might really like that option. I can see some people liking that function, especially as the machined teeth are sharp enough to catch, and can easily be operated by a pinky *WHILE* you are in mid-draw.
Like a musician playing an instrument...

Dynamic user air-controlled extraction. I'll test more in the future.

The top of the unit shows a few more of the changes.

First off, that horrible annoying battery cover has been fixed!! The old one had issues opening and different issues getting it shut and locked. (And a few more issues with hinges and battery removal.) That was one of the first things I tried when I opened the new top. Much nicer!

The flavor chamber had been redesigned, but more on that another time.

As mentioned previously, the gaskets on the mouthpiece are MUCH easier to seat, and the pick is bigger. [Hard to tell in below photo as the IQ2 is flipped to the IQ, but you can see the head of the pick quite near the rim edge on the top, when the Olive IQ has it much more recessed on the bottom.]

I will note here that the "water adaptor" has been improved with a slightly different finish, and a softer, rounder edge to it. The latter is a very nice touch if you use it as a mouth piece as many of us do. Nice attention to detail, and that seems to be a theme in all this unit as I keep catching these details. [No picture here, but I should later.]


[A keen eye will notice the change in the hinges.]

For the bottom of the unit, there seem to be a few changes. Most obvious are the vents that correspond to the outside dial for room-air intake. But also, the loading area seems to be improved.

The old loading area was great in how it worked like a simple funnel to get product where you wanted it. It was easy to get stray product down, and super easy to clean. The new unit seems to have an even more sculpted area which is great, and I haven't yet taken a caliper to it but the oven opening also seems to be wider.

I have no comment on the new pearl yet.


[One can see how much more of the lip is reflected in the loading area in the IQ2, indicating the deeper lip portions to accommodate a better seal and the intro of the variable intake.]

The visible exterior of the ovens seem to be similar, outside of the number of uptake holes (and previous comment about the new opening seeming slightly larger). No comment at this point about the changes in the oven beyond the visible.



[The loading area might be slightly reduced overall, but as mentioned, the lip in the newer unit is much taller. It has cut-out/indentations for the air wheel, which account for some extra height. Also the sculpted loading area makes it look different. I think most of the perceived difference is due to these reasons and just the photography distorting angles slightly. And yes. They are dirty. Shut up.]


I said I wouldn't get into that, didn't I? Well, I can make first impression comments anyways. I'll keep it brief:

I usually will use a built-in profile, but for these initial attempts, I decided to just go with straight temp. I didn't mess with anything relating to production measurement, other features, or the like (again, more trials are needed with the unit). Nor did I try out the dual-use on it, as restricted myself to flower.

I was struck by how milky the sips I was pulling off were, despite it was mainly shallow and not deeper(est?) draws. I packed as I normally do (use the tool as a tamping device to a firm pack under the height of the pearl). The session did last as long as my expectations, and the extraction seemed to be better than I recall for this strain. I can't at this point compare directly to the IQ (been playing with another device recently), but I'll get to some side-by-side comparisons at a later point. I did not feel it get too hot in my hand, but a) never bothered by heat in previous models, and b) don't normally go above 390°F in most usage, although I did both on initial burn-in (a perfunctory behavior. And... No, "I didn't inhale." :spliff:) and then to finish off the oven of flower in testing. The top point is 430°F, which is well shy of combustion in most cases (~450°F). I did not detect some of the negative flavors and what-not, but I was mainly seeing how long the oven would keep producing.

Also, it was mentioned above about my quick trial of the new air-intake. [For some reason, in the discussion of the new intake control.] I didn't feel it aided my style of consumption, but I could see a lot of people that would take use of it.

Not really related to usage, but I did notice several times of the LED display "dimming" down to a bar or a few of which I presume to be part of an intake measurement. But, again: Not relevant at this point.


As I mentioned, this is neither a performance nor a comprehensive review. I'll have to run it through a lot of tests, including against it's older sibling. Nor is this comments on maintenance, as.... well... I gotta get it a lot more dirty to really test that. Nor can I yet comment on the dual-use. This is intended to be first impressions, and if there is a conclusion to that thought it is that this is a significant refinement and I expect to confirm much better extraction overall.
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Well-Known Member
Has the issue with buildup in impossible to reach areas from the original IQ been completely solved? that was the main thing holding me back from getting the original
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Randy Lahey

Well-Known Member
I actually loved my IQ. It shit the bed and Davinci was great - sent me a new one on a warranty claim. Problem is that new one I got, the lid pops open 2 minutes after you turn it on and its impossible to use. Very annoying. So I guess I have to buy a new vape.

I really dont want to spend the money on an IQ 2 unless I know the lid issue has been fixed and honestly, the battery life is better. Looking forward to see how this unit endures. Thanks for the reviews.
Randy Lahey,


Clean First Technology
I actually loved my IQ. It shit the bed and Davinci was great - sent me a new one on a warranty claim. Problem is that new one I got, the lid pops open 2 minutes after you turn it on and its impossible to use. Very annoying. So I guess I have to buy a new vape.

I really dont want to spend the money on an IQ 2 unless I know the lid issue has been fixed and honestly, the battery life is better. Looking forward to see how this unit endures. Thanks for the reviews.

@Randy Lahey, we are putting an upgrade program in place, so you could essentially trade it in?


Well-Known Member
I contacted DaVinci support to get more info about this "program" to replace and upgrade from the OG IQ to the new IQ2 ( if i understood correctly...), the answer was that in 2 weeks they will have more info but right now they cannot advance anything yet.

Randy Lahey

Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks for posting that ^. Davinci please update to this discussion once the details are set. Thanks.
Randy Lahey,


Well-Known Member
@Randy Lahey, we are putting an upgrade program in place, so you could essentially trade it in?

I recieved my unit and am having issues. I contacted customer support but no one wants to get back to me to help. Id really appreciate some help due to the money I've paid for this device.

I recieved my unit and am having issues. I contacted customer support but no one wants to get back to me to help. Id really appreciate some help due to the money I've paid for this device.
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Well-Known Member
Still no word after 4 days of contacting customer service. I can't recommend anyone to get this device if this is how it's supposed to work. Device gets way too hot and the oven door will literally open if you just lift the device off the table. It seems every time I contact Davinci as soon as they hear I have an issue they can't talk. Terrible CS for the money were playing for these items


Well-Known Member
"Still no word after 4 days of contacting customer service. I can't recommend anyone to get this device if this is how it's supposed to work. Device gets way too hot and the oven door will literally open if you just lift the device off the table. It seems every time I contact Davinci as soon as they hear I have an issue they can't talk. Terrible CS for the money were playing for these items"

we expect better cs than this, and I am not budging on any purchase from DaVinci until I hear this is resolved


Well-Known Member
Still no word after 4 days of contacting customer service. I can't recommend anyone to get this device if this is how it's supposed to work. Device gets way too hot and the oven door will literally open if you just lift the device off the table. It seems every time I contact Davinci as soon as they hear I have an issue they can't talk. Terrible CS for the money were playing for these items

It took me 10m to get some info at DaVinci webpage about the the replacement / upgrade program, did you try this way? you are right to be upset not having a reply from the CS but try using their webpage and bottom right corner use the chat to get in touch with them i bet they will give you information about your situation



Well-Known Member
Hey Anyone know if I can use the ceramic chamber for the concentrates as a bud cup for dry herbs?

I ordered it on a whim, but if the portable ceramic chamber also works on the old IQ I would be more than happy.


Well-Known Member
Still no reply I spoke with someone on the phone that said they've been very busy. He emailed me a list of things to send. Even sent a video of me explaining my issues. That was last Thursday and never even got a response saying they recieved the info. I don't get why if I'm telling them the oven isn't staying shut they need to put me through a court trial. I contacted them the day I recieved the device. Looks like I'm stuck with a 300 dollar paper weight for now. If this isn't a defective unit I would not recommend buying this device as the oven door will open just by you looking at it. Should of just replaced my mighty like I was originally going to do
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almost there

Well-Known Member
Still no reply I spoke with someone on the phone that said they've been very busy. He emailed me a list of things to send. Even sent a video of me explaining my issues. That was last Thursday and never even got a response saying they recieved the info. I don't get why if I'm telling them the oven isn't staying shut they need to put me through a court trial. I contacted them the day I recieved the device. Looks like I'm stuck with a 300 dollar paper weight for now. If this isn't a defective unit I would not recommend buying this device as the oven door will open just by you looking at it. Should of just replaced my mighty like I was originally going to do
sorry to hear about the troubles friend, getting a premium product with problems suck. All I can advise is try to keep your cool and just provide whatever info they request. I've just completed a request for the 3rd RMA of my IQ and it took a bit more than 2 weeks. I wasn't able to upload the receipt and each email took a few days for them to respond. The wait was agonizing but they took care of it in the end like they usually do.
almost there,
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Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about the troubles friend, getting a premium product with problems suck. All I can advise is try to keep your cool and just provide whatever info they request. I've just completed a request for the 3rd RMA of my IQ and it took a bit more than 2 weeks. I wasn't able to upload the receipt and each email took a few days for them to respond. The wait was agonizing but they took care of it in the end like they usually do.

I just expect a little more when paying over 300 dollars for a device. They've been around long enough it shouldnt take a week to get an answer if I can get a replacement or a refund. Just gave me a feeling like they couldn't be bothered with it over the phone.


Well-Known Member
I spoke with someone at DaVinci on the phone last week and asked them specifically about the upgrade program which I read about in the IQ thread. I was told that there was no such thing and that they were going to have somebody go out to FC and correct that misinformation.

After reading the above post directly from DaVinci, I immediately sent them an email asking for clarification this morning. My IQ has been in for warranty work for over 3 weeks now. I confirmed yesterday they haven't even started working on it yet. I would much rather take advantage of an upgrade program then receive an RMA'd unboxed replacement IQ, as I did last fall when I had to have it serviced.


Well-Known Member
I spoke with someone at DaVinci on the phone last week and asked them specifically about the upgrade program which I read about in the IQ thread. I was told that there was no such thing and that they were going to have somebody go out to FC and correct that misinformation.

After reading the above post directly from DaVinci, I immediately sent them an email asking for clarification this morning. My IQ has been in for warranty work for over 3 weeks now. I confirmed yesterday they haven't even started working on it yet. I would much rather take advantage of an upgrade program then receive an RMA'd unboxed replacement IQ, as I did last fall when I had to have it serviced.

I got this from DaVinci CS on 24/1, seems clear they were working on something related, now i dont know what to think.... do you have you chat record, they send to the email. I just hope Rosie dont get in trouble...


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