DaVinci IQ2 & IQ3

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I asked this in the mIQro thread too, but here might be a better place to get an answer...?
Can Davinci zirconium parts be safely soaked in Powdered Brewers Wash without damaging the finish?

I know pbw ruins the anodised layer on aluminum, and that zirconium has a surface layer of oxide too, so I'm wary.

I've run out of alchohol cleaner but still have plenty of PBW

I have no idea, but it doesn't sound necessary to me even, I feel like hot water (and perhaps dish soap) could clean the zirconium parts (mp, path, spacer) well enough without the PBW or even alcohol...


I currently own 2 IQ2's each with their own fair share of problems. What you just described is what is wrong with my first one. It rarely happens but when it does, it enters a runaway heating mode cooking the entire bowl and requiring extreme cleaning. This has happened 3 times in the past 6 months.

I caught it last time when I heard a bubbling sound. It essentially boils the entire bowl in seconds and if left to run, it just solidifies everything onto the wall of the bowl to be scraped off for at least an hour. The only way to turn off the unit in this state is to remove the battery.

So in total, that IQ2 also has the following 3 issues:
1. Shows battery is empty when the battery state of charge (SOC) is below 90%. Have to plug in the usb cable to add enough power to allow the unit to run for at least 10 minutes before shutting off when the battery reaches 90% SOC. I bought $50 worth of brand new 18650's to make sure it wasn't a problem with the batteries I was using, but after testing 6 new batteries fully charged, the same problem exists.
2. Unit randomly lights up entire led display for a couple seconds and flashes 3 times before shutting off
3. Unit rarely enters a runaway heating mode cooking the entire bowl and requiring extreme cleaning. This has happened 3 times in the past 6 months. When it happens, I have to remove the battery to get it to turn off.

** Note - The above IQ2 was warrantied last year due to not powering on anymore (same issue my second IQ2 now has). I actually purchased my second IQ2 below when I sent my first one to Davinci for repair so that I would have a working unit.

Unfortunately, my second IQ2 doesn't even turn on so I'm currently warrantying that one now so that when I get that back, I can send off the one with the problems above.

My second IQ2 has the following 3 issues:
1. Unit won't turn on. When inserting a new battery, it shows the battery level (full), but the power button no longer works. This happened to my older IQ2 last year.
2. The battery door has been difficult to use since day one. The latch mechanism doesn't want to release most of the time even when the latch is pulled back all the way. When putting a battery in, it doesn't want to close all the time and it takes up to 5 tries to keep the door closed. When no battery is in, the latch doesn't want to open easily.
3. Dosage Calculation / Draw Detection never worked from day one. When inhaling, the display is supposed to show a counter as you inhale and light up the power and up/down buttons. This never worked with this unit.

It's really unfortunate as I need a working product hence owning 2. I'm currently researching other brands/products and will likely be settling with the Storz & Bickel Mighty as I can no longer rely on the IQ2.
Just sent one of my IQ2's off to Davinci for repair.

One odd thing with my other problematic IQ2 that just happened is that the screen stopped working. The haptic feedback (vibration) still worked, but the screen didn't. I had to remove the battery and re-insert to get the screen to start working again.
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Well-Known Member
@lysolosyl Sorry, you're having so many issues; definitely frustrating.

"2. Unit randomly lights up entire led display for a couple seconds and flashes 3 times before shutting off"

One of my IQ2's does this as well if there are four or less battery LEDs left in the charge and I'm trying to heat up to smart path 3 or 4. In an earlier post, @Davinci_vaporizer mentioned that is expected behavior as the battery has to have a certain charge to get to those higher smart paths. Not sure if you're issue is related to that somehow.


@lysolosyl Sorry, you're having so many issues; definitely frustrating.

"2. Unit randomly lights up entire led display for a couple seconds and flashes 3 times before shutting off"

One of my IQ2's does this as well if there are four or less battery LEDs left in the charge and I'm trying to heat up to smart path 3 or 4. In an earlier post, @Davinci_vaporizer mentioned that is expected behavior as the battery has to have a certain charge to get to those higher smart paths. Not sure if you're issue is related to that somehow.

It started happening yesterday and I was able to get a video clip of it finally. When turning on the device, it was flashing all the led's once and then shutting off. A little different then flashing 3 times while using though. Also, the display stopped working for about 10 min... I already started the RMA process for this second IQ2, but unfortunately, it's the only vape I have currently as my other IQ2 is on it's way now to get repaired so I hope I get a working unit back soon so I can mail this one.

I have 10 batteries in rotation so I just grab 4 of them and between them, I can get about 5-10 min before the unit thinks they are all dead. It's to the point that it's funny because I have to not only get by with the thing thinking every battery is dead, but also get past the whole led display lighting up randomly, and the screen not working randomly...

I really hope they just send me a new unit for this one because this is insane. I want to just order the S&B Mighty right now, but the minute I buy it, they'll release the Mighty +

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
One of my IQ2's does this as well if there are four or less battery LEDs left in the charge and I'm trying to heat up to smart path 3 or 4. In an earlier post, @Davinci_vaporizer mentioned that is expected behavior as the battery has to have a certain charge to get to those higher smart paths.
I have not run into this issue at all - I am able to use sp 3 and 4 on a 2 line battery, but if I ran into that issue it would make me very unhappy.


I wouldn't expect you'll have much trouble with the repair. I've been amazingly impressed with Davinci's customer service.
Yea, I'm not worried about the repair on the one they have right now. This is my second warranty with an IQ2 and will be mailing another off soon which I hope will be replaced as it has a lot of problems and is dangerous.

The only other product that I've had more issues with other than the IQ2 is Xbox controllers... I don't know how many of those I've been through over the years, but at least they have parts that move a lot.


SEARCH for the treasure...
I wouldn't expect you'll have much trouble with the repair. I've been amazingly impressed with Davinci's customer service.

I wish I could claim I had good results with Davinci customer service. I’ve tried using their online form, emails go unanswered, all for a 50 cent part. Not happy.... :(
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yea, I can understand that. I'd be unhappy too if I didn't hear back. Are you saying that you're receiving the auto reply that gives you a ticket number but no reply on the ticket?


SEARCH for the treasure...
Somebody wake up our Davinci rep.

Don’t recall seeing this accessory before, I think it’s NEW:


The stainless steel dosage pods are a great addition and can be used for easy loading on the go, dosage metering, keeping the oven cleaner or even conserving herb. This 304 stainless sell pod is versatile in both material and uses. Holding up to .3g of flower, concentrate or a combination thereof, this threaded pod will make loading on the go a breeze. In addition, due to the thermal properties of steel, the stainless pod heats up 16% faster than the ceramic version.
Includes: Six(6) Stainless Steel Dosage Pods

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Somebody wake up our Davinci rep.

Don’t recall seeing this accessory before, I think it’s NEW:


The stainless steel dosage pods are a great addition and can be used for easy loading on the go, dosage metering, keeping the oven cleaner or even conserving herb. This 304 stainless sell pod is versatile in both material and uses. Holding up to .3g of flower, concentrate or a combination thereof, this threaded pod will make loading on the go a breeze. In addition, due to the thermal properties of steel, the stainless pod heats up 16% faster than the ceramic version.
Includes: Six(6) Stainless Steel Dosage Pods

Oh wow that is a nice new development! :o


Westchester, NY
Somebody wake up our Davinci rep.

Don’t recall seeing this accessory before, I think it’s NEW:


The stainless steel dosage pods are a great addition and can be used for easy loading on the go, dosage metering, keeping the oven cleaner or even conserving herb. This 304 stainless sell pod is versatile in both material and uses. Holding up to .3g of flower, concentrate or a combination thereof, this threaded pod will make loading on the go a breeze. In addition, due to the thermal properties of steel, the stainless pod heats up 16% faster than the ceramic version.
Includes: Six(6) Stainless Steel Dosage Pods

Oh wow that is a nice new development! :o

Good catch @RustyOldNail these look pretty interesting... whos trying them out?


Just got my RMA back for the one that didnt power on and dosage calculation didn’t work. The device now powers on, but the dosage calculation still doesn’t work. There is no meter on the screen nor is there a total dosage caculation when turning off the device. I was pretty clear with the 3 issues it had.

Currently waiting their response. I can’t freaking believe I’m about to have to mail this thing back to them again. That will be my 4th RMA with Davinci. Un-freaking believable.

I already packaged up my other IQ2 to drop off in the mail tomorrow for a separate RMA and now I might be sending 2 together. This will now put me over $100 in shipping costs for repeated failing units.
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I'm so done with this company. They replied to my question of whether or not they fixed the dosage/draw calculation with "please send a video describing the problem".

Seriously this product has major flaws. I'm $600 invested in 2 IQ2's, $50+ in IQ2 accessories, and another $100 in shipping costs to get these defective units fixed and they want me to just mail it in again.

This is completely unacceptable. I received my Storz and Bickel Mighty last week and it just "works".

EDIT - Also, the metal cover around the battery door has already fallen off exposing the dried glue underneath and the screws to the mouth piece hinge. Literally in less then 4 days after getting it back. It has been sitting on the counter all weekend unused and I went to see if the problem is still persisting and it just falls off.

Why is this product $300????

Davinci is choosing to stand behind their policy that requires a video of the problem be sent in. I sent them a video of the last issue where the unit wouldn't power on along with a list of 3 issues INCLUDING the dosage calculation not working.

They are refusing to repair the product without a video of the problem. This is ridiculous Davinci and unacceptable.

After they sent it back to me, they now want ANOTHER video of the issue of the dosage calculation so I can do ANOTHER RMA. What a complete dumpster fire of a company. I will never recommend Davinci to anyone and I suggest you look at another product because you WILL have nothing but problems with them and their products.

EDIT - I sent them a picture of the metal shroud by the battery door that fell off this morning and they decided to replace the unit based on that alone... I have no words.
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Hi y'all! I just received my IQ2 yesterday. I bought this device because of the clean air path free of plastics or metals, as health and safety (and flavor) were my number one priority, and this device seemed second to none as far as portable vapes go. However, there is a strong chemical smell coming from the device that I can't seem to remove. The smell seems like it might be clinging to the silicone components in the vape. The foam in the box has a strong chemical smell, so my thought is that the silicone may have absorbed this smell from the box, or, the silicone itself may be the source of the smell. Nonetheless, it's a disgusting smell and I can't seem to get rid of it!

I've tried soaking the components in iso and leaving them out to air out for hours. I've run tons of burn-off cycles. When I taste the air coming out of the empty device, it's a terrible taste and it sticks in my mouth. I haven't even tried putting dry herb in the device yet.

If I can't figure out how to get rid of the chemical smell, I may have to return the device. Is it possible this issue only effects a certain subset of devices? Others seem to have not experienced this, while a few have. I was really excited to have a device I could trust the safety of, but now I'm concerned. There are some silicone components that do not appear removable, such as the silicone around where the Flavor Chamber is placed, as well as possibly above the oven (can't tell for sure if it's silicone). With all the other silicone components removed, the device still gives off a strong chemical smell when doing a burn off cycle.

@Davinci_vaporizer Can you chime in here? I trust the safety of your products, but I have a hard time believing this is normal.


SEARCH for the treasure...
Hi y'all! I just received my IQ2 yesterday. I bought this device because of the clean air path free of plastics or metals, as health and safety (and flavor) were my number one priority, and this device seemed second to none as far as portable vapes go. However, there is a strong chemical smell coming from the device that I can't seem to remove. The smell seems like it might be clinging to the silicone components in the vape. The foam in the box has a strong chemical smell, so my thought is that the silicone may have absorbed this smell from the box, or, the silicone itself may be the source of the smell. Nonetheless, it's a disgusting smell and I can't seem to get rid of it!

I've tried soaking the components in iso and leaving them out to air out for hours. I've run tons of burn-off cycles. When I taste the air coming out of the empty device, it's a terrible taste and it sticks in my mouth. I haven't even tried putting dry herb in the device yet.

If I can't figure out how to get rid of the chemical smell, I may have to return the device. Is it possible this issue only effects a certain subset of devices? Others seem to have not experienced this, while a few have. I was really excited to have a device I could trust the safety of, but now I'm concerned. There are some silicone components that do not appear removable, such as the silicone around where the Flavor Chamber is placed, as well as possibly above the oven (can't tell for sure if it's silicone). With all the other silicone components removed, the device still gives off a strong chemical smell when doing a burn off cycle.

@Davinci_vaporizer Can you chime in here? I trust the safety of your products, but I have a hard time believing this is normal.

The Davinci rep., was “last seen” May 21st.

As you have removed and cleaned all the removable items, and I assume tried a damp ISO qtip on the internal silicone that connects the bowl to the airpath? Silicone can absorb smells, and that’s the only internal part with silicone. All the MP silicone parts are removable as you know. If after cleaning the inner silicone area, and max burn off, if you still taste it, then you may have to do a return. Never had this issue myself on either of my 2 Davinci devices. Good luck!


Hi y'all! I just received my IQ2 yesterday. I bought this device because of the clean air path free of plastics or metals, as health and safety (and flavor) were my number one priority, and this device seemed second to none as far as portable vapes go. However, there is a strong chemical smell coming from the device that I can't seem to remove. The smell seems like it might be clinging to the silicone components in the vape. The foam in the box has a strong chemical smell, so my thought is that the silicone may have absorbed this smell from the box, or, the silicone itself may be the source of the smell. Nonetheless, it's a disgusting smell and I can't seem to get rid of it!

I've tried soaking the components in iso and leaving them out to air out for hours. I've run tons of burn-off cycles. When I taste the air coming out of the empty device, it's a terrible taste and it sticks in my mouth. I haven't even tried putting dry herb in the device yet.

If I can't figure out how to get rid of the chemical smell, I may have to return the device. Is it possible this issue only effects a certain subset of devices? Others seem to have not experienced this, while a few have. I was really excited to have a device I could trust the safety of, but now I'm concerned. There are some silicone components that do not appear removable, such as the silicone around where the Flavor Chamber is placed, as well as possibly above the oven (can't tell for sure if it's silicone). With all the other silicone components removed, the device still gives off a strong chemical smell when doing a burn off cycle.

@Davinci_vaporizer Can you chime in here? I trust the safety of your products, but I have a hard time believing this is normal.
Hi, tykb. I had just the same problem you are describing with my unit (page 18 and on of this thread). I've been wanting to get here to update my situation to everyone, but just as a quick note to you, my unit had this chemical taste to it. I think it was over heating the oven and it caused some damage to the rubber which sits next to the oven (to air seal it probably). The first usage gave me even a bad headache, and I'm sure it was something related to that horrible chemical taste.

I'll report here all the news as soon as I get some free time, but as a spoiler I sent my unit back to the seller (I'm in Brazil) and they sent me a new unit. I went through 5 or 6 burnoff's and luckily didn't have that bad smell again.

I've had it back for 8 days and the taste is now what I was expecting, much more similar to my experience with the Miqro.

I'd suggest you go on with the RMA, specially if the rubber is irregular as it was on my first unit. Here is a pic of it. Sorry cause the focus was on the holes and there is some cotton from q-tips, but you can see how "gnawed" it is:

Captura de Tela 2021-06-02 às 15.56.28.png

A biiiiig difference from the new unit below (don't mind the grass 😃):

Captura de Tela 2021-06-02 às 16.03.24.png
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Clean First Technology
The Davinci rep., was “last seen” May 21st.

As you have removed and cleaned all the removable items, and I assume tried a damp ISO qtip on the internal silicone that connects the bowl to the airpath? Silicone can absorb smells, and that’s the only internal part with silicone. All the MP silicone parts are removable as you know. If after cleaning the inner silicone area, and max burn off, if you still taste it, then you may have to do a return. Never had this issue myself on either of my 2 Davinci devices. Good luck!
Have to also support this response. Thank you for chiming in and sharing your experience.
Hi, tykb. I had just the same problem you are describing with my unit (page 18 and on of this thread). I've been wanting to get here to update my situation to everyone, but just as a quick note to you, my unit had this chemical taste to it. I think it was over heating the oven and it caused some damage to the rubber which sits next to the oven (to air seal it probably). The first usage gave me even a bad headache, and I'm sure it was something related to that horrible chemical taste.

I'll report here all the news as soon as I get some free time, but as a spoiler I sent my unit back to the seller (I'm in Brazil) and they sent me a new unit. I went through 5 or 6 burnoff's and luckily didn't have that bad smell again.

I've had it back for 8 days and the taste is now what I was expecting, much more similar to my experience with the Miqro.

I'd suggest you go on with the RMA, specially if the rubber is irregular as it was on my first unit. Here is a pic of it. Sorry cause the focus was on the holes and there is some cotton from q-tips, but you can see how "gnawed" it is:

View attachment 8673

A biiiiig difference from the new unit below (don't mind the grass 😃):

View attachment 8674
As well, thank you for the compare and contrast.

Hi y'all! I just received my IQ2 yesterday. I bought this device because of the clean air path free of plastics or metals, as health and safety (and flavor) were my number one priority, and this device seemed second to none as far as portable vapes go. However, there is a strong chemical smell coming from the device that I can't seem to remove. The smell seems like it might be clinging to the silicone components in the vape. The foam in the box has a strong chemical smell, so my thought is that the silicone may have absorbed this smell from the box, or, the silicone itself may be the source of the smell. Nonetheless, it's a disgusting smell and I can't seem to get rid of it!

I've tried soaking the components in iso and leaving them out to air out for hours. I've run tons of burn-off cycles. When I taste the air coming out of the empty device, it's a terrible taste and it sticks in my mouth. I haven't even tried putting dry herb in the device yet.

If I can't figure out how to get rid of the chemical smell, I may have to return the device. Is it possible this issue only effects a certain subset of devices? Others seem to have not experienced this, while a few have. I was really excited to have a device I could trust the safety of, but now I'm concerned. There are some silicone components that do not appear removable, such as the silicone around where the Flavor Chamber is placed, as well as possibly above the oven (can't tell for sure if it's silicone). With all the other silicone components removed, the device still gives off a strong chemical smell when doing a burn off cycle.

@Davinci_vaporizer Can you chime in here? I trust the safety of your products, but I have a hard time believing this is normal.
Chiming in, what you are describing does not sound 'normal' at all, is not regularly described or experienced on our side, and as well very difficult to diagnose and understand through this description. We highly recommend to contact our support team directly and begin the troubleshooting and RMA process with our team as they will be able to understand and give you more accurate next steps. Hope this helps.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
It baffles me how anyone could be having any thing less than stellar customer service, with how active DaVinci has been here in the thread, and with getting any defective units replaced... I know there are always special cases, and everyone is different, but most of what I have seen has been very positive!

Also yes my experience has been very positive, no real need for customer service support, I feel I am sensitive to those kind of tastes and smells, mine has been pretty pure with minimal effort, so yeah if something seems wrong then it probably is I guess! Still feel very comfortable recommending this as the top tier session conduction available...


It baffles me how anyone could be having any thing less than stellar customer service, with how active DaVinci has been here in the thread, and with getting any defective units replaced... I know there are always special cases, and everyone is different, but most of what I have seen has been very positive!
I used to believe that before I had to get another company involved to force Davinci to replace my broken IQ2’s.

I will add that Davinci is now replacing my broken IQ2’s, but that was the worst customer service I’ve ever had with a company.


Well-Known Member
The Davinci rep., was “last seen” May 21st.

As you have removed and cleaned all the removable items, and I assume tried a damp ISO qtip on the internal silicone that connects the bowl to the airpath? Silicone can absorb smells, and that’s the only internal part with silicone. All the MP silicone parts are removable as you know. If after cleaning the inner silicone area, and max burn off, if you still taste it, then you may have to do a return. Never had this issue myself on either of my 2 Davinci devices. Good luck!
It baffles me how anyone could be having any thing less than stellar customer service, with how active DaVinci has been here in the thread, and with getting any defective units replaced... I know there are always special cases, and everyone is different, but most of what I have seen has been very positive!

Also yes my experience has been very positive, no real need for customer service support, I feel I am sensitive to those kind of tastes and smells, mine has been pretty pure with minimal effort, so yeah if something seems wrong then it probably is I guess! Still feel very comfortable recommending this as the top tier session conduction available...
My experience as well on both counts. I’m always bummed to hear of disappointed customers.
My IQ2 is one of my favorite vapes and DaVinci is one of my favorite companies. JB and Shauntel have been stellar.


Clean First Technology
My experience as well on both counts. I’m always bummed to hear of disappointed customers.
My IQ2 is one of my favorite vapes and DaVinci is one of my favorite companies. JB and Shauntel have been stellar.
Appreciate the contribution, and couldn't agree more on the sentiment about disappointed customers. JB and Shauntel definitely stand for the company and these type of comments (positive and negative) from the forums go straight to them! That being said...

I have had ZERO luck with DV support! :(
Would love to hear in more detail about what you have experienced specifically (DM works best for this so you can be candid and open if you want to share order information) as well as any other feedback you have. We want to make sure we bring that up to the leadership team and set motions in place to improve this for everyone.

I used to believe that before I had to get another company involved to force Davinci to replace my broken IQ2’s.

I will add that Davinci is now replacing my broken IQ2’s, but that was the worst customer service I’ve ever had with a company.
Similar here, would love to hear in more detail about what happened and as well who you interfaced with (again, DM is best for this to keep names and any private information, private) so that we can address in the long term of things, as well if we have to adjust some behaviors leading to this type of result.

It baffles me how anyone could be having any thing less than stellar customer service, with how active DaVinci has been here in the thread, and with getting any defective units replaced... I know there are always special cases, and everyone is different, but most of what I have seen has been very positive!

Also yes my experience has been very positive, no real need for customer service support, I feel I am sensitive to those kind of tastes and smells, mine has been pretty pure with minimal effort, so yeah if something seems wrong then it probably is I guess! Still feel very comfortable recommending this as the top tier session conduction available...
Thank you for your contribution also. We truly appreciate our most active voices in this group!


Thank you for the tips and feedback guys, and for the responses from @souovaka, @Davinci_vaporizer, @RustyOldNail and others. I have started the RMA process, but I've begun to realize maybe this vape is not for me.. I am highly sensitive to the silicone taste / smell. This vape seems to have silicone literally connected to the oven of the device, the part that gets hottest. With vaporizers, we are heating material to a very high temperature and then breathing it into our lungs and holding it there. Even food-grade silicone is not necessarily rated for this type of use. No matter what, I think there is going to be some silicone taste that comes through from the device. I personally don't trust this, as I was specifically searching for the safest and purist portable device I could possibly find. I chose the IQ2 over the Linx Eden because the IQ2 doesn't seem to have metal in the vapor path, whereas a convection vaporizer requires the air to pass through super-heated metal, which itself may or may not be ideal for safety. Do you guys have any other recommendations for devices that do not require the vapor to pass through metal or silicone? The Davinci products came very close, but I think the silicone ruins it for me. I hope they consider a truly plastic and silicone free airpath in the future, as I appreciate their approach to products nonetheless.

If you clean your IQ2 or Miqro devices, then do a burn off cycle, and then run it again with no herb in the chamber, I would expect you may be able to taste/smell the silicone in the airpath. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as shown in pictures in this thread, there is literally silicone in the oven.

Again, I'm open to feedback or correction, but with my experience so far, I think I need to find a different product.
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