Dat halogen taste .....


Big and Bouncy
So I've been thoroughly enjoying my first ever halogen vape (https://fuckcombustion.com/threads/vapor-halogen-wand.52817/) and I thought to myself today... Might this be the most enjoyable and tasty vapor I've ever tried? It just might be.

I've tried a few vapes over the years with different heaters and delivery systems but never something with the radiant heat and convection of a halogen. The signature has really stuck with me. The vapor is soft and tasty. Very tasty. Almost never harsh, even when heated more than you should so it's a forgiving heat too.

I'm just really digging it right now. Something about the convective action from the halogen heat source seems to tease some really subtle flavors from the flower.

For reference, I have vapes like the Vaponic, the Terpedo, prrl Neo, Couchlog and Solo 3 among others so I've tried some pretty great tasting vapes. Am I still in the honeymoon phase or are halogens just a cut above?


Microbe minion
I agree! I've made a halogen vape much like those logs. It's in the DIY log thread inspired by @blokenoname budeater. Such an easy build.

The thing that puts me off is the horrible bulb socket. Whilst I realise it's not an issue for most I am put off by the brass contacts. Brass contains zinc which is not good to inhale when hot. I don't know how hot it needs to get to be an issue but those bulbs get proper toasty, and the contacts in the holder must get close to the same temp. I do think that removing the wires and replacing with SS is a great shout though, the cheaper of the bulb holders have awful cables, the expensive ones use silicone insulation, which is better but I can still detect it.

I would like to see a holderless design with SS wires crimped directly to the bulb with SS crimps, or SS capillary tubing to act as both wire and crimp, and have thought about building something for a while like this. I just don't have enough time these days...


Big and Bouncy
I agree! I've made a halogen vape much like those logs. It's in the DIY log thread inspired by @blokenoname budeater. Such an easy build.

The thing that puts me off is the horrible bulb socket. Whilst I realise it's not an issue for most I am put off by the brass contacts. Brass contains zinc which is not good to inhale when hot. I don't know how hot it needs to get to be an issue but those bulbs get proper toasty, and the contacts in the holder must get close to the same temp. I do think that removing the wires and replacing with SS is a great shout though, the cheaper of the bulb holders have awful cables, the expensive ones use silicone insulation, which is better but I can still detect it.

I would like to see a holderless design with SS wires crimped directly to the bulb with SS crimps, or SS capillary tubing to act as both wire and crimp, and have thought about building something for a while like this. I just don't have enough time these days...
Yeah, I admit I didn't educate myself enough on the safety before ordering mine but I did follow up with @Vaporooni later and he said this about his design.

"The air path is cool and clean. The wood stays cool. There is nothing toxic in my design. This is built with medical grade components. I use cork disks to hold the halogen wand inside the wood sleeve. The corks are held in by friction rather than glue. The nice thing about my design is the heat stays up by the bulb. You can actually hold the glass below the bulb. This way everything stays cool and the only thing your breathing in is the flower your heating up with a halogen bulb as your heating element. I use medical grade stainless steel wires in place of insulated wires connected to the halogen bulb connector. This way you can change the bulb out easily. Rubies and medical grade stainless steel wire are the only thing in the vape path. And stays below the boiling point."


Microbe minion
This is built with medical grade components
Wow! I didn't know you could get medical grade bulb holders!? I'd be very surprised, but happy if you could get those holders with SS connectors, I'd like some for myself!

Caveat: I saw that comment but didn't ask about it because materials discussions in vape threads are discouraged...

Yeah, most people don't have an aversion to brass, and I hate the fact I'm fussy about it tbh, I do much worse in my day to day life than breathe in a little potential brass fumes. It's just something I can't look past now that I've realised it!


Big and Bouncy
Wow! I didn't know you could get medical grade bulb holders!? I'd be very surprised, but happy if you could get those holders with SS connectors, I'd like some for myself!

Caveat: I saw that comment but didn't ask about it because materials discussions in vape threads are discouraged...
Yikes. That's true.
Yeah, most people don't have an aversion to brass, and I hate the fact I'm fussy about it tbh, I do much worse in my day to day life than breathe in a little potential brass fumes. It's just something I can't look past now that I've realised it!
Yeah I hear you. It's like seeing something you didn't want to because now you can't "un-see" it. I hope one day you'll find a halogen solution you're comfortable with!


Well-Known Member
OK, so regarding halogen vapes, I/we know of:
  • the Vapor Halogen Wand (aka VHW) by @Vaporooni ;
  • @Cheebsy 's DIY build mentioned above, inspired by @blokenoname (I will have to read …);
  • the Halo and the Herborizer [??—see below] (I am not well-versed in these either, but will check up);
  • the Musa (formerly a standing log, now oriented more to water pieces, IIUC)—so Musa, Musa 2, and I believe also Musa 510;
  • the (now discontinued) Venus Apollo, Apollo 2, and Helios (desktop);
  • the Angus, Angus Enhanced (and maybe one other in-between: 100W?);
  • " the Home Vaporizer (might be hard to meet in person), and the Aromed " (from a reply by @Radwin Bodnic below);
  • " the original DIY halogen vape kit is REFC's Highlighter " (see link from @Texus below).
I would add links, but I guess they are easy enough to find here.

Aside from other DIY variations, does this cover the field pretty well? I think the TinyMight and TinyMight 2 use different types of heaters, although developed and sold by the same maker.

I have to say, @Cheebsy 's description of the flavor profile and vapor quality have renewed my interest.
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Well-Known Member
horrible bulb socket, brass contacts
And I believe the original DIY halogen vape kit is REFC's Highlighter
Air doesn't go near the bulb socket and wires on my Highlighter
Five vertical slits in the core.
First pic you can see the cuts.
Second pic you can see the light shining through them.




Well-Known Member


is this thing on?
I really like it too, the effects are sublime and have a very unique signature. I haven't used it in a while and I really should, it's still one of my favorites - other vaporizers are a bit more convenient in how fast the heat up and I'm stuck in a BakX unending honeymoon... Still, the element Tischmodell is simply art to me and pure René magic: Tischmodell Vapor


is this thing on?
To those who have experienced both, how the addition of balls around the bulb change the halogen signature ?
What's your preference ?
It is beefier, like all vapes with balls. It has a faster extraction. Still, the Element has better effects to me, more pure and heady. It had a steep learning curve for me but inbetween no problems even with tiny dosage, very reliable. Like a music instrument, you have to know what you are doing.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
To those who have experienced both, how the addition of balls around the bulb change the halogen signature ?
What's your preference ?

The difference is halogen heats up quicker, but has recovery time for each hit, a full ball vape can recover quicker and also provide denser vapor with more even extraction... This is from me comparing my Ruby Halo and Ruby Atlas from cloud connoisseur


is this thing on?
The difference is halogen heats up quicker, but has recovery time for each hit, a full ball vape can recover quicker and also provide denser vapor with more even extraction... This is from me comparing my Ruby Halo and Ruby Atlas from cloud connoisseur
What difference in effects did you experience between the two variants?
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
More stony, while the others are more heady. :) That's what VAS is for? Depending of the situation I would choose one over the other.

Yeah also it depends on your load and other variables, Halo certainly capable, it can be front-loaded with heat, I like to run both of them pretty low temp generally anyway and do pretty small loads I suppose, quick hitters


Big and Bouncy
I really like it too, the effects are sublime and have a very unique signature. I haven't used it in a while and I really should, it's still one of my favorites - other vaporizers are a bit more convenient in how fast the heat up and I'm stuck in a BakX unending honeymoon... Still, the element Tischmodell is simply art to me and pure René magic: Tischmodell Vapor
Wow. That's really nice. Does he still sell vapes?

I've got a 20W bulb in mine and I find it takes under 5min to get vapor. Admittedly longer than the BakX I imagine but I'm digging the flavor. Haven't found a similar signature elsewhere yet.

Pics here https://fuckcombustion.com/threads/vapor-halogen-wand.52817/post-1802256
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