Daily smokers, why are you still buying China glass?


Well-Known Member
This thread’s taken a funny turn. If you get some time check out this documentary @Dan Morrison posted in the Nomad thread. I was blown away at the speed things develop in Shenzhen. It’s a bit long so grab a session vape, sit back and enjoy.
This is an interesting documentary about Shenzhen and open source tech. It's amazing how fast products can evolve here.



you wanna drive a 1997 ford ranger around, a 2012 toyota camry entry level model?

or do you wanna drive a 57 chevy bel air coupe?...or maybe a 99 acura nsx, or maybe a 47 merc coupe?

maybe a ferrari? porsche?

this is what we are talking about.

many ways to get from point a to point be,

many ways to get high...i prefer to get high with some pretty fukin sweet art, but hey i understand if you wanna go dhgate, i mean it's your vehicle, not mine

A Ferrari owner is probably the target customer for a $5000 pipe.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Please stick to discussing Chinese glass and avoid commenting about anything else produced in China. In particular, the nature of the Chinese people is not open for discussion. This thread is not about racism. Thanks for your cooperation.


Well-Known Member
So imho china won't really make any innovative glass designs because there's not much of a cannabis culture there... they do it for money like 90% of other businesses, not for passion (not saying working for profit is a bad thing) personally I prefer my American glass but I have China too. Idk they both have a place in anyone's toolbox imho I'm not going hiking with a piece that cost me $400 and I don't want a $40 fragile and usually (minorly) flawed daily driver. Idk why everyone is getting so damn uppity about this shit Jesus


New Member
OP here.

This thread has taken some turns since my original post. There is no reason to attack me for my questions. I do not have a big ego, and I am not rich. The $1000 piece was just an example. I save up for my glass, and other accessories.

I spend way more on hash than I do glass. I buy maybe 3 pieces a year. Some years I don't buy any glass, and I use my money for other things.

I apologize that I was under the impression that this thread was mostly US and CA based. I am really interested in international cannabis scenes, and what is happening all over the world. I'd love to hear what it's like in your area.

Most of the glass I have is around $300, but is all produced in the US. My most recent purchase was a Leisure Incycler for $200 USD.

There is no hate on products produced in China except cannabis related items.

For example, the Puffco Peak. It is a big hype item for cannabis concentrates. They threw a big contest for glass blowers to make rig attachments, including drawings and pictures during production. 2 days ago, I saw someone post on Instagram that they found the Puffco Peak on Ailbaba and DHgate for $14, when it originally went for $400. Puffco decided to do business in China, and got their designs stolen. I would not be shocked it rigs made in this contest were knocked off as well.

My issue with China cannabis products is sweatshop labor, inferior materials mostly in the color variety, a lack of passion and intention of creating fuctional artwork, and stealing of others designs and brand to sell as their own.

If you are worried about breaking your glass, make yourself a station with everything you need to smoke comfortably. I use a wood tray with moodmat pads to easily move and put away my entire set up without risk. I move it from my kitchen table to my coffee table pretty regularly. I don't have children or pets, so it's not really at risk of random accident. I haven't broken anything more than an adapter or quartz insert in about 6 years. The most expensive break in recent times was a $40 item.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I don't have children or pets
That is how you can afford $1000+ glass :)

I apologize that I was under the impression that this thread was mostly US and CA based

This happens a lot, it seems a lot of the 300million odd people in the US do not realize there is another 7 billion people on the planet. :razz: Fuck that is a lot of people, you and I must be some of the greenest people around, not having kids to keep overpopulating the plant would have to be greener than driving a Prius.

There is no reason to attack me

Apart from a few misguided stereotyping comments, I don`t think anyone has been attacked, you asked a question and people have given you their opinions, some in a more flamboyant way than others :tup:


Well-Known Member
For the record every seller on alibaba listing the Peak right now are scammers. They all have a 100 unit minimum order, none are from china, none will offer samples, and none will use alibaba payment which protects us from scammers. Every single one has tried to redirect me to email sales which then lead to a moneygram request. Major red flags. Have yet to find anywhere else to actually purchase a peak besides authorized dealers.

OP here.

This thread has taken some turns since my original post. There is no reason to attack me for my questions. I do not have a big ego, and I am not rich. The $1000 piece was just an example. I save up for my glass, and other accessories.

I spend way more on hash than I do glass. I buy maybe 3 pieces a year. Some years I don't buy any glass, and I use my money for other things.

I apologize that I was under the impression that this thread was mostly US and CA based. I am really interested in international cannabis scenes, and what is happening all over the world. I'd love to hear what it's like in your area.

Most of the glass I have is around $300, but is all produced in the US. My most recent purchase was a Leisure Incycler for $200 USD.

There is no hate on products produced in China except cannabis related items.

For example, the Puffco Peak. It is a big hype item for cannabis concentrates. They threw a big contest for glass blowers to make rig attachments, including drawings and pictures during production. 2 days ago, I saw someone post on Instagram that they found the Puffco Peak on Ailbaba and DHgate for $14, when it originally went for $400. Puffco decided to do business in China, and got their designs stolen. I would not be shocked it rigs made in this contest were knocked off as well.

My issue with China cannabis products is sweatshop labor, inferior materials mostly in the color variety, a lack of passion and intention of creating fuctional artwork, and stealing of others designs and brand to sell as their own.

If you are worried about breaking your glass, make yourself a station with everything you need to smoke comfortably. I use a wood tray with moodmat pads to easily move and put away my entire set up without risk. I move it from my kitchen table to my coffee table pretty regularly. I don't have children or pets, so it's not really at risk of random accident. I haven't broken anything more than an adapter or quartz insert in about 6 years. The most expensive break in recent times was a $40 item.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Fuck I just broke my rare prized dewaar drop down adapter! All I was doing was putting my bong (w/ adapter) away in the cupboard and clipped it on the cupboard lip. At least it was $15 instead of $100!

I guess I have to be more careful! :doh:

You do realize that if your dropdown didn't cost at least $100, and was not hand-formed by the most hipster of hipsters in a secret-location on pinterestagram, then you're just being a lazy stoner that has no concept of quality glass, right? :razz:

Lol :horse:
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Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
issa Kevin Murray

this a dellene Peralta



Nice Bubbler collection!
I fucking LOVE glass. Taking a dab out of a beautifully functioning, awesome colored rig makes the experience that much better for me.
That reminds me, it's time to switch out my rig of the week!

I agree that artisan made glass is so much better than factory made glass. But it can be a good opening point to get people's feet wet.

FYI, My first heady was actually a nice , piece from a glass factory worker from China that was actually good! He worked in the shop that created TAG pieces and made me some of the best functioning pieces I own to date.
I don't buy rigs off of DH Gate anymore, but if a real artist making real pieces comes out of China I'll surely check them out!

I have a pretty nice glass collection, and these "China" ( from the TaG guy) rigs were the start of it all for me.





Well-Known Member
Nice Bubbler collection!
I fucking LOVE glass. Taking a dab out of a beautifully functioning, awesome colored rig makes the experience that much better for me.
That reminds me, it's time to switch out my rig of the week!

I agree that artisan made glass is so much better than factory made glass. But it can be a good opening point to get people's feet wet.

FYI, My first heady was actually a nice , piece from a glass factory worker from China that was actually good! He worked in the shop that created TAG pieces and made me some of the best functioning pieces I own to date.
I don't buy rigs off of DH Gate anymore, but if a real artist making real pieces comes out of China I'll surely check them out!

I have a pretty nice glass collection, and these "China" ( from the TaG guy) rigs were the start of it all for me.



Looks like those are from Hemping. I have the double mai tai straight fab and love it. The perc fires awesome and it hits like a champ.
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Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Daily smokers, why are you still buying China glass?

No smoke or mirrors here, just plain old value for money with nothing added to poke your eye out or break your teeth on.


Under US$40 delivered to your door atm, great value, although they should offer it without the cone for even less, mine should be here soon, I hope.
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