I had a male domeless, 18mm. The thing was beefy but when I tried on my father's cheaper "Chinese" glass it seemed to crack both of the joints on the piece. I was thinking maybe from the heat retention meeting water that was possibly left from filling, but not 100% positive. Needless to say I never tried on my pieces. I got rid of that nail, my friend was adamant to buy it, and he has not had any problems with it. He actually loves it, however I told him to constantly remove after dabbing just in case. I would like to purchase an INFINTi nail or something similar but am scared to bust my good pieces. Any ideas/tips?
Tell me you didn't buy this one......
It's best used as a paperweight, It weighs as much as 4 dab essentials nails combined. I was shocked when I first held it and was forced to take the above photo in search of its maker. It's made in china and wholesales for $30.
This is the exact one brother, copped it for 30 I believeTell me you didn't buy this one......
It's best used as a paperweight, It weighs as much as 4 dab essentials nails combined. I was shocked when I first held it and was forced to take the above photo in search of its maker. It's made in china and wholesales for $30.
Thanks for the info man and sorry for all the damn replies guysMoar phun on eBay where I found a company claiming to makes these shitty domeless chunks. They claim the markings are for their company "Concrete Concentrates" and that these are made in Sylmar (Los Angeles) California. A bold faced lie. US Customs says they are imported from China. There is no company in California. So we really have to be careful of people selling toxic junk off of auction sites. It's a jungle. Close down 3 poison nail sellers with Court Orders and 5 more pop up overnight. And as long as they pay listing fees, eBay doesn't care.....until now.
I was informed the US Attorney General has completed an investigation on fraudulently labeled imports and eBay will remove all listing for items claimed to be "Made in the USA" that are on a list of known fake products provided by US Customs.. You can sell poison, just don't put USA on Chinese junk, it pisses Customs off.. It's actually a pretty harsh sentence: Item seizure all the way up to 5 years Federal time.
Here is a pic of where they really come from and the Mfg in China claims it's "Grade 12 (utter BS), but we put any grade you like on it" in the letter I received.
Here is your USA made in Los Angeles California Grade 2 Ti domeless:
What's this about french joints!Domeless are very much NOT for dewarr joints especially. I would avoid french joints too. but as FM said if you use an adapter it should be all good. I do with my domeless.
the second picture on that link isn't the same piece.Fuck yea! You make french joints sound so sexy/ tasty ;p
This is the only thing ive seen called a french joint... But u could just call it a recessed joint. I guess they called it a french joint cause it makes it sound way cooler than recessed.
have you used vapenwiser and HE which would you recommend
Okay hold up, maybe I should have done a little more homework. Is this nail going to be safe to use with my Mobius Ion Matrix?
Since it's dewaar I'm using a 18-18male-male adapter for my nail. I assume the heat retention in the DabEssentials piece plus the adapter plus the high quality glass used by Mobius should mean my piece won't crack, right?
Ease a worried soul here.
you're fine bud, i have a mobius ion matrix and i use a HE Dualiti with an 18-18 male/male adapter. the only thing that DOES scare me sometimes is when trying to get the fucking adapter out to clean the bong.
Thanks for that, could you show a pic of the maker's mark? These fakes are trying to creep under the wire!The legit ones have the holes farther out.
You also want to keep an eye out for the sleeve being engraved with Dab Essentials and a serial#.