Da Buddha vs SSV?

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Active Member
Im new into vaporizers. I need to buy one to take care of my health, voice and save weed. My purchase will be based strictly in internet information because I cant try one before buy. At first I was inclined for the Extreme Q4.0 then the SSV and now Im wondering what are the differences between the Da Buddha vs the SSV. I have read that the only differences are the customizations and the default hands free in the Da Buddha. Im looking to vaporize small amounts of weed effectively taking care of my throat. What are the differences between the two models? what make the SSV more expensive than the Da Buddha? Im not interested in any stetic customizations. Would the Da Buddha be what Im looking for? Thank you for the information:)


the ssv heat source is angled downwards where as the dbv is 90 degrees outward

who cares? well do you like hash and keif? cause if you do the ssv will accommodate that for you!

you can buy a ssv off here via the FC member coupon codes to get a good deal :) that's how i got mine. (I basically got a new version for the price of a blemished one + the bag this way.

i know im not supposed to advertise, but if this deal interests you i will save you a lot of searching it was through grateful buys.

btw the standard HC is generally the prefered type of choice here on fc, it offers more control of the process via a tighter air hole to warm your herbs


weedemon is right on about that.
The angle is more convenient, and the hands free setup is more versatile.
I would say that the price difference was worth it....
But they do both have that same 7th Floor Heater!


Serial vapist
ssv all the way, i've owned both and the ssv was totally worth the price premium, its such a more enjoyable vaping experience.


here for the chicks
I wouldn't recommend any of the mentioned vapes if one of your goals is to save weed. The SSV and DBV are great vapes, but more known for their heavy hitting abilities then conservation.

Have you looked at the log type vapes already? By the sounds of it one of those would suit you much better. The Arizer Solo might also be one to consider, saved me a lot of weed already compared to my SSV.


I use MFLB... have a half dozen Zaps, and 12 other vapes.
The SSV will save you as much weed as any.. if you do not fall victim to temptation to overfill.
Tried the Solo, and had a chance to pick it up for $100 and I turned it down!
All a matter of taste.. (and choice) :cool:

Also... for those that want to really save on weed, and can't use their eye to control how much they use.... you can do as cluffy does with his DBV and use a mini wand!
I'm surprised you didn't take a Solo for 100 Vito, I think it definitely has a place in the vape arsenal. My only real complaints at this point are flavor and battery life, otherwise it's very impressive. You think the NO2 was a better vape, for instance?

On topic, I think the SSV is a little overpriced for what it is, and at that price point a little more gets you a LSV + Water pipe adapter. A ~40-70 dollar premium to eliminate the tubing is worth it in my mind, the design of the LSV is great and tastes better. You can use the wand, you can use it with a waterpipe, you can even use a DBV wand and whip, lay it in its (nicely made and padded) bag on a table, and use it as a whip vape. I'm using it right now and like it more than my old DBV. I consider it to be a efficient vaporizer for sure when used with the WPA. The original heater cover was troublesome and the earlier WPA apparently had some issues, but all that's in the past and the new ones work pretty, pretty, pretty good as LD would say. A single lotus scoop of good material will get 7-10 hits if ramped up carefully, and they'll all be satisfying. It's 100% pure convection with no tubing to waste resin on, with good flavor and vapor quality.


Hmm an NO2 can totally compete with a Solo if you don't do hash IMO!
And yes about tubing though I found my "perfect" silicone after hours of testing... I can detect no taste at all now.
A good idea is to put an LSV HC on an SSV. In fact I prefer the design of the SSV for a daily usage at home VS. using the LSV in my living room on direct draw feels a little awkward on the ergonomic side...the lsv+ the transfer wand is tall and heavy at the end!


charliedontsurf said:
I'm surprised you didn't take a Solo for 100 Vito, I think it definitely has a place in the vape arsenal. My only real complaints at this point are flavor and battery life, otherwise it's very impressive. You think the NO2 was a better vape, for instance?
I admit that I do think the NO2 is a better vape in almost every way. I just ordered 2 NO2 units for patients, taking advantage of the sale going on.. and I paid 135 each. I could have gotten the Solo for 100, but felt better about the NO2.
[edit: Had I been offered the Solo for without seeing it in person I would likely have bought it.]
I love my SSV (loved the DBV before that!)
I love my LSV also, but do not use it daily... the SSV is on 24/7 and is used hourly.
LSV is not affordable easily to all, as it is at minimum $100 more than an SSV.
That LSV gives one helluva hit though! :ko:
FLskwat said:
Hmm an NO2 can totally compete with a Solo....
I agree, FLskwat

Back on thread... I think that the SSV is better in many ways than a DBV... but the DBV is nothing to sneeze at..... and were my SSVs all removed from here... I would use the DBV no problem!
I'm just surprised, I haven't used the NO2 and have only seen it in in a headshop - I assumed there would be BS about its design that would make people prefer the Solo, like a less solid plastic design, worse flavor concerns, dodgier company (although they've treated you well as we know Vito) etc.. But the users who have used both know best, I suppose. It's on my list of vapes-to-acquire if I ever find one at the right price.

I think you might be exaggerating the price differential between an LSV and SSV, Vito. They're almost identical price points from many retailers. Vapeworld for instance has a plain black SSV for 289.99, while the LSV kit is 299.99. I went onto Amazon: the lowest price for an SSV was 199.99, the lowest price for an LSV was 205. That's 10 bucks in one case and 5 in the other, which might as well be nothing for the added versatility of the LSV.

FLskwat, I definitely agree that the long transfer+LSV is heavy and unwieldy and not the best for an everyday, living-room type vape. I only mainly use mine through water, or otherwise use the shorty transfer. The SSV may be a better vape for those who just need it to work, right now, while sitting perched on a desk, maybe with physical infirmities, who don't want to mess with handling the actual heavy unit - but for those who don't mind, I think for the same price, LSV everytime.


I was going only by the price directly from 7th Floor LLC.
$349 for the life saber there on 7th Floor. LSV at 7th Floor
$269 was the price of the SSV SSV at 7th Floor
so... no exaggeration, I just limited my search to one company... the maker.


Well-Known Member
i want to say those cheaper LSVs might not be exactly what you can get directly from 7th Floor, like the newest parts maybe.... ?

Charlie do you think the LSV is more efficient then the DBV? if so how so?
My kneejerk reaction is to say the LSV is more efficient, but it's hard to explain why. When using the LSV with the WPA, the action is more like the SSV than the DBV, in that you're on a spherical glass connection and can point it in many different directions. It works great with very small loads, and with concentrates, it has a very wide temperature range. I never really found anyof the 7th floor vapes to be wasteful as some people do, so take that into account.

You make a good point, the amazon ones might be old, but any from our trusted retailers' would probably be newer, and you could always ask them.

Ennui Cookout

Well-Known Member
This thread is pretty close to something I wanted to ask, actually. I've been eyeballing the VHW and the LSV even though I fully intend on getting a Cloud. I had been thinking of an SSV a long while ago when I first considered big hitters and glass. I simply want what's a clean tasting big hitter that I can eventually work through glass. So far it seems like I'd be more LSV than SSV and really the question becomes how much of a gap exists between the LSV and the VHW. Seems like the LSV offers a few more convenient modes of use but the flavor is slightly lesser?

Really, any advice would be most appreciated from anyone -- especially CharlieDontSurf or Vitolo. I'm already quite happy with my RockZap and I'm looking for just big clean hits for when I feel like it.
Ennui Cookout,


I only used the VHW 3 times.
The LSV was definitely more convenient, and easier to use, and to set down.
The flavor in the LSV is at least as pure as the VHW.
I think that it was stronger purer flavor with the LSV, but opinions may vary.
The LSV stays cool to the touch, and yet has a high heat capability.
The second time we used the VHW, it's owner burned himself twice (and he has had his VHW a while... he wears gloves now to vape with his VHW)

Ennui Cookout

Well-Known Member
Safety first, then. It seems from what I can search and put together that consensus seemed to prefer the VHW for the flavor of hits, but I'd take the theoretical loss in exchange for greater safety. No one seemed to actually be genuinely complaining about the LSV. Thanks a lot for your answer!

EDIT: I just read your review on the LSV in its thread. I hadn't checked that thread out since the initial fistfight last year. Man, I totally did just ask the right person about this vape. :o
Ennui Cookout,


I think you misunderstood my comment.
The flavor is definitely better to me with the LSV than with the VHW.
Everything about the LSV is better in my opinion!
Vitolo said:
The flavor in the LSV is at least as pure as the VHW.
My point here was that the LSV tasted "at least as pure... if not purer!"
I haven't used the VHW, but it's supposed to be a real connoisseur vape, with a 100% glass airpath with no exposure to the heating element, unlike any 7th floor product. If some VHW ownerswould like to weigh in, it'd be helpful, as it's my understanding that many of those who own both prefer the VHW for flavor and hit density, while dreading its fragility. Also, iirc the VHW has had like 3 different revisions over time, and apparently some people prefer the older ones.

Maybe the VHW you used was vaping a less than ideal strain, as far as taste and potency were concerned?

I'm honestly not trying to give you any shit, Vito. I really appreciate all your posts, and in particular am very interested right now on your final verdict regarding the Omicron.

Ennui Cookout

Well-Known Member
@Vitolo: Oh, sorry. I should have made myself a bit more clear. I had seen others comment that they had preferred the VHW over the LSV, mostly that the flavor was a bit better and there was apparently an issue with uneven heating/dark brown spots. No one I've seen so far has really said more than a few lines on the subject, however -- and yours was actually the first comment I had seen outright say they preferred the LSV and offered a rather compelling reason for someone absent-minded like myself, mainly I wouldn't be too keen on burning myself.

If I recall the VHW was using digital temperature control and is theoretically more stable with heat, plus it's a 100% glass vapor path from heating to exhaust. That seems to be the two 'big' things the VHW has over the LSV but I suppose it'd be great to hear from a VHW and LSV owner to hear what they think -- which is exactly what Charlie just mentioned!

EDIT: I actually just found this thread from earlier this year. I'll be bumping that one instead of derailing this one. Sorry!
Ennui Cookout,


Perhaps my preference for the flavor using the LSV had to do with the shear force of the hits.
The LSV HC is spherical, and matches the WPA exactly.... and when I use the LSV with Water,
I am not trying to measure the temperature (the "continuous" dial is like the DBV/SSV... using vaporist judgement and "feel".)
I want a hit.. so I do not play games, and raise the temp bit by bit till I find a spot.
I turn the LSV to full blast (which is high... 7th Floor elements go to 900)
I start my vaporbong hit, and lower that dial to a satisfactory setting after I have already started the "Fog machine "a pumpin".
I did use similar strains (but only VRIPPED a few times)... But I left heat adjustment to the glove wearing... nervous Daddy of the wand, which meant I may not have been tasting herb, up to my heat (density) preference!.
(Omicron- Understanding it better, as a medical device- will post more in the thread!)


Active Member
Thank you very much for all the great information :). I think that an all glass air/heath path is the way to go, definitely. But I realized that I dont have the money to buy an all glass vaporizer (I will need to pay the vaporizers, shipping and the expensives custom taxes in my country). My situation is that I will buy the same vape two times because I will gift one to my sister. So considering my situation and the information that I have, I will go with the Da Buddha. It seems to be the best vaporizer in the price range. I dont like the idea of the silicone tube but for the money I think is a good solid and efficient device. It will be my first vape and considering that I live in Chile I think that less fancy things and the ausency of digital controls is a good thing to avoid failures. I know that I will not have the control that I would have with the SSV but I dont care about remove the piece and move the weed to expose it to the heath path systematically. I dont smoke huge amounts neither. I think is the best option that I have in the price range, Do you think the same?


I agree that for the money savings, that the DBV has just as good a system and element as SSV.. and is as safe!....
I use the SSV in this image, but the same can be done with a DBV later if you wanted to experiment...
I removed the HC, put on an LSV HC, and LSV transfer wand.. for the all glass vapor path person.

Or you can save further by leaving the DBV HC and using the transfer wand .. straight in like this!


Active Member
Vitolo thank you for the great information. I will buy the Da Buddha and in some time I will buy some upgrades like you in the photoss that you posted. I think is the best vaporizer option in the price range, a wise decision. I posted a new thread, please feel free to make an opinion :)


Tritono, don't forget that 7th floor will make you a standard SSV heater cover to fit on Da Buddha. Add a standard wand and you'll be in 7th heaven!!
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