I am going to buy DBV... I wanted to hook up my vaporizer to my bong and use it as a vape chamber at times - just when friends are over OR when I want to SEE more vapor before it's inhaled
Anyways, my question is about the adapters and connectors that I'll need to hook it all up.
My glass bong is relatively cheap but does what it's purpose is for. I was curious to know how this set-up works with DBV. Here are some questions... How do you change the end of the whip that usualy is used to inhale straight from the vape to the bong adapter piece that you slide off the bong like a carb to get the vapor inhaled from the bong? I saw there are ice chamber/bong stems that run for around $15 for the SSV... can I use this one for DBV? What else would I need to make this work? My bong has a stem opening of 3/8" (mm = ?) but there is a glass stem to hold the bowl piece that comes out of the stem hole about 1/2" up from the bong... would the stem adapter for the bong make a good seal here and not interfere with the glass stem/bowl holder? How easy/hard is it to change the whip piece to use with the bong or when I just want to use it the regular way (which will be most of the time).
Sorry for all of the questions but I'd like to know before I order so that everything can be send in one shipment. I want to know how this process works so that I don't waste $$$ on something that maybe I couldn't use on my bong.
Thanks in advance... peace

My glass bong is relatively cheap but does what it's purpose is for. I was curious to know how this set-up works with DBV. Here are some questions... How do you change the end of the whip that usualy is used to inhale straight from the vape to the bong adapter piece that you slide off the bong like a carb to get the vapor inhaled from the bong? I saw there are ice chamber/bong stems that run for around $15 for the SSV... can I use this one for DBV? What else would I need to make this work? My bong has a stem opening of 3/8" (mm = ?) but there is a glass stem to hold the bowl piece that comes out of the stem hole about 1/2" up from the bong... would the stem adapter for the bong make a good seal here and not interfere with the glass stem/bowl holder? How easy/hard is it to change the whip piece to use with the bong or when I just want to use it the regular way (which will be most of the time).
Sorry for all of the questions but I'd like to know before I order so that everything can be send in one shipment. I want to know how this process works so that I don't waste $$$ on something that maybe I couldn't use on my bong.
Thanks in advance... peace