I don't know to be honest. Try emailing them?Is glassblowers direct too still active? I clicked on the link in the original thread you posted.
I get their main page but cannot enter.
This seems to have gotten a lot of positive feedback. It is also an easy change to make on a design Steven already has. I understand many of you would be using it with a whip but I feel like it should come with a mouthpiece too. What would you guys like for the mouthpiece? And should that joint be 14mm or 18mm
18mm joint and a long tall bent almost 90deg. mp.
Agreed, I think a showerhead would be better, one with fairly big slits to preserve flavourwell do we really need a matrix perc?
I agree with this. Who do you guys think makes the best one? Post some pictures.Agreed, I think showerhead would be better, one with fairly big slits to preserve flavour![]()
Looks like a cool idea. A hookah style bubbler would be interesting.My latest rendition. Made the can a little bit taller to minimize the amount of water going into the whip / mouthpiece joint. And I increased the size of the mouthpiece joint so that it matches the one on the top (both 18mm female).
I'm almost kinda excited about this piece. Could it be possible we can get somebody to start producing these? Hate to get my hopes up, but I'd love one!
That perc looks really nice. Any water test vids of it?How about a downward slitted donut perc? Like this one from aifeng0603. Flame polished would be a plus.
Maybe like the one I showed minus a few slits.I think we need to consider far less diffusion in general with these pieces, considering at least most of us are vaporizing.
Makes you wonder if they advertise that piece as US made, are their dabuccinos the real deal for $765.00? I also see some of Kathy's pieces with a huuuuge mark up.
I do like the idea of having a removeable 26mm/18mm downstem like that, although I feel like china vendors amp up the price of 26mm downstem pieces like that because of their limited demand.The illadelph disc perc bubbler would be a good model, and maybe the joint for a removable downstem would be easier to do well than Dewar seals? @ataxian's idea of a downward male joint is smart since tubing would still work but also j-hooks and ash catchers.
Yes. Say max. 4 slits.Heres a link to the piece with that Perc.
Maybe like the one I showed minus a few slits.
The major deciding factor is slits vs holes (and their placement- for example my ogc recycler has all 3 holes facing away from the uptake tube for a better chug- although this is hard to replicate), how large the holes are, closed vs open downstem, and placement/size of the chamber. These are all the biggest factors in the many tubes that I've tried (and I've water tested very many/dabbed, both ranging low to high end). Obviously different percs have different pulls but you can mostly relate some to others, for example the pyroglyphics plinko doesn't feel like a incycler as much as it feels like a mini circ to fab that varies wildly based on individual models.(for these you have to test in store, talking even to managers they say its a love / hate thing with each individual plinko)Something to keep in mind is that diffusion isn't only for cooling/cleaning the smoke tho. More, smaller bubbles gives a smoother more purring bubbling action, vs fewer big bubbles.
I really doubt that with most pieces people could tell the flavor difference in a blind test. Obviously with some of the very percolated ones vs the super simple ones, but a matrix vs that donut perc, I doubt it.