Health effects of niobium
Niobium and its compounds may be toxic (niobium dust causes eye and skin irritation) , but there are no reports of human being poisoned by it. Apart from measuring its concentration, no research on niobium in humans has been undertaken.
Niobium, when inhaled, is retained mainly in the lungs, and secondarily in bones. It interferes with calcium as an activator of enzyme systems. In laboratory animals, inhalation of niobium nitride and/or pentoxide leads to scarring of the lungs at exposure levels of 40 mg/m3.
It must be placed in a protective atmosphere when processed at even moderate temperatures because it tends to react with oxygen, carbon, the halogens, nitrogen, and sulfur. The metal is inert to acids, even to aqua regia at room temperatures, but is attacked by hot, concentrated acids, and expecially by alkalis and oxidizing agents.
No research? I'll pass thanks!
I can understand your fears ,although I find them to be somewhat unjustified .
Extended research has been done on mice . Alamos National Labs/References/9125.PDF
Some concerns are aroused regarding Niobium ,but it regards :,_Niobium,_and_Aluminum_Levels_After.6.aspx
Handling and using Niobium though,
in the form of VC stems ,does not pose any real health risks : health effects&f=false health effects&f=false metallic niobium has a low order of toxicity due to poor absorption from
stomach and intestines.
Moreover ,there are plenty of peolple that have Niobium constantly inside their mouth
and/or possibly to other " sensitive areas ":
Fine Niobium dust particles ( as also dust particles of most materials ) are of some concern ,mainly about lung deposition ,but it applies only for miners of Niobium containing minerals and metal-workers working with Niobium (including myself ) and after a prolonged period of exposure to metallic Niobium dust or Niobium containing mineral dust .
Niobium is hypoallergic and belongs to semi-precious metals .
Beyond the fact that Niobium is considered as safe as Titanium* is ,
for those of you that still are not feeling totally safe with Nb ,
there's always Ti available .
Here's a nice list of MSDS files ,regarding quite a few of materials :
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