I'm back all! Took a mini vacation to visit family back home for my birthday weekend. Soo much to catch up on!
Be advised that you may not have the final screen size RBT now uses, I think you got your production Zion before he made the final change... If Ratchett has the stem though he'll be able to find a size that works well I imagine regardless though. Great idea!
Yeah, I'm glad you're on it,
@Shit Snacks . The stem and basket came from my production Zion, but even that was pretty early on. Please don't let him run with something from me that isn't accurate!
@Shit Snacks for the info. I was meaning to PM you about that - do you know about the Milaana? Does it use the same size as the Zion?
--edit-- - just realized I did pm you before I left, didn't see that reply before posting, lol
I'd be happy to send you some of my prototype screens from both the BP380 press (v1) and the new press so you can test fit those baskets in various vapes.
I've been told that my BP380 basket screens are compatible with the Underdog and HeatIsland vaporizers, as well as 14mm GonGs
Got another honeycomb organizer and these things are perfect..I also ordered the elb funnel which is amazing! And of course the mighty v2 song which is great but my prize out of this haul and I think the most practical,thing on earth is the DOOB TOOB FUNNEL!! Holy shit it's amazing!! So simple but what I've needed now I need a supreme3 funnel!!

Hell yeah dude. I love my Doob Tube funnel! Makes life so much easier to dump herb from my grinder directly into the tube before I'm running out the door on another day-trip excursion with my wife.
Here's a quick demo vid of
@Ratchett's screen press.
I just knocked out about 50 baskets while I watched a soccer game. I'm set for a while now.
Thanks, Ratchett!
Dude! That's awesome! Would you mind me linking to that video from my store (on the basket screen product page)
@Ratchett such a great, simple idea! Keep up the great brain storming brother! Do you have an estimated timetable of when this is compatible with RBT stems?

I've got millions of ideas in addition to the thousands suggested by the great members of this forum. Problem is finding the time to invent all of them and still pay the bills. So I'm trying to focus on the more popular (or easier) inventions first
Regarding the new Basket press for the RBT stems, I'm not certain, but I'm estimating I'll have at least a prototype built before the end of the month - shouldn't be too hard for my machinist friend - all he has to do is bore out a bit more from the steel collar and increase the piston size if necessary (may not be).
Hell he might be able to turn around a prototype within a week for me. I need to touch base with him this week so he can start working on this new press
I've found an old-fashioned glass dropper, that has become my favorite now..!
Lmfao, that's awesome dude! I love seeing all the creative ways my SonG adapters can be used. These adapters are a BITCH to manufacture, so it's rewarding to see them put to good use.
Got a few new product announcements coming up soon. Need to catch up on outstanding orders first, but lots of exciting new accessories to be anounced this month