Could you be happy with just one vape (and which is it)?

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
Hey all,

VAS is real, I have it, you have it, we all see a device that is beautiful, or has a unique heating mechanism, or a different grade of material we like, and we just gotta have it! But let's play a game, if you could only keep ONE vaporizer to use for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I currently have the following vapes:
Sticky Brick Runt
Sticky Brick Flip
Evolv Cricket
Timber Elite
Multiple Dynavaps
HR Fury 2

Out of these, I would most likely keep the Sticky Brick Flip. Here's my reasoning:
The Flip Brick is both the most versatile vape out of that list and the simplest to maintain. It's compact enough to be portable, and strong enough to hit me hard at home. The 14mm/18mm stems mean I can use them with a wide variety of stems and water pieces easily, and the only accessories I need to maintain are the glass joints and heat intake, the screen, and O-rings. The Runt is, I think, the better all in one unit but lacks the versatility of the Flip.

My home is not conducive to a desktop plug in vape, so that's out of the equation for me. Plus if I did only have one vape, I'd want one I could take out of the house as well.

How about y'all?

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.

Start here. At least one of these threads every 6 months.

Grass Yes

Staff member
I do like these threads, but I was also going to share those ones above. 😃

Although the nice thing about them coming up every couple of months is that I get to see how preferences change.

I agree with your reasoning that if you have only one vape, you might want portable flexibility. So that would probably keep with the Tinymight. It's my least fidgety, most flexible portable.

That being said, I use my desktops waaaay more. And I would be unhappy to give up most of my vapes as they pretty much serve a different purpose and each provide a unique experience.

A question I have is, what would be your only glass piece of you could only keep one? Mine would probably be the CC Prophet. It keeps up with most of my vapes and the flavor is outstanding.
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Well-Known Member
I do like these threads, but I was also going to share those ones above. 😃

Although the nice thing about them coming up every couple of months is that I get to see how preferences change.

I agree with your reasoning that if you have only one vape, you might want portable flexibility. So that would probably keep with with the Tinymight. It's my least fidgety, most flexible portable.

That being said, I use my desktops waaaay more. And I would be unhappy to give up most of my vapes as they pretty much serve a different purpose and each provide a unique experience.

A question I have is, what would be your only glass piece of you could only keep one? Mine would probably be the CC Prophet. It keeps up with most of my vapes and the flavor is outstanding.
Man, that's a tough one! Let's see...Vong and GR 3-piece or TAG hammerhead rig. I have so many vapes and bongs I love, so I will have an entirely different answer next time! Probably the Prophet and Flip!

Edit: the Vertex is also complicating things, as it would be a fine choice: small enough to do good flavor, perc alchemy cools magically, works with everything.

Edit 2: Not sure the Vong would be the one vape that would make me 'happiest' so much as it would be a most practical choice. I'd still be pretty happy though. Even happier if I'd blissfully forgotten all the cool vapes I'd had before the choice! ; )
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Grass Yes

Staff member
Man, that's a tough one! Let's see...Vong and GR 3-piece or TAG hammerhead rig. I have so many vapes and bongs I love, so I will have an entirely different answer next time! Probably the Prophet and Flip!
That hammerhead perc looks cool, but the MP looks uncomfortable. I suspect it is not since you like it through!


Well-Known Member
That hammerhead perc looks cool, but the MP looks uncomfortable. I suspect it is not since you like it through!
To be honest I've never had any problem with it--it's somehow less weird than the flat ones.

It's overall just a great utility piece, comfortable in all aspects, cools well, good flavor, solid, balanced, etc. It feels like an extension of whichever vape you've plugged into it, so torch vapes feel very responsive and are well-placed for vision, etc. Cools well enough for ball vapes. For me it's an easy recommendation for vapes that need that control, or for handheld use.


Well-Known Member
That may be cheating, but if I can take all my accessories, it would be my dynavap, with pre-filled baskets and portable bubbler stem for dry herb. For concentrates, the coil and dry glass stem. And the silver ring for added thermal mass and against lycanthrops. Oh! And obviously the IH for discretion when torching is not advisable.

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
That may be cheating, but if I can take all my accessories, it would be my dynavap, with pre-filled baskets and portable bubbler stem for dry herb. For concentrates, the coil and dry glass stem. And the silver ring for added thermal mass and against lycanthrops. Oh! And obviously the IH for discretion when torching is not advisable.
If I were going to have only one vape for life, you bet I'd be maxing out on accessories!


is this thing on?
For me, it's the Toad. It really opened up for me vaping in public. I also very agree with the vapor signature, it's as good as convection gets. Can very well do microdosing so it checks all marks for me. I'm happy with butane vapes like Vapman or older Dynavaps. Apart from the unregulated, Lamart stuff. The BAKx does it all, but it's so bad ass that I'd consider the others first. ;D
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Unregulated Tendencies
I find these threads a lot less obnoxious that the questions in device threads where the answer is literally two posts above. Chances are most FCers are honeymooning new vapes by the time the question comes up again anyway.

Vapewise, I'm with @passenger. The Toad wins the reach test for my use cases about every damn time. I mix it up with the Lotus because every so often I like a big blast of flavor and effects and because it's fun to play with fire.

Beavis And Butthead Comedy GIF by Paramount+


Well-Known Member
I find these threads a lot less obnoxious that the questions in device threads where the answer is literally two posts above.
That's not as obnoxious as when the answer is 20 pages back and trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, yet asking the question in a new post gets you the "this has already been asked" comments. Apparently we're expected to spend an hour searching back months in the thread, even though the forum search function sucks.
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How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
Yeah, I think I could probably live with just the Anvil. I’d also like to have the Proxy for a concentrates option though. :D
Gotta agree with this. It does pretty much everything, and does it exceedingly well.

The Toad will always be my most favourite, but the reliance on batteries is where I draw the line and choose the Anvil.

Why don’t I like batteries all too much? Cobalt mining.
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