Cory Glass Designs re/incyclers - high function and affordable?


stay true to yourselves
Cory messaged me this morning. After 14 days of having payed him, he replied to my KIK saying that he had received it and started working on it yesterday! It'll be done in a few days apparently.
Im proud of myself for saying 'Hey, I just payed you. Let me know if you received it' and then patiently waiting 2 weeks! It was hard but it felt good to just put it out of my mind and think about other things. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Cory messaged me this morning. After 14 days of having payed him, he replied to my KIK saying that he had received it and started working on it yesterday! It'll be done in a few days apparently.
Im proud of myself for saying 'Hey, I just payed you. Let me know if you received it' and then patiently waiting 2 weeks! It was hard but it felt good to just put it out of my mind and think about other things. :lol:
This thread died fast.. so just wanted to say stooooooked for you piece to come in for you :D and I love your art. fact, anyone reading this should explore his page. Ps you order a recycler? basic or extra worked?
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Well-Known Member
This thread died fast...

Nobody to blame but Cory himself, sorry. I sent him a request for a worked tube with those Wu-Tang millefioris within a few hours after he posted them 3 days ago. I got an answer yesterday thanking me for the kind words about his work and ... nothing else.
That means he read the first sentence I wrote (about how awesome they look) but never made it to the second sentence (where I ask about the tube and what kind of price I'd have to expect).
I love the glass I got from him but communication is just between nonexistant and awful at this point (in contrast to my first contact with him).


Authorized Buyer
Lol maybe that was his way of declining the job? :lol:

At least he declined BEFORE getting payment from you, @Herr_Dampf . Apparently, there is some learning going on.

I looked at his web site, which no longer exists. But the domain name is for sale. Might make an interesting site to provide critique and commentary of his business practices?

The address claimed by CGD in SoCal is owned by a machine shop. Does anyone know what town he really works out of? I just want to get the correct authorities involved, because I'm bored with the whole situation. 2 months, full pre-pay. I sent 7 KIKs in that time, only one was acknowledged (with the same thanks @Herr_Dampf got) for my 'patience'. How else can I appear when my messages are ignored?:hmm::bang:

When Wu-tang said protect ya neck, they may have been thinking of potential customers of this blower.

Edit: I'm not feeling the thread title in my case. "High function" implies fuctnion. :rant:
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stay true to yourselves
This thread died fast.. so just wanted to say stooooooked for you piece to come in for you :D and I love your art. fact, anyone reading this should explore his page. Ps you order a recycler? basic or extra worked?
Yeah dude, you know what I'm getting! A serendipity gigaurora recycler with custom mouthpiece :)
and yes everyone should check out the art! Absolutely! Makes me feel like i'm doing something for the people :lol:


Well-Known Member
I kind of like the title of this thread because it ends with a question mark.

Instead of making a statement that Cory recyclers are high function and affordable it is more so asking a question. Cory glass designs? Maybe if you can get him to give you the time of day.

It is even more funny because the original post was not even CGD.


Well-Known Member
Nobody to blame but Cory himself, sorry. I sent him a request for a worked tube with those Wu-Tang millefioris within a few hours after he posted them 3 days ago. I got an answer yesterday thanking me for the kind words about his work and ... nothing else.
That means he read the first sentence I wrote (about how awesome they look) but never made it to the second sentence (where I ask about the tube and what kind of price I'd have to expect).
I love the glass I got from him but communication is just between nonexistant and awful at this point (in contrast to my first contact with him).

Its my birthday today. I decided last week as my wifes present to me I would try to get a CGD vape-cycler. I kikd him and he got back to me quickly. The issue im having is the same as yours. I will send him a message and he will respond with something that makes me think he didnt even read the last message, its really tough to know where you stand at any moment in the process. Its not realistic to feel comfortable giving this amount of money to someone you exchange a few confusing txts with, but it is something im willing to do. Its not that this is his problem either hes just doing his thing. The problem is Ive looked around the net for something similar because I like his style and price, but I havent been convinced there is another similar value anywhere. So I have to barrel through and hope we have a better time this week.

EDIT: I actually told him last friday I wanted to get it worked out by today for my birthday because Im buying a custom bed today and need to figure out the money stuff. He got back to me but only to say he didnt know what I wanted it to look like. Even though I sent him a picture of one of his own pieces and said make that with a sturdier base and a longer neck.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Its my birthday today. I decided last week as my wifes present to me I would try to get a CGD vape-cycler. I kikd him and he got back to me quickly. The issue im having is the same as yours. I will send him a message and he will respond with something that makes me think he didnt even read the last message, its really tough to know where you stand at any moment in the process. Its not realistic to feel comfortable giving this amount of money to someone you exchange a few confusing txts with, but it is something im willing to do. Its not that this is his problem either hes just doing his thing. The problem is Ive looked around the net for something similar because I like his style and price, but I havent been convinced there is another similar value anywhere. So I have to barrel through and hope we have a better time this week.

EDIT: I actually told him last friday I wanted to get it worked out by today for my birthday because Im buying a custom bed today and need to figure out the money stuff. He got back to me but only to say he didnt know what I wanted it to look like. Even though I sent him a picture of one of his own pieces and said make that with a sturdier base and a longer neck.

There are a lot of other glass blowers selling recyclers in the same price range as CGB with much better communication skills (and faster turnaround!). I've got my custom piece on order from another blower. He's already working on my sidecar recycler and I haven't even paid yet! By the time I pay later this week, my piece will probably be halfway done!

(Sorry, not trying to thread hijack - but if Cory can't even read a full email and answer questions from a prospective customer, he doesn't seem to WANT your business). He's already lost my order and I never even tried to contact him. He doesn't deserve my hard earned money, not even if he was the best blower in the whole country.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of other glass blowers selling recyclers in the same price range as CGB with much better communication skills (and faster turnaround!). I've got my custom piece on order from another blower. He's already working on my sidecar recycler and I haven't even paid yet! By the time I pay later this week, my piece should be nearly complete!

(Sorry, not trying to thread hijack - but if Cory can't even read a full email and answer questions from a prospective customer, he doesn't seem to WANT your business). He's already lost my order and I never even tried to contact him. He doesn't deserve my hard earned money, not even if he was the best blower in the whole country.

Any suggestions? maybe pm me? Id love some help here I am new to this custom thing.


Well-Known Member
It's a real shame, especially when I remember my first order with him back in may (had to edit my post about 6 times because he kept sending me pictures WHILE working on the piece etc...).

@Ratchett while I strongly disaprove of Corys current business practices I think you should take this to another thread.
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Well-Known Member
PM @PoopMachine - there isn't an official thread for the blower I'm using yet, but there will be in a few weeks once several pieces have been made and in the hands of several FC members. @BoogerMan also has a piece on order.
Lol i did the second after i read syrupys post. Sorry to hear that syrupy thanks for saving me the trouble.


Well-Known Member
At least he declined BEFORE getting payment from you, @Herr_Dampf . Apparently, there is some learning going on.

I looked at his web site, which no longer exists. But the domain name is for sale. Might make an interesting site to provide critique and commentary of his business practices?

The address claimed by CGD in SoCal is owned by a machine shop. Does anyone know what town he really works out of? I just want to get the correct authorities involved, because I'm bored with the whole situation. 2 months, full pre-pay. I sent 7 KIKs in that time, only one was acknowledged (with the same thanks @Herr_Dampf got) for my 'patience'. How else can I appear when my messages are ignored?:hmm::bang:

When Wu-tang said protect ya neck, they may have been thinking of potential customers of this blower.

Edit: I'm not feeling the thread title in my case. "High function" implies fuctnion. :rant:
Yah that's just straight up illegal, esp with the payment gone through so long ago. fucked man. Even with my good experience, i'm not ordering from him again. wonder what happened that his communication became so (extra ) shit to the point of illegailty. Damn.


Putin is a War Criminal
As far as I can tell, nothing. The only possibility might be if Syrupy or someone who had been waiting a long time asked him for a refund and didn't get it, but I'm not aware of any such request. Of course, ICBW
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