Perfect timing for an update - I just had a nice conversation with Cory last night over Kik. Not even about my piece mostly, just glass in general. Seems like a real cool dude, and he spread some glass knowledge I never would have thought about, how black and white glass are very difficult to work together properly. just thought I should get that out there.
So originally I asked for the uber joint like herr dampfs, but last night Cory asked if I would mind going to a fully colored, hand ground joint that he made for my piece

The answer is of course "hell ya I'm cool with that!"
Then in our convo I told him how cool that marble looks, so he said he would add a few smaller military marbles on it then... I'm sure that's good I just don't know what a military marble is haha
So now it will have a fully worked hand ground joint, and a couple more marbles on it

He keeps saying how he really loves doing this piece and it's coming together great. God damn I'm excited about this one!!!
One quick off topic question(I'll delete this part when I know if it's visible, god damn cracked iPhone screen) - can you guys tell what my avatar pic is? I just found my nicer camera with some grow pics and had to shrink them when I uploaded them. It looks like shit on my iPhone so I can't tell. Sorry for the OT