Hey guys, I've been hitting this new recycler long enough to feel comfortable comparing it to previous recyclers.
I cannot express how fucking impressed I am. Words, nay thoughts..., nay human consciousness fails me in my quest to convey my positive review !! and now for more objectivity rather then subjective flattery
The function is blown perfect, and this is being objective. After you find the right water level there is no drag whatsoever. The recycling motion of the glass produces no air pockets to add drag from the function either. The glass has a great width to it for it's small dab rig stature and it allows great airflow.
The quality of the glass is nice and thick, and the joints are very nicely informed. No glass imperfections at any point that i can see leading to structural integrity loss.
It is an oil rig in it's concept so it's a lot smaller then what big bong people might be used to. However due to the recycling nature of the piece this is a huge positive for Vapes. Instead of losing precious thc sticking to the long neck of a bong tube, the limited area inside allows the milkiest of hits and concentrated punches of flavour, rather then looooong less milky drags on my other giant pieces.
Quick video:

Just look at the fucking diffusion before the recycle. It's not even possible how it keeps the flavour so well but it does. My lion lungs have never been this useful before, even on my other recyclers.