Correlation between vapor tolerance and smoke tolerance?


Well-Known Member
What is it like for you? When I smoke, I get really fucked up from a small amount, but on the other hand, I can vape others under the table!


Technical Skeptical
i think i get less dosh off of smoking but it's more stoney.

so i think it depends where you're trying to get.


Well-Known Member
Its defintely a MUCH different high, one that I honestly dont like as much as that from vapor, but its a more 'fucked up' type of high, where I sometimes get overwhelmed because of my low tolerance.


Technical Skeptical
i'd say that since they are different experiences, that they really aren't comparable.
besides, anything that anyone will contribute will be subjective, so you're mostly going to get responses that deal with preference more than anything.


Well-Known Member
exactly, what is it like for YOU guys? I know how I myself feel about it, lets hear your opinion.


Well-Known Member
I've found that besides overall tolerance, it depends on which one you've done lately or which one you do more frequently. I mostly vape and so when I smoke it'll usually do the trick quite well. By the same token, I was on a road trip smoking only joints for a couple days in a row and when I got home and hit the vape it hit way harder than I ever remember. Anyone else experienced this?


Well-Known Member
yes! after a couple days of mostly smoking, the vapor high does pack quite a punch!


I ffel that the last few times I smoked it did not get me very high......vapor gets me WAY higher


Unconscious Objector
Been vaping daily for about a year, and last night I smoked 1/4 joint and got so high I forgot to vape for the rest of the evening. Woke up feeling like a camel crapped in my mouth.

Subjectively? I get higher from vaping.

Smoking weed when Im on other substances is awesome.

Vaping weed when im sober or as my daily driver is the best however.


Well-Known Member
I feel I have a really high vaping tolerance but my tolerance is mainly to THC and the lower CBDs/CBNs. So when I smoke I get super effected by the bad stuff that the vape never reaches and feel like shit. But Im still not satisfied because I dont ever get enough THC because its all burnt off and shit. So basically fuck combustion. Weed wasn't meant for smoking, nor is ANYTHING!


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
I vape the majority of the time. but occasionally a friend will come over that refuses to use the vape. During these times I will get a tiny bit high from smoking it, but no matter what strain it is, for me the high goes away in about 20 minutes. And as far as vaping goes, I can normally vape someone under the table so to speak, if I choose to without being negatively effected (ie way too high) and my highs last much longer. If I were to go through the day trying to maintain that kind of high with smoke, I feel like I would be smoking non stop.


Technical Skeptical
DevoTheStrange said:
I vape the majority of the time. but occasionally a friend will come over that refuses to use the vape. During these times I will get a tiny bit high from smoking it, but no matter what strain it is, for me the high goes away in about 20 minutes. And as far as vaping goes, I can normally vape someone under the table so to speak, if I choose to without being negatively effected (ie way too high) and my highs last much longer. If I were to go through the day trying to maintain that kind of high with smoke, I feel like I would be smoking non stop.
i feel that this is a result of vaping being a much more efficent extraction method.
even though when i watch many people vape i always see them stop when there's plenty left.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
I find it easier to tell when my body can't get any higher when vaping than I can with smoking.


Well-Known Member
I VERY rarely smoke now a days, im mostly vaporizing.
However, when I smoke, it lasts for quite a while longer then vapor, INCLUDING the burnt out smokey after effects, which I really hate. But the high is so different I feel more intoxicated but in a not so good way.

One more thing I noticed about smoking since I mostly vape, is that if I smoke once during the day, I end up smoking a lot more over the course of the day because I notice when my smoke high ends, I feel extremely irritable. I get angry and shit and just dont feel like myself, I also feel weird from smoking for at least a day after.
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