When I was really young I only got to see my great grandmother, a frail but beautiful indigenous woman at the age of 99, a couple of times. She was the last person in my dad's side of the family to be fluent in our dialect, Purepecha. She sang this song to me the last time I saw her, and a while ago I found it on youtube. All I remember of her are her wrinkles, her clothes, and her voice. I've been chipping away at the language (I have a few books) but it's a bit difficult to learn it, esp. considering it has no real similarities to any languages in North/Central America (some relation to a tribe in SA but only marginally). Listening to this song reminds me of her kindness and the smell of chamomile tea with honey and a little bit of lemon. A few parts of it are in Spanish, but only a few.
Rosa de Castilla, t'u engare xan sesi jaxeka
T'u engare xan p'untsumeka Rosa de Castilla
Tantiarhikuare male parhar no isï pakaran como es Florentina.
Tatsekuare uandakia;
A que jucheti suerte nanimedu isï ukuaristia!
Tantiarhikuare Male parhar no isï pakaran como es Florentina.