Ok, so I've recently become obsessed with downtempo/trip hop. It's low beats per minute are amazing when you're chiefed out. It literally invigorates the soul. Here's some songs that give me the chills.
Morcheeba, simply put, awesome sound, awesome singer, and a very fitting name for this forum
Morcheeba - The Sea :
Morcheeba - Blindfold :
Morcheeba - Big Calm :
RJD2, by far, without a doubt, the most admirable Musician/Sampler I've ever heard in my life. He does mostly instrumental songs and beats for underground rappers who don't rap about guns and thuggery. He is so g'damn amazing. I love this guy and he is a musical genius of highest realm which I have yet to seen touch by any producer. He has the entire range of human emotions in all his discography. If you pick any of these songs I list to listen, to make sure its him.
RJD2 - A Moment of Weakness :
RJD2 - A Son's Cycle(Instrumental) :
RJD2 feat. Copywrite - June :
RJD2 - Smoke & Mirrors :
RJD2 - Here's What's Left :
I can't stress how amazing he is, once you've heard RJD2, you're life is never the same again...
Emancipator , an up-and-coming producer that creates very mellow downtempo that's guaranteed to induce an pure state of euphoria. Very simple, very elegant. Perfect vaping music. His first album he made when he was 19 years old.
Emancipator - Good Knight :
Emancipator - Lionheart :
Emancipator - Greenland :
Emancipator - Bury Them Bones :
Passing up on Emancipator, will guarantee you less peace and serenity in your life.
and last group/artist for this post....
Boards of Canada , a duo from Scotland that cranks out the most surreal tunes I've heard. Their music takes you to a whole other world. Very spacey and very minimalist, but don't let that scare you, it's very listenable. This is the music you want to listen to, if you get sick of Earth and feel like visiting some other planet

, especially if you just got done some heavy vaping. If you think you can handle the journey, give them a listen. Hint: Best listened to with closed eyes.
BoC - Music is Math :
BoC - Dayvan Cowboy :
BoC - Roy G. Biv :
BoC - Peacock Tail :
Hope you all enjoy
Bonus tracks(Wildcards):
One of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful song I've ever heard:
Warpaint - Baby :
I'm a closet hippie, so this is a given...
Phish - Bouncing Around the Room :
Of course this band is the shiznittle, even tho I'm in my 20's, I know good music when I hear it.
The Velvet Underground - Pale Blue Eyes :
Lou Reed + David Bowie with backround vocals = Win
Lou Reed - Satellite of Love :
And you can't be well-rounded unless you're well rounded.....Dubstep makes me dance, dance, dance...
Eskmo - Harmony :