CB loves him some Devo, nah?

To borrow a phrase...crack that whip, baby.
Okay CB, I see you're actually listening to/watching/responding to what people are offering up, and personally I think that's too cool, so I just can't resist linking you to some stuff.
If that's the concept of this thread...I sort of missed it in the beginning. Maybe it's more about sharing/talking about music, but you're the only one doing too much "talking" thus far. Let me help you heft that load, brother

If indeed you have begun a thread that is simply about sharing
any music, and that's just how open minded you are...then kudos, once again, to you my friend. I wish that I could say the same for myself, CB. I wish I could just share and explore music casually. Musically I am so fucking jaded it is barely even funny. Just a
little funny, I guess. It's like freaking pornography...I feel like the dirty musical corners I shuffle around in are always getting further and further away from the mainstream opinion of what's desirable. Constantly grasping backwards at artifacts left in the historical sediment can't be helping the situation either...but that's the point, or one of many rather. Music is spontaneous and imbued with life; cultural "artifacts" in general and the preservation of music specifically are both mundane and terrible (in the good-ish,
awesome sense...like Rilke's angels, if it means anything to anybody else). That's the price of, or maybe the fetish of, recording technologies...you're left always searching for that frozen moment, that diamond, buried in the rough. It's both sublime and futile. To a degree. Hmph.
Anyway, rambling...must stop vaping so hard before posting...riggggght.

The point is that sharing music like this can be great and such a thrill, and I truly do wish it was easier or more casual for me.
Well...Here you are, some fucking links.
This is one of my very best friends. His music is beautiful and is absolutely saturated with ghosts, cooing from their isolation in the musical past. Right now he's one of my favorite listens. Maybe because I love him so much and known what a solid human being he is, but I think the music stands on it's own as well. Anyone happening to read this should feel invited to take a peek, and if you like what you see...pass it around.
I suggest that you check out that page, because it has a lot of tracks off his album up for a free listen. Chuck is not just making music because he's very good at it; he's very good at it because he believes in it...in the transformative, reflective, connective power of music. That's why he's making music...to share it. So I hope I'm doing him justice in sharing it too... However, if you'd rather just check out something all casual like, here's a live performance culled from You-Tube:
As for stuff that is
not me shamelessly promoting a loved one....uhhhh, how about some Stereolab? I know I've already brought that one up on this thread, but they really are among my most treasured indulgences... Tasty, tasty, tasty stuff.
Ping Pong -
Brakhage -
Fluorescences -
Caetano Veloso? Beautiful, honest, mesmerizing Portuguese poetry.
Sozinho -
Irene -
Sergio Mendes (in his many projects...but in this case, Brasil '66). Unbelievably catchy Tropiclia. Enough said.
Mas Que Nada -
The United States of America. Freaky, spaced out psychedelic rock, of the "underground" variety. If you think they sound like Jefferson Airplane, it's probably not a coincidence...more popular groups often make themselves on the backs of flash in the pan brilliance such as this.
The Garden of Earthly Delights -
Ennio Morricone. Morricone + Mina =
Se Telefonando -
Minnie Riperton. If you can find a silkier, more supple voice, I'd love to hear it. Really. In this context, she was one of the very best. Backed here by some very funky gentlemen, as well.
Baby, This Love I Have -
David Axelrod. The father of the break-beat. Ummmmmm, maybe not. He sure did do it with class though. Great producer, and a fantastic songwriter.
The Smile -
Good ol' Aphex Twin. Doesn't get too much creepier, or too much more blissful. It depends on the moment you're tuning into, I suppose. Two great examples of his "variety":
Avril 14th -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBFXJw7n-fU - a shadowy, sulking minimalist piece for prepared piano
4 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5EGUPP0uN0 - Aphex's own brand of ultra-melodic, ultra-syncopated (if that even has any merit when you're talking DnB) drum n' bass. This guy doesn't just program music, like many "digital" musicians; he writes his own freaking software and then uses it to program his own music...because most software simply can't do what he wants it to. Not so much anymore, but he's been around for a while... The number of tracks in any one song is more than I'd like to think about... Once he put sandpaper in a blender, live, and pressed "go". Yes, this man is a crazy asshole. His music, however...
Bill Evans. Simply one of my favorite musicians...I won't say ever, as I'm not done living yet. To date however, he's truly one of my "heroes" (piano is my instrument as well, so that surely has something to do with it...)
Emily -
How Deep Is the Ocean -
And, just so y'all don't think I'm too square...here's some Bebu Silvetti. Straight up booty shakin' disco.
Spring Rain -
And I just realized I have to be up in less than three hours. Whoops. I could keep on playing this game all night, if only You-Tube were more co-operative...I miss the days of mixed tapes, fuck this hyper-linking hooey.