Well i refer to the rubber for the part where the cable enters the vaporizer.It should protect your cord gettin cut by the sharp aluminium. Which happenEd after about month of usage on mine. The thing under the heater cover appears to be high temp silicone ,but it is safe within the 220 C ,this vape gets way hotter than this down there. Also there is a shiny round mirror like circle under the heater that separates it from the electronics. Please look at corner and you will see that they used some kind of silicon glue.
I am not defending the 7th floor vapes,i am not their fan either.. but there is no such thing on the LSV and the part where cable enters is far more safe.. than the rubber which rips of easily with bong usage. And i was just saying that if you can get the real product for 130 $which has 1-2 years warranty and better smell IMO and cord connection than paying 100$ for a Coney pop.. (pricing which i saw in the links posted above. )
I will try to add some photos shortly

So lets explain by the pictures.
Picture one.
Please look at the place where the cable joins the vape and you will see that on yours there is a rubber grommet like those on those old slider bongs. but tinier in size.It doesnt prevent the cable from getting pulled right out, it gives enough restriction but u can still pull it out and see the colored wires.. Anyway this is not a problem cause it doesnt pulls out that easily and there is some more cable inside which goes out before that happens.I used to tuck back mine in when it goes out a bit. After one month of mostly vertical use the sharp aluminium edge cut the ring in two ,so the cable became loose.. I tuck it in inside but it pulls out easily and u can see that all this could be prevented if the cable was tied on the other side of the hole. One day this sharp edge will just cut trough the cable with the grommet absent/or a fix,and electrocution may occur.
Picture two.
By silicone glue i mean the outer bigger white circle. The one under the heating element might be high temp silicone as mentioned those are safe till 220C
Another thing to say is that mine is not the Coney Pop but the Galaxy Fuzion edition, there might be differences between both models who knows...
Anyway have fun with yours,i just though i should share my concerns with you,not trying to scare anyone away from good deal,
I might post my mod with the 14mm reducer and the test tube bowl if you like.. it get closer to the log vape experience which for me is the best vaporizing experience that can happen to somebody

.I personally dont like these type of vapes (LSV/DBV/VB/BOX vapes) cause you have a red ht heating element in the airpath in order to get 200-250 C of vaporizing temperature.. IMO the quality of air coming out of a log vape is far better because it manages to get same temps with far less extreme heat from the heating element ,but that is already an off topic.
Another thing i want to mention is that i am not a purist freak... i breath in on my fair share of portable chinese vapes.. which have duct toilet paper and got knows what more around the heater

. and they for sure would make me way sicker than the Pop Vapor did,if i used them for two months straight as a daily driver. It is the dosage that makes it poison. I mentioned 7th floor products cause i have used DBV for 3 years as a mainly driver without any ill effects.. paid its worth 3 times in replacement glass and later realized that it was eating me a tons of herb compared to a log vape to get the same effect less pleasurable overall vaping experience

I am here only to share my experience and concerns i am sorry if it appeared that i am neglecting your experience and opinion on the subject.

) I think you are a bit confused about me. I am not trying to prevent anyone from a good deal. But after hearing the praise that this vape is second best to the EVO, and it puts the e-nano to shame...

Well there's a ton of people here who will disagree with those statements. Also using this vape for two months straight delivered me a sore throat most of the times + left me with weird chest pain which i can attribute to using it,i monitor my health and life events really closely.
As mentioned i have used the DBV for 3 years without any ill effects.. have seen the build quality and experience the performance of the LSV,which also has 1 or 2 years warranty and thats why i recommend it over a 100$ pop vapor without warranty.Also some of those lower prized links are from Europe and alibaba sources are usually in China.. if you plan to order from outside USA you will have to suffer longer delivery time and customs control. I am located in the EU and paid just 50euro for mine delivered.
You might agree or disagree with my opinion but i only speak from experience, and i am sure that after some time,if more user reviews show up you will see that other people will share my concerns too.. I've might not have been here around recently but i have been here long enough and i know the FC crowd well enough to be sure of that,which is the main reason for my post.
Well as mentioned in my previous post. We both agree that 100+ for this technology is too much. I would never buy a DBV again even as low as 80$ which is how much i paid for it second hand to a forum user AFAIR).

Being a fan of obscure and obsolete vapes

this one reminded me of another vape which is not exactly an LSV clone but it is called the LCV and has the worst demo video on the PLANET

Please humor yourself with this one
