Well-Known Member
I will defer to my friend from CollieforniaI have no experience with nails.
As for 'pens', almost all the traditional pens that use the 'standard' cartridges are hot, harsh and horrible IMO.
@arthritisbites , I started off with an eVic VTwo Mini MOD (basically controller with battery and electronics in a package about the size of a giant pack of gum. It holds 1 18650 battery (standard for lithium ion batteries, varying charge densities), which you can charge in the unit with a usb cable, or charge outside the unit in a real battery charger.
There is a broad selection of atomizers out there to select from, but my experience is with the stuff from @divinetribe , I use his 10mm ceramic donut v3 atomizer (the v3.5 should be out any day, and replaces screws to secure the the base with some big silicone o-rings, nice!).
I also have the Quartz Quest atomizer, which is newer and pretty damn cool, but not the place to start I think. Both the v3, v3.5 and QQ are 'single session' vapes, paint the donut with concentrate, and you can get a number of good pulls, before you apply more. So not exactly discrete for outside the house, but eminently portable and functional for inside the house.
I have a variety of tanks from @Vape Donkey 650 (he builds some amazing tanks using 7mm Divine Tribe ceramic donuts, it's incredibly tight intricate work!), which I'm in the process of upgrading.
I've used the combo of the VTwin and the Vape Donkey tank and taken that with me to gatherings, then excused myself to go outside and vape a bit. I doubt anyone would look twice at it, it looks like so many other e-cigarette rigs with tanks. I always keep the unit with me, NEVER EVER leave one in a hot car.
Also, pay attention to the plastic sleeve on each battery, any rips or tears, DO NOT USE THAT BATTERY, you can order 're-sleeving' tubing online, re-sleeve it, use a hair dryer to shrink the new sleeve tight.
The integrity of the battery is critical, if it's been dented or distorted in any way, dispose of it with hazardous waste according to their protocols so no fires are started (these batteries pack a wallop!).
I recently bought an eLeaf Invoke 220W MOD that holds 2 18650 batteries for both the Quartz Quest and for my newer tank units, 'cause they are both a bit battery hungry (I ain't complainin', they perform great).
The Invoke is slightly larger than the VTwo, but both fit in my palm and are mostly obscured if I wrap my fingers around them, the only thing showing being the atomizer or tank.
I vape a lot of CO2 oils, Live Resin, Live Rosin and some sauces, along with the occasional shatter, butter, etc. For flower, I pull out my trusty Herbalaire Elite (H.O.) desktop unit with pump and glass beaker bong.
Awesome, thank you so so much, the information is appreciated!! Really wish I knew someone who had a set up that I can try, I’m really nervous to invest several hundred dollars into something that I don’t know if I’ll like…But, nothing ventured, nothing gained I guess!