I have done much research (ie. read forums like this and press releases) before deciding to take some concentrates on my domestic flight out of SFO. I figured Id just post my experience here, to help any other people that are are in my old shoes.
Preliminary research: It is painfully obvious that the TSA does not look for drugs; especially personal stashes (of course large scale smuggling is completely different). They openly say it; their goal is to secure the skies of danger (not drugs); and their budget is not enough for them to consider looking for drugs. All signs tell you that they don't care. But, I have read many cases of people getting caught by them. This usually happens because the person has it on their person and goes through a body scanner, because they have very conspicuous-looking things in their bag (syringes, etc) or because they have an unrelated security concern in their bag that causes it to be searched (say a water bottle) and the TSA happens to find the drugs. In any case, if you are found with drugs the TSA will hand you over to local police; NOT federal authorities. This is great news for SFO and OAK (even SJC to some extent) since SFPD and Oakland PD handle their respective airports, and both the PD's dont give a rats ass about weed. Even with concentrates (which you technically can be arrested for), I wasnt too worried about my consequences if caught. Dont take this as law - there could be an asshole local PD officer on duty at the time - but in general they dont care.
I have flown out of SFO many times, and was planning on carrying some hash with me. Put it in a plastic baggie and tossed it in my carry on luggage. Looked like a little bag of chopped up granola. It smelled if you put your face near the bag; but keep in mind this is SF. The people working in the airport need only walk 2 blocks in any direction in SF/Oakland/Berkeley and theyll get a whif of weed. So not too concerned about the smell, or TSA being concerned about it. It would be more conspicuous to vacuum seal it or use 4-5 baggies.
I was flying domestic, but after getting to the airport I found my flight is out of an international terminal. Ive flown out of the international terminal 5-6 times; never seemed any different than the domestic. Still, I was a little concerned but then thought about it: If I were an officer I wouldnt waste time/money using a dog or extra searches on departing flights looking for drugs. Why would I care if someone was taking drugs out of my country? Id use the dogs on incoming luggage and incoming passengers (at customs). So I decided to just meander through security normally.
I DID make sure many times over that there was nothing in my bag that would trigger security to search it - even things I normally take like deodorant or a bar of soap. That is the key. So a lot of it really comes down to blending in and not causing any disturbances, easy if you fly often.