Can someone explain something to me, cuz 49592@583&29 hours of YouTubing a night still hasn’t found the answer. I guess they miss bits out to keep things secret I dunno.
Why can we not make a vapable distillate at home with terpenes in tact? But more importantly, how does the lab method end up with honey consistency vapable liquid, while all homemade ends up as shatter?
So we have one or two main videos made by the labs themselves showing, albeit rather vaguely, the process.
1) For some reason it starts with co2 extraction. Now this is the part I believe the terpenes are sent to oblivion amirite? K so first question is, why not use winterized QWET instead?
2) Secondly, having taken the co2 gunk and winterised it using alcohol, they use distilling as their “purge” method, and we get a honey consistency fluid. After that they say there’s further tinkering but they don’t show anymore, however the liquid at that point in itself should be vapable amirite??
3) So then we come to homemade. Everyone uses QWET/QWISO/QWHATEVER and dewaxes the same way as the labs. At this point I don’t see how the difference tween homemade QWET and CO2 gunk is going to make a difference to the final consistency amirite??
4) After the dewax/winterising, it’s time to get rid of the alchy. Lab uses distillation, home uses evaporation. So is THIS the part that makes the massive difference in turnout? If so how? Simply removing the alcohol from the rest is leaving a solid mass at home, but yet a nice oil thru distill. How? Literally not one word on the entire of the internet about this, unless I’m the worst researcher ever.
5) There’s a homemade vid of some guys distilling a mass of, don’t even know what it is, they just call it a “patty”, how it’s been initially extracted I’ve no clue, but surely it’s not through co2 or butane cuz the distillation goes on to catch terpenes amirite??
6) Now in this it seems 4 jars are collecting stuff and one of them is catching terpenes. Surrrrrely it’s gotta be way easier (and cheaper?) using this method whereby any terps lost can be almost immediately mixed back into the remaining liquid, rather than having lost them all at co2 point and now have to synthetically readd them later?
7) Can we make vapable LIQUID (not shatter) at home using winterised QWISO by slowly evapping off the alcohol AND IT END UP AN OIL, and still be tasty with no extra terps needing to be added?
Edit: actually going by this video u don’t even need to dewax first and plenty of terps are left after co2 extraction as it’s all coming out in the distill?? Aaarrrrggghh so much contradicting info out there !!!