Downward spiral
Directions unclear
penis stuck in coil
penis stuck in coil

If you have to ask...where does the penis go?
Thats the nogoo tool posted that your talking about working for the SR71? Glad to hear it works and fits in the chamber.Its not really that bulky or clumsy. Comparable in size to my cosmic whatever dabber i got from vitolo. The good thing about these is that they dont stick to the tool. So as long as you get the oil you want on there all you need to do is touch it to something it will stick to like the coil or rod in the hercules. No heat needed and no leftovers on the tool. If your not careful or delicate it will get on the sides and become quite messy.
where does the penis go?
you may have the wrong forum unless your looking to be branded via highly educated.
Bought one for that. Sucks.Thats the nogoo tool posted that your talking about working for the SR71? Glad to hear it works and fits in the chamber.
I like the cosmic oneI'm looking to get another ball tip dabber. Anyone try the Santa Cruz dab tools?
I have their shredder and it's dope but have never tried anything else.
I'm looking to get another ball tip dabber. Anyone try the Santa Cruz dab tools?
I have their shredder and it's dope but have never tried anything else.
Thats too funny ,you beat me to it!!!These are cool too:
those are pricey but I love all the happy daddy dabbers. They are handmade with hammers and shit, and they look like it. The more regular style dabbers are very reasonable if you buy direct:
get your Teflon coated tools here!
check out the "burnisher" for a quarter inch tip, or this for a needle-like awl tool:
Just got around to ordering a set of these teflon wax sculpting tools as well as a pair of teflon coated tweezers. Ill update with a review when I get them.
I should also note that these are NOT for dabbing. According to DuPont, Teflon coatings start to break down at 500°F and starts to burn/off-gas at about 650°F.
I dont really care seeing as how I dont even own a nail. I just want tools to handle my concentrates with and to help load my Sr71 and KISS carts. Hopefully it will work as I imagine unlike that Nogoo tool.
I have the Nogoo tool.
The silicone on the scoop side split open pretty shortly after getting it (looking at amazon reviews and this seems to happen a lot) making that side useless. The blunt side is intact but isnt good for getting stuff out of my containers or off the silicone mat. Plus concentrates seem to stick tothe silicone on the tool pretty readily. It's really odd since the same stuff doesnt stick to my Oilslick pad or my Slickball containers... not really all that great considering the silicone covers on the ends pull off quite easily.
Only use I've found for it is pushing little chunks of shatter down onto the Hercules oil coil if it gets stuck on the chamber wall on the way down.
The guy at the hydro store said that anything that requires a battery is lame.It's the shit! This one is custom made by a buddy of a buddy, this one is a self calibrating prototype.
And for sticky stuff I use this. Not the top (pointy)but the bottom. Scoop up the sticky and place the bottom rounded part onto your nail and the heat will go right through the tool and evap the sticky icky.
Did you show him a picture of your persei/battery box after that?The guy at the hydro store said that anything that requires a battery is lame.
He say's that DABBING is his daily method.
Cheap and powerful.
I wonder sometimes do we make it more complicated than it needs to be?
His wax was blonde and honeycomb crumbled!