(zombie) Woof.
Oh, I see... sorry for not reading back more closely.We have been talking about whether new empty carts should or can be cleaned before using. I have always tended to clean anything I was going to breath through before using it as long as it is possible and not detrimental to the product. Many products, especially those machined, may have residue or machine oil from the building process and that is likely not healthy to ingest.
These came prefilled with live resin, do you take these apart (the mp and such), as well, and clean, or only if you buy them empty?
I've never seen these "all ceramic" carts available empty... though I did buy a bunch of CCells (TH-??) 1gm an 0.5gm carts years ago and filled them (without cleaning the atomizers) a couple of times each and they never clogged, hit fine and tasted ok...
I think many people get shitty carts filled with shitty product ('hotdog water' anyone?) and then think ALL carts suck and taste bad...
About as smart as saying ALL flower vapes suck and taste bad.... on a cannabis VAPING forum, no less... derp.
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