Complete noob to vapes what's most similar to smoking feel ?


New Member
Only tried pax 11 and volcano before and didn't really do it for me, trying to quit smoking tobacco joints looking for a vape which gives
more of a smoking feel and suitable for melty hash an bud any ideas appreciated ?


Well-Known Member
How much do you want to spend? The TM2 is great because it's incredibly fast and can hit hard. Using it with dosing capsules replicates the joint feeling better in my experience because the hits seem more concentrated.

I also love the butane heated glass vapes from TRRW like his Terpcicle and Quartz Caps. Much cheaper than a TM2 but they can hit a lot harder, hold more weed and the flavor is incredible. There's a bit of a learning curve to heating it with the butane lighter but once you get it down it's honestly one of the best vaping experiences you'll ever have.


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Company Rep
trying to quit smoking tobacco joints looking for a vape which gives
more of a smoking feel and suitable for melty hash an bud any ideas appreciated ?
A Dynavap with an induction heater is my go-to when I want that joint-like experience, a close second for me is a XVAPE WPA (the glass is about the diameter of a 2 paper) on a Roffu using a stainless steel oven with dosing caps, I can blow vapor rings with mouth pulls once things heat up. I use the Roffu a lot more as it is so much easier to live with using pre-loaded caps and no IH...but it is not good with hash like the Dynavap is.:tup:


Well-Known Member
Only tried pax 11 and volcano before and didn't really do it for me, trying to quit smoking tobacco joints looking for a vape which gives
more of a smoking feel and suitable for melty hash an bud any ideas appreciated ?

I was in the same situation like you. My journey was long and I bought a lot of vapes until I found the right ones for me.
You are looking for a vape "that gives more of a smoking feel". Do you mean a vape where the effects are closer to smoking or do you mean the ritual with the vape has to be closer to smoking, like holding and puffing on a Dynavap?

A Dynavap is close to both but the small bowl wasn't enough for my likes. The Mighty was one step in the right direction but since I bought a TM, TM2 or a Venty for mobile use I will never look back to smoking. If you are a bong user too and like the stronger hits I would take a look at a ball vape for home use.


New Member
Are you looking for something portable or for home use? Are you fine with a manual vape and torch? Would a more economical vape suit you at this time or do you have an eye for something artisan?
something portable don't mind spending some money but I don't know how much differrence there is ? between economical + artisan quality ?

I was in the same situation like you. My journey was long and I bought a lot of vapes until I found the right ones for me.
You are looking for a vape "that gives more of a smoking feel". Do you mean a vape where the effects are closer to smoking or do you mean the ritual with the vape has to be closer to smoking, like holding and puffing on a Dynavap?

A Dynavap is close to both but the small bowl wasn't enough for my likes. The Mighty was one step in the right direction but since I bought a TM, TM2 or a Venty for mobile use I will never look back to smoking. If you are a bong user too and like the stronger hits I would take a look at a ball vape for home use.
cheers, yes the TM seems popular can this or the dynavap be used for hash ? and yeah looking for effect closer to smoking feel

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
cheers, yes the TM seems popular can this or the dynavap be used for hash ?

Not natively you'd have to rig it up, there are people that do so with that or others like the Solo 3 now, Pax and volcano are antiquated, but nothing will be like smoking a spliff for you really... (Thermal Accumulator better than Dynavap, artisan style can be harder to get, just different than mass produced, but there's all different types and everywhere in between, BAK and vapman are hash kings)


New Member
Not natively you'd have to rig it up, there are people that do so with that or others like the Solo 3 now, Pax and volcano are antiquated, but nothing will be like smoking a spliff for you really... (Thermal Accumulator better than Dynavap, artisan style can be harder to get, just different than mass produced, but there's all different types and everywhere in between, BAK and vapman are hash kings)
thanks dude appreciate advice , thats what i was hoping that vapes had improved in recent years since my limited experience, will lookup BAK + vapman, one of the things put me off the pax is had to put a lot of bud in each time ok if you sharing i guess


Well-Known Member
cheers, yes the TM seems popular can this or the dynavap be used for hash ? and yeah looking for effect closer to smoking feel
You can use both for hash but you will need some accessories like capsules, vape wool, DynaCoil or something like that.
As Shit Snacks mentioned vapman is fantastic for hash but has a little bowl, so with weed you don't get effects like you were smoking a joint.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
one of the things put me off the pax is had to put a lot of bud in each time ok if you sharing i guess

Yeah so that is simple basic technology of session conduction, that one is inefficient old, underpowered etc. A lot of these other ones mentioned have convection that is potentially on demand like with TM, you can have on demand conduction to like with VM so there is a wide range and these are also more powerful (volcano has the power and large bowl, convection but a pump that does it for you, other ones have some technique involved because you inhaling is creating the vapor so it's not like puffing on a joint at all really) some of the artisans are not easy to get or very cheap and have their own quirks but can be well worth it, however the solo is more like the pax just more pure and versatile and now with more power etc. but yeah still won't feel like smoking especially not tobacco mix, so many different options
Shit Snacks,
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Radwin Bodnic

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Accessory Maker
As Shit Snacks mentioned vapman is fantastic for hash but has a little bowl, so with weed you don't get effects like you were smoking a joint.
The Vapman is very efficient with flower. No other vape gets me that high with such a small amount.

But I agree that it's fantastic for hash. Last night I've had a half bowl (with the sieve) of very good hash (blonde, sticky and foamy dry sift). And I couldn't even finish it ! The thing just kept producing thick clouds after thick clouds. I was using the glass mouthpiece but regretted not going through a j-hook. I kept the remaining crumbs in the ABV jar, it was far from over.

I admit I've been pretty useless for almost two hours after that...


Well-Known Member
Tinymight2 is your best bet and it is the top selling vape on most online shops and it deserves it.

I have the volcano and mighty+ and the a nooby coil vape also have a Thermal Accumulator and I much prefer the Tinymight2 for its ease of use and strong hits. Also there is a massive thread on here where we all talk about the Tinymight like it is Jesus :)


New Member
Tinymight2 is your best bet and it is the top selling vape on most online shops and it deserves it.

I have the volcano and mighty+ and the a nooby coil vape also have a Thermal Accumulator and I much prefer the Tinymight2 for its ease of use and strong hits. Also there is a massive thread on here where we all talk about the Tinymight like it is Jesus :)
thanks slowly reading thru the threads,so far i'm veering toward the vapman or dynavap with coil for portable use and maybe some ball vape for home baking ;)


Well-Known Member
something portable don't mind spending some money but I don't know how much differrence there is ? between economical + artisan quality ?

cheers, yes the TM seems popular can this or the dynavap be used for hash ? and yeah looking for effect closer to smoking feel
Dynavap M7 or Thermal Accumulator for joint-like; Sticky Brick, Vapor Genie, or Lotus for pipe-like; glass vape, Anvil or Thermal Accumulator for bong-like (in a waterpipe, obviously). Sticky Bricks, TAs, Anvils, glass vapes compare with desktop vapes in terms of power. Anvils, Sticky Bricks, Lotuses, and Dynavaps can all operate with a pocket torch, the others usually require kitchen torches.

Bricks, DVs, glass vapes, TAs are all great for hash (some need wool or an herb bed). I assume the Anvil and Lotus are too.


Well-Known Member
People are usually very quick to recommend the dynavap when quitting smokers ask for a vape. Normally it is because the device carries a bit more conduction, giving it a heftier vapour. It also deals with hash very well.

Problem with this recommendation, is that smokers are used to rolling up and then puffing for 10 minutes. A smoker will usually not find the experience of constantly heating up a small bowl with a flame lighter to take small puffs to be satisfactory in any sense. As a smoker of hash spliffs, the dynavap is a very interesting and well made novelty item, a backup unit for an emergency as it heats up with about any source of heat, but it is not a serious device to satisfy me, the bowl is too small, the need to reheat too frequent, the puffs too small.

The vapman is the best tasting hash device... But that is all it is, a taster. If I am looking to use it to satisfy me, it will take a few bowls, and also too much interaction with heating and reheating.

What you want, in my humble opinion, is a Solo 3. You load it, and it puffs away for a good 5-10 minutes without you needing to pay attention to it, it handles hash very well (use vape wool or cotton), is easy to clean.
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