Comparing MJ usage when vaping, smoking joints and hitting a bong.


Unconscious Objector
Started using MJ on a daily basis Dec/09, although I first tried it in 84 and have used it on and off since then.

When vaping I use 0.3 to 1.0g per day, depending on strength of weed, amount of pain and vaporizer model. The SSV would put me at ~ 1g/day, but if used exclusively about 2g/day. The EQ would run me about 1g/day, and the Launch Box about 0.3-0.5g/day.

When smoking joints (weed only), I would use from 1.0-2.0g A bit more if it was Saturday or Sunday.

Only bought a bong on Easter Sunday (hah, heretic). Picked up 1/4 oz day before. It lasted 7 days, so 1g/day on a bong. First times using the bong, I overloaded it, and found I could not finish the bowl in one go (sorry for being ignorant, but that is the whole purpose of a good high quality bong, no? To allow you to take a single, massive toke while cooling it down and filtering it as much as possible?). Started to lower what I was loading, and tonight I measured out 0.13 g for a rip. At this point, I would hit the bong perhaps 3 times in an evening (0.39g), and maybe 6 times (0.78g/day) on a weekend. I find it very cost effective, but of course, is combustion.



Staff member
Have you tried using your EQ with your bong yet? If not, you should give it a try. I think you'll be happily suprised by the results. You'll be using less herb, and avoiding the dreaded "C" word.

Just replace your glass mouthpiece on your whip and insert another elbow in it's place.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
Cant share specific gram increments just yet, but thats not necessarily the 'purpose' of high quality bongs. not everyone takes snaps(one large hit in one breath=one bowl), but high quality pieces can be artwork to some(even all clear glass) as well as serving a smooth function.

I usually cant finish a joint at once because I have to load so much in there to get a good roll and burn, plus it tears my throat up.

I use much much less vaporizing then any form of smoking, with smoking I usually end up using a similar amount whether its in a joint, pipe, or bong.

vapes to vapes, with my DBV I only used about a half to a third of what I was smoking. switching to a PD, that was cut in half. PD to mflb, the usage is almost the same.

I just dont get a good high from smoking because its so rare that I combust, so its really hard for me to compare it in a way that isnt unfair.

my :2c:, and my apologies if I didnt exactly answer your question.


Well-Known Member
I find I can get by on 1g a week with my SSV and be vaped every night. When I quit smoking, I was going through 7g/month, bonging and that was mostly weekends.

You might want to try packing less in your SSV, similarly to what you did in your bong. And use your bong with your SSV. That's what I do :)
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