Comic Books.


Well-Known Member
I know it is 2024, going on 2025. But we who FC like things right?
Unless I am missing it, (I did not search, nor tried to)
Can I call upon the comic book collectors? Are there any here? Am I buller, buller, buller?
Sup crowd? Make mine Marvel?
Also, DC is welcomed. Batman for sure.


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
I have not collected comics since the early 70's. Mainly loved Marvel titles but did read many DC comics if the covers caught my attention.:tup:

Got rid of my entire collection in 1972. Sure wish I had the whole lot now in retirement. In '72 I was in possession of the first 100 Fantastic Four and

Amazing Spider-Man comics. And yes, that did include Amazing Fantasy #15. :bowdown:

Ah well! The wisdom of 20/20 hindsight. :tup::nod::bang:


Well-Known Member
My love of comics (and “comix”) led to my choice of avatar, cribbed from Dope Comix #2, cover by John Pound, satirizing the infamous Joe Camel from cigarette ads. I also considered Pip the Troll from Jim Starlin’s original Adam Warlock run; Pip had his own little coda issue after The Strange Death of Adam Warlock.

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