So, if you dab a drop of oil on the TI piece, is there residue left behind? I thought the idea behind using a glass nail was that it was easily cleaned? Also, if I have some pressed kief cut into chunks, which would be better to smoke that with, a TI platform, or a nail? This question isn't necessarily posed to you, just looking for some clarification.
There really is a shit ton to learn. I didn't just jump into vaping, I jumped into vaping, concentrates, AND glass. I am getting somewhere however.
that depends on the quality of your oil. the crappier he oil the more residue left behind. most of my oils leave a (oily, greasy looking) stain on the plate after doing a dab, but usually no black left over stuff. the most solid hashes will leave a residue for sure though.
for cleaning the Ti, all you do is heat it up again. simple as that. for the bong or glass, I clean that with iso. I just put it in shake and repeat until clean.
Personally, If i had solid hash I wouldn't do either. I'd smoke that shit in my pipe. (for this reason i don't usually buy or make solid hashes. Oil(were talking much more pure than solid hashes) is just that much superior imo. haha I know that's not the "right" answer, but I have never found anything better for my solid hash. (well hot knives are best, but that's ghetto. lol.) i suppose a nail might be a tad more convenient but really that's too fiddly for my taste. trying to drop it on a nail or rub it on a swing.
it's a super fun journey man if you convert to 100% vapour you will notice a health benefit and you will develop a better weed palate. WELCOME TO FLAVOUR COUNTRY MY FRIEND
when I have more time I am going to look up all your pieces
what vapes have you got and tried yet??? as a guide the ones I have in green are the ones I lied the best or still use today/ on a daily basis.
think of vapes as in 2 tiers... Portables, home vapes cheap/expensive ones.
I think the solo is the best portable vape for me. it hits the hardest, it does it reliably, and i can use it all day.
for home vapes my fave is a toss up, the cloud was amazing! but mine broke. there is a newer version called the cloud evo coming out next month. can't wait to get it. and then there is the sublimator. these are the 2 best imo atm. but this is just one members opinion. you will find lots more than just mine on here