Colorado embarking on largest state-funded study of medical benefits of cannabis


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Posted by CN Staff on June 12, 2014 at 19:43:09 PT
By John Ingold, The Denver Post

Source: Denver Post

Colorado -- More than a decade after voters here first said marijuana could be medicine, Colorado is preparing to embark on the largest state-funded effort to study the medical benefits of cannabis.
Under a bill signed this year by Gov. John Hickenlooper, the state health department will give out about $9 million in grantsin the next five years to researchers for marijuana studies. Most importantly, the research is expected to include clinical trials on the kinds of marijuana products actually being used in Colorado — something that federally funded studies on marijuana have lacked.

mod note: Thread split from Marijuana Miracles
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
It was said early in this thread but it bears repeating: all of the government's efforts (until now) have been dedicated to finding the harms associated with cannabis, with nothing done to discover the benefits.

Another point that shows the dishonesty behind the prohibition is the frequent claim that we don't know enough and more study is needed. If you try to find studies, sure enough it's difficult—if you confine your search to papers published in English. If foreign languages are included, there are about 6000 studies out there documenting all sorts of benefits. The Israelis are particularly active.
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